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Wondering What Hair Restoration Technique is Right for you?

Choosing the right hair restoration technique is very important when you decide to go for hair transplantation services.

By Jenny WilsonPublished 4 years ago 2 min read
Which Hair Restoration Technique is Right for Me?

By the age of 35, almost two-thirds of men will have a certain degree of visible hair loss — and that figure will rise to 85 per cent after the age of 50. Besides, Males are not the only ones impacted: women make up almost half of the number of hair loss sufferers in the UK. With numbers surging wildly, it's easy to see why so many people are looking for remedies that work in Hair Restoration.

Unfortunately, for every successful solution on the market, there seem to be at least ten that do nothing but eat into your bank account and give you false expectations. There is some positive news, however. Over the past few years, Hair Transplant Clinics in Glasgow have ensured that patients have access to treatments that get genuine and long-lasting outcomes. Let us have a closer look at various options available.

Non-surgical treatment

Let's be honest here— If you have significant hair loss, prescription shampoos, vitamins, and leave-in products will not offer a drastic change. That's because once you began to go bald in some areas of your head, the follicles of those individual hairs become dormant and stop hair growth completely.

That being said, there are treatments and medicinal products that can provide positive results if you begin using them in the initial phases of hair loss. Meds can delay or reverse moderate hair loss, often by increasing hair growth and fullness in adjacent follicles that are not yet wholly inactive.

Surgical hair restoration

For those with severe hair loss problems there are only accepted way to restore natural hair growth in bald areas fully. If you have been reluctant to pursue a surgical option, note that recent developments have made hair transplantation surgery a little easier for patients by reducing pain and downtime.

FUT vs FUE hair restoration

There are primarily two types of hair transplantation methods: FUT (Follicular Unit Transplant) and FUE (Follicular Unit Extraction). The best choice for you will depend on your specific hair restoration needs and your doctor's advice.

The FUT method of Hair Restoration Procedures requires taking a strip of skin with hair follicles from the donor area— usually the back of your head, where the hair is naturally thicker and less susceptible to baldness. Small groups of tissues containing hair follicles are isolated from this skin and primed for implantation. When this process is underway, small, independent incisions are formed at the regions where you are experiencing thinning or balding. Prepared grafts are then individually planted at the recipient site.

The FUE transplant procedure was conceived as a means of producing the outcomes similar to FUT while mitigating the drawbacks such as linear scar and advanced wound care associated with the latter. Just like FUT, FUE includes extracting hair follicles from the donor site at the back of the head and transferring them to create a smoother, more natural-looking hairline. Unlike FUT, this procedure does not require extracting a strip of tissue from the back of the head, but instead collecting individual hair follicles directly from the scalp and placing them into small incisions made at the recipient location.


About the Creator

Jenny Wilson

Hi I am Jenny Wilson, Working as a service promoter with the UK Hair Transplant Clinics based in the UK.

Currently I am helping this business by spreading their words about hair transplant services benefits and cures with the audience.

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