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Dreamstorm: The Awakening

Chapter 3 What Is Not Predator Is Prey

By Uncut Book PagesPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 5 min read
Dreamstorm Chapter 3 What Is Not Predator is Prey/ Audiobook/ Soundtrack/

“We must run back through the door,” Kamari said, grabbing Hikaru’s shoulder.

“There will be no running,” said William, as he stepped in way of the only exit.

While silence lingered, and stillness cultivated, the ground beneath them trembled, then liquefied into flowing darkness. Before either could look fret about it, all four started sinking through the floor.

“Come on!” Kamari yelled, and before Hikaru knew it, they were all falling once again inside a void of darkness.

Hikaru felt his body flailing through the air, but continued gripping Amber’s hand tightly as they swished through nothingness, until finally, he landed roughly in the dirt on his back. Amber lay against her shoulder to his left, while Kamari skillfully landed beside him on the right.

“Wonder where we are,” Kamari pondered, looking toward tropical surroundings while standing.

Hikaru and Amber both raised up, then peered around to figure out their location. Looking at various beautiful diversities of plant life, Hikaru presumed that they’d landed inside a rain forest.

“Maybe we’re in the Amazon,” he answered, still carefully browsing around.

Seeing how frightened Amber became, Kamari grabbed her hand. “Don’t worry, we’ll do our best protecting you," he said with assurance.

Kamari browsed ominously through tropical greenery, but saw no sign of the large man who recently pursued them. He listened carefully as the sound of multicolored birds chirping filled the area. Exotic humming birds fed from delicate nectars of red flowers from afar—then—without reason flew off, dispersing rapidly. The sound of every forest creature fleeing through the brushes triggered Kamari’s alertness. He shoved Amber’s hand into Hikaru’s. “Our enemy’s coming.” Suddenly, Kamari yanked Hikaru by the arm. “Run!”

Hikaru saw him through the bushes, none other than William Hunter coming toward them at full speed, chopping down any limb in way of his destination with his gigantic sword. They all raced away frenetically, weaving between every tree with Kamari trailing by a few feet. While running desperately, Hikaru heard a soft wind whisper yet again.

“One's only limitation is set toward imagination.”

“What the hell is that suppose to mean,” Hikaru shouted back at the top of his lungs.

“That’s it!” said Kamari. He halted instantly.

Hikaru stopped also, holding Amber’s hand as he looked back. “What are you doing!” he screamed.

“We can’t run forever,” Kamari said. He closed his hand loosely, and inside his left palm appeared a Japanese katana.

Hikaru gazed in astonishment. “How’d—” he attempted asking, still breathing heavily while his bodyraced with adrenaline.

William Hunter halted as he caught up and saw the sword Kamari manifested.

“So my prey has learned enough to defend itself. It doesn’t matter how many weapons you create. I, William Hunter will still be victorious because I am top notch games alpha predator.”

The three teens all stared with wide eyes in utter shock, and there entered an awkward pause.

“You really get a kick out of this, don’t you,” Kamari said. He tightened both hands around the hilt of the katana, then charged forward at full speed.

William swung his gigantic sword across, aiming for Kamari’s throat, but Kamari dodged it by ducking, catching balance with his off hand, and running toward the man’s left, getting behind the hunter. Before William could carry his heavy sword over while turning around, Kamari raised his blade overhead, slicing the large pursuer once on the back. The sharp end of his sword scratched William’s metal suit, leaving a shallow gash.

“Shit,” Kamari sighed lowly. “It didn’t cut through.”

He slowly backed ten feet away from his opponent.

“Huh, piercing through my armor will require more force than that, boy,” the hunter arrogantly pointed out while grinning.

Fearful that Kamari currently resided in danger, Hikaru focused his hardest to create a sword inside his palm also, but nothing appeared. He couldn’t feel any slight tingle of supernatural energy whatsoever. Arriving at a realization that inability prevented him from materializing a weapon, Hikaru jolted forward in desperation unarmed, and as he did so, a katana appeared inside his tightly closed right fist, slightly opening his hand while it formed. Kamari took a quick side glance at Hikaru, who approached by his side.

“Stay back!” Kamari yelled.

“No, I have a plan!” Hikaru shouted.

He quickly made space between himself and Kamari; as Hikaru stood several feet away on Kamari’s left, ideas triggered inside his mind and he thought about there being cracks in every type of armor. Kamari glanced at him awkwardly, and both understood that they could interpret the other’s thoughts.

“You brats ready for death,” the hunter said impatiently.

Kamari materialized a throwing knife inside his right hand, purposely holding it up beside his katana for William to spot. He thought vividly. (Hikaru, I’ll distract him while you carry out your plan.) And with that, Hikaru understood that they were carrying out their tactics through telepathic communication Kamari charged toward the hunter’s left and Hikaru raced in from the right. They quickly closed in on their enemy, then Kamari pitched his throwing knife at the hunter’s neck, forcing the right handed swordsman to block from his left side with a swing of his gigantic sword. After spotting an opening, Hikaru plunged his katana into the joint of the hunter’s right arm and quickly moved away, then Kamari instantly followed up, slicing near the joint where Hikaru had plunged his sword, cutting the hunter’s right forearm completely off. He crouched low afterwards, and as William Hunter spun around wildly, clutching his severed arm, Kamari seized the chance, then used his blade to slice through the joint of the hunter’s right knee, almost cutting completely through it. After this crippling assault, he ran toward Hikaru as the colossal giant fell onto the ground.

“We got him!” Kamari yelled out, his adrenaline pumping as William stiffened.

Hikaru couldn’t help but feel relieved as he watched the hunter lay motionlessly, his blood soaking the soil. Although he did harbor some compassion, there lingered no doubt in his mind, they’d had no choice other than fighting ruthlessly. Amber raced to Hikaru’s arm, clutching it tightly while staring away from the hunter.

“How do we get out of here?” Hikaru sighed, still a little panicky after their risky confrontation.

“Remember what the wind said, our limit is our imagination,” replied Kamari.

“Yeah, that really explains how we’re suppose to leave,” Hikaru said frustratedly.

“Calm down, all we must do is imagine a portal back home.” Kamari said. He raised his arm to make a passage, but nothing appeared.

“Oh crap, now we’re never getting back home,” Hikaru mumbled, scratching his head in disbelief. “We can’t make our way out… so much wilderness, we need help!”

Kamari stared at the palm of his right hand, dropping his bloody sword. “I don’t understand why we can’t leave. I made us sink last time.”

Hearing a faint moaning sound, Hikaru turned around and placed his eyes on the fallen man, watching William as he arose on all fours. Hikaru’s heart began racing as he witnessed strange happenings. Amber clutched onto Hikaru’s arm even tighter, then unleashed a blood curdling scream.

(Dreamstorm: The Awakening: Chapter 3 What Is Not Predator Is Prey: Audiobook With Illustration On Youtube: Dreamstorm Soundtrack, Elixir Of Light...)

Dreamstorm Soundtrack: Elixir Of Light! Subscibe To Uncut Book Pages Youtube Channel! Am(Eric)an Jay's Uncut Book Pages!

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