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The Talented Mr. Ripley

by Patricia highsmith

By Angalee FernandoPublished 9 months ago 3 min read


Pencil set with erasers

8 ½ by 11” paper

Bullet paper


Highlighter set

Faber & Castell Colored Pencils set



Test Flashcards


Drawing Human Anatomy by Giovanni Civardi: 80.00 | 1 HR

Secrets to Drawing Heads by Allan Kraayvanger: 112.00 | 1 HR

Bridgman’s Complete Guide to Drawing from Life by George B. Bridgman: 328.00 | 1 HR

The Complete Human Body by Dr. Alice Roberts: 505.00 | 2 HR 30 MIN

Human Anatomy Sixth Edition by Martini/Timmons/Tallitsch: 824.00 | 2 HR 30 MIN

Fashion Illustration by Annie Kipper


take notes on bullet paper

practice sketching

make flashcards

flashcard tests

Estimate: 10 weeks


One project per week

How are the healthiest vegetables chosen?

According to Medical News Today, there is no single most healthy vegetable, but eating a variety of vegetables can improve health and well being. “All vegetables contain healthful vitamins, minerals, and dietary fiber - but some stand out for their exceptional benefits.” I think that nutritional value is by the % percent daily value, nutrient density, and research on disease treatment and prevention.

In the West, the average list is as followed -

Spinach: 1 C = 16% DV Vitamin A, 120% DV Vitamin K

Antioxidants may reduce risk of disease. High in beta carotene and lutein which are associated with a decreased risk of cancer. May benefit ♡ health by helping reduce blood pressure.

Carrots: 1 C = 199% DV Vitamin A

Beta carotene (converted into Vitamin A). Linked to a lower risk of certain cancers, including lung and colorectal cancer. Includes potassium and Vitamins C and K.

Broccoli: 1 C = 77% DV Vitamin K, 90% DV Vitamin C; folate, manganese, and potassium

Rich in a sulfur-containing plant compound called glucosinolate, and its byproduct sulforaphane (> cancer). May help prevent chronic disease.

Garlic: main active compound is allicin

Allicin aids blood sugar and heart health. Garlic may help lower triglyceride and cholesterol levels. May help decrease blood sugar levels and help prevent cancer, but more research is needed.

Brussel Sprouts: plant compounds, kaempferol, folate, magnesium, potassium, Vitamin A, C, K

Contains same plant compounds as broccoli.

Kaempferol, an antioxidant that prevents cell damage. Has anti-inflammatory and cancer-fighting properties.

Fiber supports bowel regularity, ♡ health, and blood sugar control.

Kale: 1 C = potassium, calcium, copper, vitamins A, B, C, K

May support healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels.

Green Peas: 1 C = fiber, protein, vitamins A, C, K, riboflavin, thiamine, niacin, and folate

Fiber enhances beneficial gut bacteria.

Saponins, plant compounds known for their anticancer effects.

Swiss Chard: 1 C = fiber, protein; lots of manganese, magnesium, vitamins A, C, and K

Antioxidants; plant compounds including betalains and flavonoids.

May lessen symptoms of type 2 diabetes.

Beets: fiber, folate, manganese

Nitrates → nitric oxide, compound that can help dilate blood vessels.

Linked to improved endurance and athletic performance.

Asparagus: ½ C = 33% DV Folate; plenty selenium, vitamin K, thiamine, riboflavin

Folate may prevent disease and prevent developmental irregularities of the neural tube during pregnancy.

May reduce oxidative stress and prevent liver and kidney damage.

Red Cabbage: 1 C - 2 g fiber, 56% DV Vitamin C

Anthocyanins, plant compound group that contributes to its distinct color and numerous benefits.

May help decrease LDL, weight gain, and oxidative stress.

Sweet Potatoes: 1 = 4 g fiber, 2 g protein; good amount of potassium, manganese, vitamins B6, C, 132% DV Vitamin A

Collard Greens: 1 C = 6 g fiber, 4 g protein, 25% DV calcium

One of the best plant sources of calcium, mineral that plays a key role in muscle function, nerve transmission, hormone production, and bone health.

High in antioxidants and may reduce risk of certain diseases.

Lower risk of glaucoma and stomach cancers.

Cauliflower: 1 C = 3 g fiber, 3 g protein; and a variety of other nutrients including folate and vitamins C, K

Glucosinolates and isothiocyanates possess cancer-fighting properties.


Other lists include tomatoes, onions, alfalfa sprouts, bell peppers, seaweed, mushrooms, turnips, green beans, eggplant, and fermented vegetables.


About the Creator

Angalee Fernando

"I'm an average nobody" - Henry Hill, and my heart

☎️ @kirikidding

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