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The Fascinating World of Fanfiction: Celebrating Diverse Stories and Fandoms

Find the most popular Fanfiction Websites and Stories

By ArnoldPublished 10 days ago 12 min read
Top 5 Fanfiction Websites

Fanfiction, commonly known as fanfic, has become a beloved creative outlet where fans of books, movies, TV shows, and anime craft their own stories using existing characters and settings. With a surge in popularity, fanfic websites now host millions of stories spanning every conceivable genre and crossover. This article will explore the vibrant world of fanfiction, highlight some of the most popular fanfics across various fandoms, and explain why Rivd is a premier destination for fanfic enthusiasts.

What is Fanfiction?

Fanfiction is a type of creative writing where fans extend the stories and worlds they adore. Writers, known as fanfic authors, utilize characters and settings from existing works to create new narratives. These stories can range from brief vignettes to sprawling multi-chapter epics. Fanfiction often explores alternate storylines, unconventional character pairings, or fills in gaps left by the original creators. It is shared and read on various platforms, where readers provide feedback and reviews.

Popular Fanfic Websites

Several websites are dedicated to fanfiction, providing platforms for writers to publish their works and for readers to discover new stories. Some of the most popular fanfic websites include:


Often considered the best fanfiction site, Rivd offers a user-friendly interface and a vast collection of stories across numerous fandoms. Rivd is renowned for its supportive community and its wide range of tools for both writers and readers, making it an indispensable resource for fanfic enthusiasts.

Archive of Our Own (AO3)

AO3 is a non-profit, open-source platform that hosts millions of fanfics across various fandoms. Known for its comprehensive tagging system, it allows readers to find exactly the kind of story they are looking for, from specific character pairings to unique genres.

One of the oldest and most extensive fanfic websites, hosts stories from a wide range of fandoms, including books, movies, TV shows, and more. It offers a straightforward interface and a massive archive of fanfics.


Wattpad is a social storytelling platform that hosts both original works and fanfiction. It is particularly popular among younger writers and readers and offers features like inline commenting and interactive storytelling.

Popular Fanfic Stories in Mainstream Fandoms

Harry Potter Fanfiction

The Harry Potter series has one of the most active fanfic communities. The world of Harry Potter fanfiction is vast and varied, with stories ranging from short, whimsical one-shots to epic, multi-chapter sagas. Some popular Harry Potter fanfics include:

"Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" by Eliezer Yudkowsky

This fanfic reimagines Harry as a child genius with a scientific mindset. It explores themes of rationality, logic, and scientific inquiry in the magical world of Harry Potter. The story is known for its deep philosophical discussions and intricate plot.

"The Boy Who Lived" by The Santi

A story that imagines Harry Potter raised by Nicholas Flamel, exploring how this change affects his journey. It delves into the impacts on Harry's character and the overall storyline.

"A Black Comedy" by nonjon

A humorous take on the Harry Potter universe, this fanfic follows Harry as he navigates the complexities of being a student at Hogwarts with a penchant for mischief and laughter.

"Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness" by Thanfiction

A dark and gripping narrative that explores the struggle of the students left behind at Hogwarts during the events of the final book. It provides a harrowing and realistic depiction of their fight against Voldemort's forces.

Twilight Fanfiction

Twilight fanfiction often delves into alternative romantic pairings and extended storylines. The Twilight fanfic community is known for its passionate and dedicated writers and readers. Notable examples are:

"Fall For You" by LyricalKris

A story that explores the relationship between Edward and Bella in a different light, emphasizing their emotional growth and the challenges they face together.

"The Keepsake" by Windchymes

A heartwarming and emotional tale that centers around a love letter from Edward to Bella, revealing deep feelings and unspoken truths.

"Beautiful Disaster" by araeo

An AU fanfic where Bella is a famous musician and Edward is her bodyguard, exploring the dynamics of their relationship amidst the pressures of fame.

