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The beginning of the end: I got expelled!

That school finally began to have had enough of me...

By Neil MarathePublished 10 months ago 6 min read
The beginning of the end: I got expelled!
Photo by MChe Lee on Unsplash

I had started again for my third (and it would actually be my final year) of disruption here at Watford Boys. I had arrived at the school gates and met my class again. They were happy to see their practical joker again.

I was now two years older and could probably lead the new Year Seven students astray. They would be new and thus wouldn't know which teacher to not harass or where the new field was.

To everyone's horror and amazement my group now 9B was allocated the same room in which our English lessons were held last year. It was in the English building above the James theatre. It was where we had had the English lessons with Mr. Newman. You know the room where all the cupboards were, at the back of the classroom in which the props were kept. You know the ones I hid in back in June 2006. Adam Renak was the one who told us it, and his eyes gleamed when he looked in my direction.

We were introduced to our new form teacher. We had previously met her in year Eight for like an hour. She started off with sending us to our assigned places. For some reason I was the last person to be assigned. I had Tindall and Lewis on my table, but it was Arjun Shah who I was sitting next to. So a mixed group. The teacher asked us all to say our name and say something interesting about ourselves or something that had happened over the summer.

Here is a selection of what other people said

- Sarosh said that he had been stung by a dragonfly

-Jon Pitt said that he was Jewish

-Ben Bronstein said he loved Watford as a football club (I think)

-Carl Papworth said that some people say his face looks like Hitler when he laughs.

Finally when it came to me, I said that my interests are not appropriate for the classroom environment. Everyone laughed. They knew I was going to talk about drugs or something.

Later someone told me that people will probably confuse me and Harry Benjamin, as Harry Benjamin had interests which were also not appropriate for the classroom.

Over the next few lessons I realized that I had gone down a set in maths to set three out of seven. I was however now seated next to George Lister, Tom leahy and Yannick lam. So fun!

I scanned for any weak teachers. There was a newly qualified science teacher for chemistry. Jake Palmer said that she is new and inexperienced, but I didn't get any innate harassment thoughts towards her, so I let it slide.

A history teacher called Mr. Anker (he was the one nicknamed double you anker) made the first and last rows switch. He also said he had asked Mr. Grinham about our class and specifically asked about who I was. I put my hand up. He wasn't an easy target either.

Finally, I met my target.So I had started again in Year Nine when I met a teacher who I really made cry. Her name was Miss Brophy. She was white, short and blonde. She was my English teacher and had to fill in the void that the legendary Mr. Newman left behind.

The first class ,I was pretty good for my standards.

The next class was about words that people in the 1980’s didn’t know that people now knew. I started brainstorming with Krishant Modaisa , my partner about street names of drugs. He did the assignment seriously.

After some time, we fed our answers back to the class. Redmond spoke about red power rangers and then Mrs. Parks stated that there had been different generations of power rangers. Some other people had some other contributions. She didn’t pick up and we returned to quiet study time.

I put my hand up.

“Why didn’t you pick me?” I asked innocently

“Because you’re annoying!” shrieked Brophy back. People smirked. A few days later Kishan Patel changed this story to “Because I hate you!”. She probably did

The next week I hid under her desk. I aimed to tie up her shoelaces together so that she fell. It was after lunchtime, and everyone had bellies full of food and some time to unwind. I went into the class with my bag and went under her desk. To my surprise the bag was able to fit under the desk alongside me.

I waited for a few minutes. Miss Brophy came out of the English room and started letting the kids into the classroom. They went in one by one. Some of them, I had already told of my plans and were giddy with excitement. But for others it would be a pleasant surprise.

She removed the chair and was about to sit down when suddenly she noticed something was amiss. There was something under her desk. It was ME!

What happened next was a shriek. Apparently in 2005 during the lower school ‘s play (animal farm) Ms.Brogan had done a similar shriek. This shriek was bound to rival that.

The children laughed. Cash Hunt in particular was hysterical.

When she calmed down, she said “Go to isolation”.

So, I did and to my pleasant surprise Mr.Newman was waiting there. He said he was happy to see me and that I have messed about in Years Seven and Eights, and that I have my SATs coming up, so I should settle down and behave. I made a deal with him that to this day was too much to keep. I stated that I will mess about in non-key subjects, but do well in English, Maths and Science. But making that agreement was unfair because Brophy was such a victim. So if you are reading this, sorry Mr. Newman.

The next time I had a lesson, I hid under a bit of wood that for some strange reason was in the classroom. (What was it doing there I wonder?) . Then I waited for the class to come in, Brophy didn’t seem to notice I was missing. I was originally going to wait for a quiet moment, but I had a feeling sooner or later I was going to be busted. So, I jumped out and said “Boo”.

She didn’t want to isolate me this time. I was surprised. She took me outside and said, “Do you want a level four or five in your KS3 SATS”?

I laughed and she shouted at me to stop slouching.

I went back in and refused to do any work.

I then ran out of the class.

People from other classess saw me running around and her chasing after me.

Redmond and Will shouted from the windows as I roamed the playground.

Mrs. Brophy was very upset and told Mr.Panter .

Simon Keynes told Mr.Panter I had disrupted many of her lessons, was what someone told me.

During the same time I had arrived late to an IT lesson and been told that I in trouble for arriving late.

I later had detention that day.

I had faked my dad's signature to attend that detention.

Mr. Panter came into the detention and said that I had disrupted three lessons- My English lesson with Brophy, her next lesson which was meant to take place after that with some other students and his history lesson. I guess my IT lesson had be added to that list.

Then Mr.Monks came in and said that I am someone who calmly chooses to create havoc in the school. I told him that yes, I'm probably more forgiving than most, but I enjoy creating havoc. He said that my dad had called in and asked where I was, which lead to them discovering that I had faked the signature the next day. Either one of them said that this pattern of behavior would be more than just a green or yellow card.

I had only been in year Nine for three weeks but I was started the beginning of the end of my time at this school.


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Comments (1)

  • Kelly Sibley 10 months ago

    Ahhh, so funny to see it from the other side. Connection is all about connection! I really enjoyed reading your piece, and I subscribed because of it.

NMWritten by Neil Marathe

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