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The Mirror of Moraine

Liora's Journey

By OJI CHIEMELA DIVINE Published 3 days ago 3 min read
The Mirror of Moraine
Photo by Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

In the quaint village of Moraine, nestled at the base of the Veridian Mountains, lived a young woman named Liora. Known for her kind heart and warm smile, Liora was beloved by everyone. Yet, she often found herself yearning for a beauty she believed she did not possess.

One day, while Liora was tending her garden, an old woman with a weathered face and twinkling eyes approached. “You have a beautiful garden, my dear,” the woman said, her voice like the whisper of leaves.

Liora smiled. “Thank you. I try to care for it as best as I can.”

The old woman nodded. “I see you care for many things, but do you care for yourself just as well?”

Liora hesitated. “I try, but I don’t feel beautiful. Not like the other women in the village.”

The old woman’s eyes sparkled with an otherworldly light. “Beauty is more than what you see in the mirror. Follow me, and I’ll show you something special.”

Intrigued, Liora followed the old woman through the winding paths of the village, up into the foothills of the mountains. They stopped before a hidden grotto, where a clear spring bubbled up from the earth. At the center of the grotto stood an ancient, ornate mirror framed in gold and silver.

“This is the Mirror of Moraine,” the old woman explained. “It shows the true beauty of those who look into it, revealing not just their outward appearance but the beauty of their soul.”

Liora stepped forward, her heart pounding with anticipation and doubt. She gazed into the mirror, expecting to see the same reflection that greeted her every morning. But what she saw took her breath away.

The woman in the mirror looked like her, but with an ethereal glow. Her hair shimmered like spun gold, her eyes sparkled with the light of a thousand stars, and her skin glowed with an inner radiance. More than that, Liora saw kindness, compassion, and strength reflected back at her.

“How can this be?” Liora whispered, tears welling up in her eyes.

The old woman smiled gently. “This is how the world sees you when you let your true self shine through. Beauty is not about perfection. It’s about the light you bring to others, the joy you spread, and the love you give.”

Liora felt a warmth spread through her, a newfound confidence blossoming within. She thanked the old woman and returned to her village, her heart lighter and her step more assured.

In the days that followed, Liora’s beauty became even more apparent to those around her. It wasn’t her physical appearance that had changed, but the way she carried herself, the kindness in her eyes, and the genuine smile that graced her lips. People were drawn to her warmth and positivity.

Liora began to share the lessons she had learned with others. She encouraged her friends and neighbors to look beyond the surface and to find beauty in the simple, everyday acts of kindness and love. She helped them see the value in caring for themselves, not just in appearance but in health and spirit.

She taught them to cherish their unique qualities, to nurture their passions, and to take time for self-reflection. Liora organized community gatherings where people shared their stories, their struggles, and their triumphs. Through these gatherings, bonds grew stronger, and a sense of unity and beauty permeated the village.

Years passed, and Liora grew older, but her beauty never faded. It became a timeless part of her, woven into the very fabric of her being. The villagers often spoke of her with admiration, not just for her outer beauty but for the grace and wisdom she embodied.

Liora’s garden flourished, a testament to the love and care she poured into everything she did. And every once in a while, she would visit the Mirror of Moraine, not to seek validation but to remind herself of the journey she had undertaken and the beauty she had always possessed.

In the end, Liora understood that true beauty is not something that can be measured or compared. It is the essence of who we are, the love we give, and the light we bring to the world. And in that understanding, she found a peace and contentment that radiated from her, touching the lives of all who knew her.

Vocal Book Club

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