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Two decades ago

By Chinaza CyrilPublished 3 days ago 4 min read
Photo by Levi Meir Clancy on Unsplash

Among the ruins, a solitary figure moved with purpose. Emma Collins, a historian by trade, had come to Jericho Falls to uncover the secrets of the Crash. Clad in a weathered leather jacket and sturdy boots, she navigated the debris with a determined stride. Her auburn hair, pulled back in a tight ponytail, shimmered in the weak sunlight that pierced through the thick clouds overhead.

Emma had spent years studying the Crash, a cataclysmic event that had brought society to its knees. The origins of the Crash were still shrouded in mystery; some speculated it was a technological disaster, others believed it was a cosmic phenomenon. Whatever its cause, the result was the same: chaos and devastation. Entire cities had been wiped out, and the survivors were scattered across a desolate landscape.

Jericho Falls had been one of the last holdouts, a beacon of hope in a world gone mad. But even it had not been spared. As Emma wandered through the town, she could feel the weight of history pressing down on her. Every cracked pavement and toppled lamppost told a story of despair and resilience.

Her footsteps echoed through the empty streets as she approached the town square. In its center stood a massive stone monument, its surface etched with the names of those who had perished during the Crash. Emma ran her fingers over the cold, rough surface, tracing the names one by one. She paused at the name of her great-grandfather, Thomas Collins, who had been one of the town’s leaders. He had tried to keep the community together, but in the end, even his efforts had not been enough.

Emma’s quest was more than just academic. It was deeply personal. She had grown up hearing stories of the Crash from her grandmother, who had survived it as a child. Those stories had fueled her desire to understand what had happened, to find some meaning in the chaos. She had spent countless hours poring over old records, interviewing survivors, and piecing together the fragments of the past.

As she stood before the monument, Emma noticed a faint trail leading away from the square. It was barely visible, overgrown with weeds and partially obscured by debris. Her curiosity piqued, she decided to follow it. The trail wound through the outskirts of the town, leading her to an old, abandoned factory.

The factory was a relic of a bygone era, its walls covered in ivy and its windows darkened with grime. Emma pushed open the creaking door and stepped inside. The air was thick with dust, and the only sound was the soft scurrying of rats. She pulled out a flashlight and swept its beam across the room, revealing rows of rusted machinery and toppled shelves.

In the center of the factory, she found a staircase leading down into the basement. The steps groaned under her weight as she descended, and the air grew colder and damper with each step. At the bottom, she discovered a heavy metal door, its surface marred with deep scratches. Emma hesitated for a moment, then took a deep breath and pushed the door open.

The room beyond was a stark contrast to the dilapidated factory above. It was clean and orderly, with rows of filing cabinets and shelves filled with neatly labeled boxes. A large desk stood at the far end, covered in papers and books. Emma’s heart raced as she realized she had stumbled upon a hidden archive.

She began to sift through the documents, her excitement growing with each discovery. The papers detailed the events leading up to the Crash, chronicling the town’s attempts to survive in the face of an impending disaster. There were records of meetings, supply inventories, and personal accounts from the townspeople. Emma felt a surge of connection to these long-gone individuals, their hopes and fears laid bare in the pages before her.

One document in particular caught her eye. It was a letter addressed to her great-grandfather, written by a scientist named Dr. Evelyn Hart. In it, Dr. Hart detailed her research into the causes of the Crash. She spoke of a mysterious energy source that had been discovered beneath the town, a powerful force that had the potential to change the world. But something had gone wrong. The energy had become unstable, triggering a chain reaction that had led to the Crash.

Emma’s mind raced as she absorbed the implications of the letter. The Crash had not been a random catastrophe; it had been the result of human ambition and hubris. The echoes of that ambition still lingered in the ruins of Jericho Falls, a reminder of the thin line between progress and destruction.

As she carefully folded the letter and placed it in her bag, Emma knew her journey was far from over. She had uncovered a crucial piece of the puzzle, but there was still much to learn. The story of the Crash was not just about the past; it was a cautionary tale for the future. And Emma was determined to ensure that its lessons would not be forgotten.

Part 1FictionAdventure

About the Creator

Chinaza Cyril


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    Chinaza CyrilWritten by Chinaza Cyril

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