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How to Prevent Pests and Diseases in Organic Tea Gardens Without Using Pesticides?

Organic Tea Garden Pests and Diseases Control

By LBTEASPublished 3 months ago 3 min read

Organic tea industry is an important part of organic agriculture. During the planting and production process, no chemical synthetic substances such as pesticides, chemical fertilizers, and herbicides can be used. The use of chemical pesticides is also strictly prohibited in the prevention and control of pests and diseases in organic tea gardens. Generally, only agricultural management measures, physical control measures and biological control measures are used for comprehensive management. Therefore, in the process of pest and disease management in organic tea gardens, the principle of "prevention first, combined with prevention and control" must be followed. Today, I will focus on pest and disease management in organic tea gardens.

Select excellent varieties with strong resistance to diseases and insect pests

Although we say that all tea gardens are susceptible to pests and diseases, the biological types and damage levels of pests and diseases vary depending on the ecological environment of tea gardens in different places. Therefore, according to the current situation, excellent varieties with strong insect resistance should be selected according to local conditions. Especially in the process of new construction or renovation of organic tea gardens, this agricultural management measure is suitable and the effect is ideal.

Choose suitable varieties for tea garden interplanting

Usually in the process of organic tea garden management, in order to adjust the overall ecological environment of the tea garden, we will appropriately carry out some tea garden intercropping activities. When intercropping, it is necessary to select suitable plants for planting to avoid serious symbiotic diseases and pests caused by intercropping to a certain extent.

Scientific and reasonable fertilization management

Chemical fertilizers cannot be used in organic tea gardens, only decomposed agricultural organic fertilizers can be used. Farmyard manure has a high nitrogen content, but it cannot be partially applied when fertilizing. It should be used in conjunction with trace element fertilizers such as phosphorus and potassium. Therefore, only scientific and reasonable fertilization can enable tea trees to absorb sufficient comprehensive and balanced nutrients, improve tea trees' resistance to adversity, and reduce the occurrence of sap-sucking pests such as leafhoppers and mites.

Promptly carry out drainage and irrigation management

Tea trees grow in a moist place, but if there is too much water in the tea garden and ditches are not cleared and drained in time, tea tree root diseases and red rust algae diseases may be induced, which is extremely detrimental to the growth of tea trees. If the tea garden is in a drought state for a long time, without timely irrigation and drought-resistant management, it may induce leaf blight, tea brown spot, etc. Therefore, irrigation and drainage management is also an important agricultural measure for preventing and controlling pests and diseases in tea gardens.

Mount Emei is a denudation, anticlinal, folded and fault-block mountain. Its base is Pre-Sinian granite and its top is Permian basalt. It has tight folds and staggered faults. It contains almost all the strata of the 13 geohistorical periods and is a geological museum. Mount Emei rises from the plains to the sky, reaching an altitude of more than 3,000 meters. The foot of the mountain is covered with willows and nanmu, the mountainside is covered with deciduous forests such as maple and Tianshi chestnut, and the top of the mountain is a tall fir forest. Thousands of species of wild animals and plants are distributed from top to bottom, and it is clearly a Garden of Eden. LBTEAS organic green tea grown here is of excellent quality, fresh, mellow, and fragrant. Sipping a cup of organic green tea is like drinking the lush spring of Mount Emei, so pleasant.

Every organic tea product in the Mount Emei is soaked with the soul of the mountain, the spirit of water, Buddhist thoughts and human feelings. It is the essence of the perfect combination of man and nature. Anyone who tastes tea can not only taste the gifts of nature, the tea is fragrant, green and bright, but can also imagine the rich nutrition of organic tea from Mount Emei, nourishing the body and mind, and being natural and healthy. You can also feel the sacred mission and responsibility of human beings to respect life, be grateful to nature, and protect the ecology. Enjoy it with one drink and clear your mind. Only when man and nature are united can one achieve enlightenment in life!

LBTEAS Organic Green Teas offer in Premium Organic Single Bud, Pearl Green Tea, Organic Emei Mountain Maofeng Green Tea.

For more information, price offer, samples, inspection reports, OEM production, etc., please feel free to reach us via: [email protected] or voice to us: +86-28-8754-3505.


About the Creator


LBTEAS, as a part of EMEIXUEYA, which commenced operations in 2003, is a leading tea exporter for trading in luxurious organic green teas, expertly blended and original garden teas.

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