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Divine Rivals: Book One

This book came to me in Divine timing.

By Kimmiekins4Published 4 months ago 3 min read
Divine Rivals: Book One
Photo by 🇸🇮 Janko Ferlič on Unsplash

"I love the words I write until I soon realize how much I hate them, as if I am destined to always be at war with myself." -Iris Winnow Divine Rivals.

My goal for 2024 is to read more books. One thing that I have always loved since I was a little girl aside from writing is reading. I feel like usually those both go hand and hand, but have been my escape anytime reality gets rough. I started this book a few weeks ago and just finished it the other day. I actually found this out about this book from a girl I follow on Instagram and it came to me at the best time. As you all know I am a hopeless romantic and sucker for quotes and as fate would have it this book is filled with both. I will stop rambling now and get to the book review!

Book Description:

When two young rival journalists find love through a magical connection, they must face the depths of hell, in a war among gods, to seal their fate forever.

After centuries of sleep, the gods are warring again. But eighteen-year-old Iris Winnow just wants to hold her family together. Her mother is suffering from addiction and her brother is missing from the front lines. Her best bet is to win the columnist promotion at the Oath Gazette.

To combat her worries, Iris writes letters to her brother and slips them beneath her wardrobe door, where they vanish—into the hands of Roman Kitt, her cold and handsome rival at the paper. When he anonymously writes Iris back, the two of them forge a connection that will follow Iris all the way to the front lines of battle: for her brother, the fate of mankind, and love.

By Thought Catalog on Unsplash

"I think we all wear armor. I think those that don't are fools, risking the pain of being wounded by the sharp edges of the world, over and over again. But if I've learned anything from these fools, it's that being vulnerable is a strength that most of us fear."- Iris Winnow Divine Rivals.

I will admit that I didn't even read the book description before diving into this book. The quote that was sent to me through an email was enough to grab my attention. Once diving further into the book one of my favorite parts was both Iris and Kitt fell in love through letters. Iris and Kitt both had typewriters that were tied to each other through magic. Neither knew at first, Iris was using the typewriter to write to her brother at war, and when she wasn't hearing back she assumed the worst. Kitt began writing her back letting her know it wasn't her brother, but not reveiling his identity. Kitt and Iris were competing for a position at work, and when he got it Iris decided to go off and write about the war.

By now Kitt knew his feelings for her, and Iris knew she felt some way about him, but in her mind she was in love with they mystery guy on the other side of a typewriter. Eventually she arrives at her duty station, and not far behind her was Kitt. The continued to write each other even being at the same duty station and went to the frontlines together. That was when Iris really began to realize he true feelings for him. After an almost death experience Iris figures out that the mystery man is Kitt, and of course my little romantic heart was thrilled. But nothing good last forever, and I'll just leave it there. I am currently reading the second book, and I think I will have it finished before the end of the month!

By Alvin Mahmudov on Unsplash

"Perhaps it begins with one person. Someone you trust. You remove a piece of armor for them; you let the light stream in, even if it makes you wince. Perhaps that is how you learn to be soft yet strong, even in fear and uncertainty. One person, one piece of steel." Iris Widdow Divine Rivals

I would recommend this book to anyone that is a hopeless romantic at heart, that also loves the magical world. If you love deep quotes, and two people that will fight for their love no matter what life throws at them, than this book is for you!

The reason I feel that this book came to me in divine timing is because of this last quote that I shared. Sometimes it does begin with one person, rather you just met them or you've known them a majority of your life. It was that one person for me that showed me how harden I had become with the world out of fear. He helped me see that it's okay to be soft, yet I can still be strong. He broke free one piece of steel from my heart.

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About the Creator


I am a very creative person. I love reading, writing, listening to music, watching movies and shows. Writing has always been a way for me to express my feelings and thoughts. I'm excited to write some of my stories here on Vocal.

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