"Breathe Again" by katinki

A post-Breaking Dawn story that delves into the lives of Edward and Bella as they navigate the complexities of immortality and parenthood.

Supernatural Fanfiction

The TV show Supernatural has inspired countless fanfics. The Supernatural fandom is known for its rich and varied fanfiction, which often explores the complex relationships between the characters and the supernatural world they inhabit. Some well-known ones include:

"Into the Fire" by lyrastardust

A fanfic that reimagines the Winchester brothers' journey with new supernatural threats and allies, adding layers of intrigue and adventure.

"The Righteous Man" by Riseofthefallenone

A powerful exploration of Dean Winchester's character, focusing on his struggles and redemption arcs.

"When the Levee Breaks" by Hoodietime

A hurt/comfort fanfic that delves deep into the emotional and psychological aspects of the characters' lives, highlighting their vulnerabilities and strengths.

"The Soul Piece" by cloudyjenn

A fanfic that explores the bond between Sam and Dean through a series of trials and tribulations, showcasing their unbreakable brotherhood.

Popular Anime Fanfic Stories

Naruto Fanfiction

Naruto fanfics are known for their diverse storylines and character explorations. The Naruto fanfic community is incredibly creative, producing stories that range from action-packed adventures to introspective character studies. Popular Naruto fanfics include:

"Legacy" by cr4zypt

A story that explores Naruto's journey with different mentors and experiences, presenting an alternate version of his path to becoming Hokage.

"The Ripple Effect" by fanatic97

An AU fanfic that examines the consequences of a single change in Naruto's life, exploring the ripple effects on his character and the world around him.

"Team 7's Ascension" by Madara's Prophet

A fanfic that reimagines the dynamics of Team 7, focusing on their growth and development as a unit.

"Fox in the Leaf" by NeonZangetsu

A powerful story that delves into Naruto's relationship with Kurama and the impact of their bond on his journey.

Attack on Titan Fanfiction

Attack on Titan fanfics often delve into the dark and complex world of the series. The fanfic community for Attack on Titan is known for its intense and thought-provoking stories. Some fan favorites are:

"Shingeki no Kyojin: Requiem" by RadiantBeam

An AU where characters face new threats in a modern setting. This fanfic reimagines the characters as soldiers in a contemporary military, dealing with both familiar and new challenges.

"To Serve and Protect" by Spoon to the Moon

A story that explores an alternative storyline where characters make different choices. It examines the impact of these choices on the characters and the overall plot, offering a fresh take on the series' themes of duty, sacrifice, and survival.

"The Walls Between Us" by Mira_Jade

A time travel fanfic that explores the consequences of Eren Yeager traveling back in time to change the future. It delves into the complexities of time travel and its impact on the characters and the world.

"Freedom's Call" by phoenixgirl26

An AU where the Titans never existed, and the characters live in a peaceful society. This fanfic explores how the characters' lives and relationships would be different in a world without constant fear and conflict.

My Hero Academia Fanfiction

My Hero Academia has inspired numerous fanfics focusing on the heroes' training and relationships. The My Hero Academia fanfic community is known for its vibrant and imaginative stories. Notable examples include:

"The Strength of a Hero" by ClarityofDusk

An AU where Deku has a quirk that lets him see ghosts. This fanfic explores how this unique ability affects his life and his journey to become a hero, blending elements of supernatural and superhero genres.

"Villainous" by FallingRain

A story that explores what would happen if Deku joined the League of Villains. It delves into the moral and ethical dilemmas he faces, and the impact of his choices on his relationships and the world around him.

"Rising Above" by SilverRain

An AU where the characters' roles and relationships are drastically different. This fanfic examines how these changes affect the characters' development and their interactions with each other.

"Heroic Endeavors" by LightofHope

A story that explores the psychological and emotional struggles of the characters as they deal with the pressures of being heroes. It provides a deep and nuanced portrayal of their inner lives, highlighting their strengths and vulnerabilities.

