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What happens after a hair transplant?

hair transplant?

By jyoti patilPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

After a hair transplant, you just have to follow some basic care guidelines. The intervention will give results very soon and you will be able to treat your new hair as normal.

It is a very thoughtful decision, sometimes even for months or years. And when you finally decide to undergo surgery, you just think about looking in the mirror and looking good. However, after a hair transplant, you must follow a few habits of care. They are important for the success of the intervention.

The main question is how the transplanted hair will be. The answer is simple: exactly the same. It does not matter which technique was chosen.

Do not forget that hair grafts are obtained from the patient himself. Specifically, from the posterior and lateral areas of the head. These areas are genetically programmed to grow for life. This is explained because they have hormonal receptors that are not affected by the enzymatic hyperactivity that causes alopecia. Therefore, by being simply transplanted from one side of the head to the other, in their new location they will continue to grow normally. In three / six months (it depends on each person) you will see the results.

The step by step of what will happen after a hair transplant

In order for the hair to grow normally, the patient must do his part in his day-to-day care. This is true from the moment you leave the clinic.

The day after hair transplantation

On the day of the graft, it is better to have someone accompany you to leave the clinic. You will not be able to drive, because you will have received medication for the surgery. And thus, possible problems are avoided. That day, don't eat heavy meals either.

From now on and for the next month, you should avoid direct sunlight. However, you cannot cover your head with hats (or helmets) either. After a week or two, you can wear hooded garments or hats. As long as the doctor authorizes you, according to your evolution.

Also follow the specialist's instructions to start taking the prescribed medication. You can apply cold to the forehead to avoid inflammation. At bedtime, better on your back and slightly incorporated.

The next day

In the days immediately after your transplant, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. Wear loose clothing. This way you will avoid friction when putting it on that can injure the grafts. Apply cold to the forehead as a preventive measure to avoid inflammation. Sleep with the head slightly elevated for the first few days, supporting the back of the head avoiding friction with the grafted area.

On the fourth day

You can wash your head again, but with certain indications. As far as possible, the shower jet should not hit the head directly. If you can pour the water with a container, it will be better. Don't rub either. The shampoo must be neutral.

At two weeks

Two weeks after surgery you will return to the clinic for a control visit and to remove the stitches, if necessary.

You can also play sports again unless you practice contact sports, such as a martial art. In that case, better wait for a month to pass.

Regarding daily care, after washing your head you can recover the use of the dryer, if it is your custom to use it. Of course, no hot air. Better cold or warm. And with the device far enough away from the head (calculate approximately 15 cm).

A month

You can now wash your head normally. And you can also submerge your head if you practice swimming or have a sea / pool nearby. Of course, it is essential that you wash your head afterwards, to remove any remaining chlorine or salt

At three / six months

Your hair will have grown. It is not the same rate for everyone, but it is an approximate time to see results after a transplant. The final result will come after a year (maybe a little more in the crown area). Your hair will be normal and as such you should treat it, both to wash it and to comb it or cut it. The same care as for anyone.

To find out about all this, you can download the Hair Guide for free. You can also make an appointment with us and we will inform you without obligation.


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