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Visionary Writing

How one book teaches to live while dying

By Lynn FenskePublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Pottersfield Press

As a writer I am nourished by the written word and affected by almost everything I read. I quote, empathize, envy, or recommend what others write but rarely does a book change who I am. Until now.

After reading “Writing With My Eyes” by Angela Parker-Brown I can no longer take my unencumbered ability to read and write for granted.

Parker-Brown’s book is not the result of ink-stained pages or swift typing fingers but of an intimate dance between human will and technological efficiency. Paralyzed and robbed of any conventional means of communication by amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS), she mastered eye-tracking technology as a means to document her thoughts, emotions, and tell her story. Her resulting manuscript is a testament to the power of adaptation, as words and sentences are painstakingly crafted through a series of eye movements, a method that most of us never need consider when envisioning our own writing process.

A compelling memoir, Parker-Brown’s writing is a poignant, tangible testimony to her resilience, determination, and power to overcome the consequences of the world’s most debilitating disease. Despite the all-encompassing disability and inevitable death inherent in her condition, I am struck by the profound joy and patience that permeates her written journey. At a time when everyone thrives on instant gratification and rapid exchanges, "Writing with My Eyes" forces the reader to pause and consider the value of time, effort, and persistence. Every word in the book serves as a reminder that eloquence doesn't lie in the speed of one's typing but in the depth of one's thoughts.

Beyond its method, "Writing with My Eyes" is a celebration of the universal human desire for connection. It's a raw testament to the need we all share – to be heard, understood, and valued. Through the pages, the author navigates the complex interplay between isolation and connection, demonstrating that even when traditional forms of communication are crippled, the human spirit finds a way to bridge the gap.

What resonates with me the most is the underlying message of gratitude that threads through Parker-Brown’s narrative. Gratitude for her twin daughters, for caregivers, for technology, for each moment that allows her to express herself. It's a perspective-altering journey that compels us to examine our own lives and consider the many privileges we often overlook.

"Writing with My Eyes" also invites us to reflect on the intersection of technology and humanity. As we zoom forward in an era defined by ever-evolving innovations, this book stands as a beacon of hope, reminding us that technology's true potential is realized when it serves to uplift and empower individuals who might otherwise be left voiceless.

In conclusion, "Writing with My Eyes" is a literary triumph that transcends mere words on a page. It's a tribute to the strength of the human spirit, a testament to the power of adaptation and the beauty of connection. Through its pages the author's story unfolds – a message of good nature, tenacity, and unwavering commitment to deliver a positive voice in a world that sometimes forgets to listen. As I closed the book, I couldn't help but carry its lessons with me, forever changed by the realization that even in the face of the most profound challenges, the human capacity to communicate and connect remains unbreakable.

Angela Parker-Brown was diagnosed with ALS in 2018. She was 46 years old with twin eight-year-old daughters. “Writing With My Eyes” was published in August 2022. Her second book, “Our Mom is Sick-Really, Really Sick, But She Rocks!” was written with her children and published in July 2023. Parker-Brown died of her illness in February 2023.


About the Creator

Lynn Fenske

I've always been a writer. Copywriter. PR writer. Journalist. Occasionally I make stuff up.

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