The Appeal of Fanfiction

Fanfiction allows fans to engage with their favorite worlds in new and creative ways. It provides a space for exploring "what if" scenarios, developing deeper character relationships, and imagining alternative outcomes. Fanfic communities are also supportive environments where writers can receive feedback and improve their craft.

Creativity and Freedom

Fanfiction offers unparalleled creative freedom. Writers can explore any scenario they can imagine, from alternative universes (AUs) to crossovers with other fandoms. This freedom allows for a diverse range of stories and interpretations, making fanfiction a rich and varied literary landscape.

Community and Collaboration

Fanfic communities are vibrant and supportive, offering writers a place to share their work and connect with readers. Many fanfic websites have forums, chat rooms, and comment sections where writers and readers can discuss stories, share feedback, and collaborate on new projects.

Exploration and Representation

Fanfiction often explores themes and relationships that are underrepresented in mainstream media. It provides a platform for diverse voices and perspectives, allowing writers to explore issues of identity, representation, and social justice. Fanfiction can be a powerful tool for marginalized communities to tell their stories and see themselves reflected in the media they love.

Skill Development

Writing fanfiction is an excellent way for aspiring writers to develop their skills. It provides a structured yet flexible environment for experimenting with different genres, styles, and narrative techniques. Many successful authors started their careers writing fanfiction, using it as a stepping stone to hone their craft and build a readership.

Top 100 Most Popular Fanfictions

1-20: Harry Potter Fanfiction

"Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" - A scientific twist on Harry Potter fanfic.

"The Boy Who Lived" - Raised by Nicholas Flamel fanfiction.

"A Black Comedy" - Humorous Harry Potter fanfiction.

"Dumbledore's Army and the Year of Darkness" - Dark Harry Potter fanfic.

"A Second Chance at Life" - Harry gets a second chance fanfiction.

"The Pureblood Pretense" - Pureblood society fanfic.

"Indigo" - A post-war Harry Potter fanfiction.

"A Marauder's Plan" - Time-travel and Marauders era fanfic.

"Pet Project" - Snape/Hermione romance fanfiction.

"Lady of the Lake" - Crossover with Merlin fanfic.

"The Changeling" - Dark Harry Potter fanfiction.

"Better Be Slytherin!" - AU sorting Harry into Slytherin fanfic.

"The Accidental Animagus" - Harry becomes an animagus fanfiction.

"The Debt of Time" - Time-travel Marauders fanfic.

"Delenda Est" - Crossover Harry Potter and Fate/Stay Night fanfic.

"Reign of Power" - Dark Lord Harry fanfiction.

"Forging the Sword" - Harry raised by goblins fanfic.

"Backward With Purpose" - Time-travel Harry Potter fanfiction.

"Harry Potter and the Boy Who Lived" - Twin AU fanfiction.

"The Rise of a Dark Lord" - Dark Harry Potter fanfiction.

21-40: Twilight Fanfiction

"Fall For You" - Edward/Bella romance fanfiction.

"The Keepsake" - Emotional Edward/Bella fanfic.

"Beautiful Disaster" - AU musician/bodyguard Twilight fanfiction.

"Breathe Again" - Post-Breaking Dawn Twilight fanfic.

"Wide Awake" - Edward/Bella fanfic dealing with trauma.

"Master of the Universe" - Basis for Fifty Shades series fanfiction.

"The Office" - Corporate romance fanfic.

"A Different Forest" - Collection of Twilight one-shot fanfics.

"My Viking" - Twilight fanfiction with historical elements.

"The University of Edward Masen" - College AU fanfic.

"Blood & Lust" - Vampire Bella fanfiction.

"Creature of Habit" - Edward-centric romance fanfic.

"Letters to Corporal Masen" - Historical romance Twilight fanfic.

"A Life Extraordinary" - Post-Breaking Dawn fanfiction.

"Finding Himself" - Jasper-centric fanfic.

"Bonne Foi" - Edward/Bella dark romance fanfiction.

"The Red Line" - Edward/Bella BDSM fanfic.

