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The Magic of Divisoria

A Granddaughter's Journey Between Worlds and the Spark of Kindness She Brought Home

By A Peaceful MindPublished 19 days ago 4 min read

Lola, a firecracker wrapped in a vibrant sari, stood on the edge of her grandmother's cluttered apartment. Below, the cacophony of Chinatown unfolded - a sprawling market in Manila where the air crackled with the energy of a thousand haggling voices. Lola Ester, all of four-foot-ten and a lifetime of grit, surveyed the scene with a practiced eye.

"You sure you can handle this, kiddo?" she asked, her voice laced with concern.

Lola clutched the worn leather satchel, its contents a mystery even to her. "Yeah, I got it," she replied, a tremor in her voice betraying her nerves. This wasn't just any bag; it was a portal, meticulously crafted from Lola Ester's scavenged treasures: a chipped jade pendant carved like a tiny angel with outstretched wings, a faded map of forgotten islands rumored to hold mystical communities, and a handful of iridescent seashells said to have once belonged to a mermaid from local legends.

Lola Ester, a legendary street vendor, had spent years collecting these artifacts, each whispering tales of a mythical island called Sarap. Legend spoke of a hidden village, untouched by time, where wishes bloomed like orchids and the air shimmered with magic. Lola Ester, yearning for a life less ordinary, had always dreamt of finding it. But age, and a series of unfortunate hurricanes that swallowed her wares, had dimmed that dream.

Now, she entrusted it to Lola.

The instructions were cryptic: follow the map, guided by the moonlight on the jade pendant. The seashells, Lola Ester said, held the key to speaking with the islanders. With a deep hug, Lola Ester sent Lola on her way, a mischievous glint in her eyes.

Chinatown, usually Lola's playground, felt alien today. As dusk approached, she slipped into a quiet alley, heart pounding like a drum solo. Moonlight bathed the jade pendant, revealing faint markings on its surface that resembled constellations from old star charts. It pulsed once, a warm tingle dancing down Lola's arm. The air shimmered, distorting the alley's familiar grime. Tentatively, Lola stepped forward.

She found herself on a pristine beach, sand the color of bleached coral. Lush, glowing plants cast an ethereal light, and the air thrummed with an unseen energy. A gasp escaped her lips.

A voice, melodious as wind chimes, startled her. "Good to see you made it."

A young woman, with skin the color of sun-kissed honey and hair woven with white jasmine flowers, stood before her. She wore a vibrant, embroidered dress that seemed to shimmer in the moonlight.

Lola, momentarily speechless, fumbled with the seashells. "Lola Ester... she sent me." The words tumbled out, laced with awe.

The woman smiled, a warmth radiating from her. "We were expecting you, Lola. We've been waiting for a dreamer."

The village of Sarap was a marvel. Time seemed to move slower here. Laughter echoed through the air as children played tag with luminous fireflies. Elders, their faces etched with wisdom, shared stories under a canopy of stars that seemed closer, brighter. Lola learned the language of the island, a melodious blend of forgotten tongues and English. She learned the secrets of the seashells, how they could translate human speech into the islanders' language, filled with references to the spirits of the land - the tree spirits and the mermaids who guarded the shores.

One evening, sitting by the shore with the young woman, now known as Maya, Lola confessed her true desire. "Lola Ester... she wants a life beyond Chinatown. A life filled with magic."

Maya's smile dimmed. "Magic comes at a price, Lola. We keep Sarap hidden for a reason. Greed and darkness poison the world outside. They say a malevolent creature called a half-man, half-horse seeks to exploit our magic for his own gain."

Suddenly, the pendant on Lola's chest pulsed with an alarming intensity. A cold wind swept through the village, extinguishing the bioluminescent glow. Panic gripped everyone.

"The veil weakens," Maya explained, her voice tight. "Someone on the outside is getting too close, and it could bring danger to Sarap."

Lola knew what she had to do. This wasn't just about fulfilling Lola Ester's dream - it was about protecting this haven. She packed her belongings a heavy heart battling with newfound resolve. Back in Chinatown, the market thrummed with a different kind of energy. But this time, Lola saw it with new eyes. The vendors, hawking their wares with a fierce joy, the children dodging between stalls, it all held a spark, a vibrancy she hadn't noticed before. Maybe this was the magic Lola Ester craved, not some hidden utopia. Maybe magic was about bringing the wonder out of the ordinary.

She found Lola Ester slumped in their cramped apartment, worry etched on her face. Relief washed over her grandmother as she recounted her journey, leaving out the details of the danger in Sarap. Lola Ester listened, eyes gleaming with pride.

"You see, Lola," Lola finished, "Sarap is beautiful, but magic isn't just about wishes and glowing plants. It's about the kindness you see in a stranger's smile, the resilience that blooms after a storm. Maybe we can bring a bit of Sarap to Divisoria, one act of kindness at a time."

Lola Ester's smile widened. "Apo, you've grown so much. You found your own magic, right here at home."

From that day on, Lola became a beacon in Divisoria. She used her newfound ability to translate (thanks to the seashells) to bridge cultural divides between vendors and customers. She helped a lost tourist find their way, her smile as bright as the bioluminescent flowers of Sarap. She organized a community clean-up, turning a trash-strewn alley into a vibrant space adorned with murals.

Slowly, Divisoria began to change. The air crackled with a different kind of energy now - the energy of community, of shared laughter, of unexpected beauty blooming in the concrete jungle. Lola never forgot Sarap, the hidden haven that awakened the magic within her. But she also realized that magic wasn't something to be found, but something to be created, one smile, one act of kindness at a time. And maybe, just maybe, that was the greatest magic of all.

FictionFantasyChildren's FictionAdventure

About the Creator

A Peaceful Mind

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