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Chapter 2- The Letters 'B', 'C' and 'D'

flashcards for Word Parts

By Mark GrahamPublished about a month ago 3 min read
medical professional (

Chapter 2

The Letter 'B'

1. What does the prefix 'bi- (s)' mean? twice, double, both

2. What does the prefix 'bio-' mean? life

3. What does the suffix '-blast' mean? genes, embryonic cell

4. What does the prefix 'blephar-(o)' mean? eyelid

5. What does the prefix 'brachi-' mean? arm

6. What does the prefix 'brachy-' mean? short

7. What does the prefix 'brady-' mean? slow

8. What does the prefix 'bronch- (i, 0) mean? air tubes in lungs

9. What does the prefix 'bucc- (o)' mean? cheek


The Letter 'C'

1. What does the prefix 'calc- (u, ulus)' mean? stone

2. What does the prefix 'carcin- (o)' mean? cancer, malignancy

3. What does the prefix 'cardi- (a,o) mean? pertaining to heart

4. What does the prefix 'carp- (o)' mean? wrist

5. What does the suffix '-cele' mean? swelling, tumor, cavity, hemia

6. What does the prefix 'cent- (i)' mean? one hundred

7. What does the suffix '-centesis' mean? surgical puncture to remove fluid

8. What does the prefix 'cephal- (o)' mean? head, pertaining to the head

9. What does the prefix 'cerebra- mean? brain

10. What does the prefix 'cerv- (ic) mean? neck, neck of uterus


1. What does the prefix 'cheil- (o)' mean? lip

2. What does the prefix 'chem- (o)' mean? drug, chemical

3. What does the prefix 'chir- (o)' mean? hand

4. What does the prefix 'chlor- (o)' mean? green

5. What does the prefix 'chol- (e,o) mean? bile, gall bladder

6. What does the prefix 'chond- (i, r, ri)' mean? cartilage

7. What does the prefix 'chrom- (o)' mean? color

8. What does the suffix '-cide' mean? causing death

9. What does the prefix 'circum-' mean? around, about

10. What does the suffix '-cise' mean? cut


1. What does the suffix '-clysis' mean? washing, irrigation

2. What does the prefix 'co- (n)' mean? with, together

3. What does the suffix '-coccus' mean? round

4. What does the prefix 'coele-' mean? chamber, enlarged space

5. What does the prefix 'col- (in,o)' mean? colon, bowel, large intestine

6. What does the prefix 'colp- (i,o)' mean? vagina

7. What does the prefix 'contra-' mean? against, counter

8. What does the prefix 'cost- (a,i,o) mean? rib

9. What does the prefix 'crani- (o)' mean? pertaining to the skull

10. What does the suffix '-crine' mean? secrete


1. What does the prefix 'cryo-' mean? cold

2. What does the prefix 'crypt-' mean? hidden

3. What does the prefix 'cut-' mean? skin

4. What does the prefix 'cyan- (o)' mean? blue

5. What does the prefix 'cyst-(i,o)' mean? bladder, bag, sac

6. What does the prefix 'cyt- (e,o)' mean? cell


The Letter 'D'

1. What is the prefix for 'tear duct, tear'? dacry-

2. What is the prefix for 'finger, toe'? dactyl- (o)

3. What is the prefix for 'ten'? dec- (a,i)

4. What is the prefix for 'half'? demi-

5. What is the prefix for 'tooth'? dent- (i,o)

6. What is the prefix for 'pertaining to the skin'? derm- (a, at, o)

7. What is the suffix for 'surgical union or fixation'? -desis

8. What is the prefix for 'to the right'? destr- (i,o)

9. What is the prefix for 'double, twice'? di- (plo)

10. What is the prefix for 'through, between, part'? dia-


1. What is the prefix for 'separation, away from'? dis- (ti, to)

2. What is the prefix for 'to the back, back'? dors- (i,o)

3. What is the prefix for 'duodenum'? duoden- (o)

4. What is the prefix for 'pain'? dyni- (a,c)

5. What is the prefix for 'difficult, painful, bad'? dys-


About the Creator

Mark Graham

I am a person who really likes to read and write and to share what I learned with all my education. My page will mainly be book reviews and critiques of old and new books that I have read and will read. There will also be other bits, too.

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