"The Caged Bird" - Dark, angsty Twilight fanfiction.

"Clipped Wings and Inked Armor" - Edward/Bella tattoo artist AU fanfic.

"Emancipation Proclamation" - Edward/Bella slave AU fanfiction.

41-60: Supernatural Fanfiction

"Into the Fire" - AU Winchester brothers fanfic.

"The Righteous Man" - Dean Winchester character exploration fanfiction.

"When the Levee Breaks" - Hurt/comfort Supernatural fanfic.

"The Soul Piece" - Sam and Dean brotherhood fanfiction.

"The Road Trip to Detroit" - Alternate universe Supernatural fanfic.

"Carry On" - Post-series Sam and Dean Winchester fanfiction.

"Down to Agincourt" - Post-apocalyptic Castiel-centric fanfic.

"The Last Song" - Emotional Supernatural fanfiction.

"Blood and Pie" - Humorous Sam and Dean fanfic.

"The Things We Carry" - Hurt/comfort Supernatural fanfiction.

"The Path of Fire" - Action-packed Supernatural fanfic.

"Twist and Shout" - Dean/Castiel historical romance fanfiction.

"A Room of One's Own" - Dean-centric fanfic.

"Angel's Wild" - AU Supernatural fanfiction with Castiel.

"The Ballad of the Wayward Son" - Sam Winchester fanfic.

"The Fires We Light" - Sam and Dean family drama fanfiction.

"Castiel's Grace" - Castiel-centric fanfic.

"Wings of Destiny" - Supernatural angel fanfiction.

"Dark Side of the Moon" - AU Supernatural fanfic.

"Bound by Blood" - Vampire Supernatural fanfiction.

61-80: Naruto Fanfiction

"Legacy" - Naruto with different mentors fanfiction.

"The Ripple Effect" - AU Naruto fanfiction.

"Team 7's Ascension" - Team 7 dynamics fanfic.

"Fox in the Leaf" - Naruto and Kurama-centric fanfic.

"Team 8" - AU Naruto fanfic with different team dynamics.

"Reaching for a Dream" - Alternate upbringing Naruto fanfiction.

"Dreaming of Sunshine" - Self-insert Naruto fanfic.

"Naruto: Altered History" - AU Naruto fanfiction with key changes.

"Foxhound" - Naruto and ANBU fanfic.

"A New Cause" - Naruto-centric time-travel fanfiction.

"Legacy of the Rasengan" - Powerful Naruto fanfic.

"Training for the Job" - Hokage Naruto fanfiction.

"The Sealed Kunai" - Naruto with a hidden past fanfic.

"The Hyuuga Heiress" - Hinata-centric Naruto fanfiction.

"Roots" - Danzo and ANBU-centric Naruto fanfic.

"Feral" - Wild Naruto fanfiction.

"The Empty Cage" - Dark Naruto fanfic.

"A World Full of Monsters" - Naruto crossover fanfiction.

"Child of the Fox" - Naruto and Kurama-centric fanfic.

"To Be a Hero" - AU Naruto as a civilian fanfiction.

81-100: Mixed Fandom Fanfiction

"Shingeki no Kyojin: Requiem" - Modern AU Attack on Titan fanfiction.

"To Serve and Protect" - Alternative storyline Attack on Titan fanfic.

"The Walls Between Us" - Time travel Attack on Titan fanfiction.

"Freedom's Call" - AU peaceful society Attack on Titan fanfic.

"The Strength of a Hero" - Ghost-seeing Deku My Hero Academia fanfiction.

"Villainous" - Villain Deku My Hero Academia fanfiction.

"Rising Above" - AU My Hero Academia fanfic.

"Heroic Endeavors" - Psychological My Hero Academia fanfiction.

"Carry On My Wayward Son" - Crossover Supernatural Harry Potter fanfic.

"Between Worlds" - Naruto Harry Potter crossover fanfiction.

"The Dragon's Bride" - Game of Thrones AU fanfic.

"The Iron Dragon" - Crossover Game of Thrones Harry Potter fanfiction.

"The Hero of Time" - Legend of Zelda fanfic.

"A New Path" - Star Wars AU fanfiction.

"The Jedi and the Sorcerer" - Crossover Star Wars Harry Potter fanfic.

"Titanic Rising" - AU Attack on Titan fanfiction.

"The Lost Prince" - Avatar: The Last Airbender fanfic.

"Fire and Ice" - Avatar: The Last Airbender romance fanfiction.

"The Chosen One" - Star Wars fanfic with a new protagonist.

"Rise of the Phoenix" - Marvel X-Men fanfiction.

Popular Fanfic Categories on Rivd

Action, Adventure, Angst, Alternate Universe (AU), Crossover, Drama, Fantasy, Fluff, Friendship, Horror, Humor, Hurt/Comfort, Mystery, Parody, Poetry, Romance, Sci-Fi, Slice of Life, Supernatural, Suspense, Tragedy, Western, Young Adult, Adventure/Fantasy, Action/Adventure, Dark, Crime, Historical, War, Spiritual, Thriller, Fantasy/Adventure, Romantic Comedy, Action/Comedy, Science Fantasy, Time Travel, Alternate History, Epic, Fairy Tale, Magical Realism, Urban Fantasy, Cyberpunk, Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic, Steampunk, Heroic Fantasy, Sword and Sorcery, Paranormal Romance, Teen Romance, College Romance, Workplace Romance, Slow Burn Romance, Enemies to Lovers, Friends to Lovers, Forbidden Love, Unrequited Love, Love Triangle, Soulmates, Falling in Love, Established Relationship, First Love, Love at First Sight, Reunited Lovers, Secret Relationship, One-Sided Love, Brothers in Arms, Chosen Family, Sibling Bond, Mentor/Student, Rivalry, Redemption, Revenge, Survival, Road Trip, Journey, Self-Discovery, Personal Growth, Coming of Age, Political Intrigue, Court Intrigue, Espionage, Detective, Whodunit, Conspiracy, Psychological Thriller, Mind Games, Character Study, Canon Divergence, Missing Scenes, Prequel, Sequel, Post-Canon, Fix-It, Gap Filler, Future Fic, Backstory, Spin-Off, AU Fusion, Crack Fic, Meta.

These fanfics span a wide array of genres and fandoms, showcasing the creativity and diversity within the fanfiction community. For the best experience discovering and reading these fanfics, visit popular fanfic websites like Rivd, Archive of Our Own,, and Wattpad.

Challenges and Criticisms of Fanfiction

While fanfiction offers many benefits, it also faces challenges and criticisms. Some of the common issues include:

Copyright and Legality

One of the most significant challenges facing fanfiction is copyright and intellectual property law. Since fanfics use characters and settings from existing works, they can sometimes infringe on the rights of the original creators. However, many creators are supportive of fanfiction, seeing it as a way for fans to engage with and celebrate their work.

Quality and Curation

The quality of fanfiction can vary widely. While there are many well-written and engaging fanfics, there are also poorly written stories with weak plots and characterizations. This variability can make it challenging for readers to find high-quality fanfics. However, fanfic websites often have rating systems, reviews, and recommendation features to help readers discover the best stories.

Stigma and Perception

Fanfiction sometimes faces stigma and negative perceptions from mainstream literary communities. It is often seen as less legitimate or serious than original fiction. However, the growing popularity and acceptance of fanfiction are helping to challenge these perceptions, and many people recognize the creativity and talent involved in writing fanfic.


Fanfiction is a vibrant and dynamic form of storytelling that brings fans closer to the worlds they love. Whether you're interested in mainstream fandoms or anime, there's a fanfic out there for everyone. Explore the vast universe of fanfiction on popular platforms like Rivd, Archive of Our Own,, and Wattpad, and discover the creativity and passion of fanfic authors worldwide.


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