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These girls' fitness misconceptions, you have been hit?

Girls need to know some general knowledge of fitness in order to avoid going into the wrong place

By KrukovskyPublished 2 years ago 7 min read
These girls' fitness misconceptions, you have been hit?
Photo by Jon Ly on Unsplash

It is found that many girls around

There are many misconceptions about fat loss and fitness.

For example, they want to work out but are afraid of growing muscles, and

To run and afraid of calf thick, and

Want to lose weight crazy obsessed with diet pills.

Girls need to know some general knowledge of fitness to avoid going into misconceptions.

Fat loss myths

1. fat can not be consumed locally

Fat is consumed by the whole body through aerobic exercise, fat consumption involves the whole body, and is not consumed by a certain action direction. That is, you can not artificially reduce only a certain part of the fat, it is impossible.

For example, how many sit-ups a day can be a thin belly because most of these movements are anaerobic movements of a certain part, that is, strength training, simply can not achieve the purpose of fat consumption, to consume fat, you must carry out the aerobic exercise, and a long time.

A part of the anaerobic exercise can only strengthen and develop this part of the muscle group, to shape the muscle line, must be combined with the aerobic fat loss of the whole body, such as doing sit-ups every day, the abdominal muscles are very strong, great core strength, but the top covered with a thick layer of sebum you to see who?

2. thin and have abdominal muscles?

Here is the problem with abs, abs appear or not depending on your body fat, your body fat is low, and abs will naturally appear. Some people even have abs without practice because they are thin.

The body fat of women is too low is not good, too low endocrine disruption, too low then basically stop menstruation to say goodbye to the aunt. The body fat of women in 17% to 23% are okay, not that the minimum 17% ah. This is only a range, about 20% is the best, you can go to the gym with equipment to measure body fat ratio.

3. the mode of fat loss

I will say more about the mode of fat loss, the most classic and effective mode of fat loss is strength training plus aerobic exercise. This is the fastest and most efficient mode.

Why is fat loss and not weight loss? The weight loss alone is only weight loss, which includes muscle and fat. That means you are losing weight, which is why some women weigh very little, but their body shape just doesn't look very harmonious.

Because the amount of muscle is not enough to hold up the perfect three-dimensional proportions. (For example, the flat buttocks of oriental women, which are inherently unattractive, and the gluteus maximus muscle mass is not enough. That collapses the buttocks.) So the purpose of weight loss is no matter what, I just need to drop the weight.

A person's shape and weight have little to do with it, he partly depends on the innate, such as the size of a women's breasts and hip shape. But most of it can still be obtained by exercise. The same weight of two women, body shape sometimes worlds apart, it is this reason.

And what is fat loss? Fat loss is to maximize the maintenance of lean body weight, in layman's terms, to ensure minimal loss of muscle and maximum fat consumption. So dieting, hunger strike, no lunch, no meals. This all belongs to "weight loss", not fat loss, and is not healthy.

Shape misconceptions

1. fear of growing muscles

Some girls are dieting, controlling their diet, but not exercising. The reason they don't exercise is that they are afraid of growing muscles.

This is a completely unfounded concern, girls to grow muscle is a very difficult thing because the physiological decision of women can not have too much muscle mass because the female androgen testosterone secretion level is very low. To be more specific, women do not have testicles and cannot secrete enough testosterone for muscle growth.

Even men, grow muscle, but also through hard, even painful often training, with a high protein, the high-carbohydrate diet of multiple meals to grow. And this process is measured in years. This is the first time I've ever seen a girl who has been in the business of running.

2. fear of calf thick

Some girls are afraid of running calves will be thick not at all thick, you see which long-distance runners calf thick?

Why do most women feel that their calves have become thicker?

First: after the exercise, the muscles will have temporary congestion and lactic acid accumulation, even the next day also have. This time the circumference is going to be bigger. But this state will go down when the body recovers.

Second: the calf becomes hard after exercise. Then you feel that it has become thicker. This is a psychological effect. If you take a tape measure to measure, you will find that it did not become thicker at all.

Here some girls will also say, my calves are muscle legs, feel very hard, born with more muscle. This is somewhat possible, but in most cases, that is a layer of sebum.

If your calves are relaxed, you can easily pinch up the skin of your legs, which is low in body fat. It is difficult to pinch up, pinch up a very thick layer of sebum, or not pinch up at all, the touch has the feeling of rice, then your calves are covered with a lot of sebum.

3. chest problems

Some people ask if they can enlarge their chests through exercise, such as exercising their pectoral muscles. This is impossible, the upper circumference depends on your genes, and exercise can only make your shape more harmonious, but can never enlarge the chest.

In addition to breast enlargement or pregnancy, otherwise, your chest will not increase.

And in the process of fat loss, your breasts are going to get smaller and there is no way to avoid it because the rest of the breasts are almost all fat except for the breast tissue. This is because fat is consumed by the whole body, so this part will be consumed along with it. There is no way to avoid it.

Diet Myths

1. Eat enough to have the strength to lose weight

The most important thing is the diet. What you eat, to a certain extent, is proportional to your body type. If your diet is not controlled, even if you exercise more will not have the slightest change in body shape, it is a matter of intake and consumption, for example, if you run an hour to consume 300 calories you drink a bottle of drink to make up for it.

To achieve fat consumption, the body should be in a catabolic state, that is, consumption is greater than intake. So the daily diet should be reasonably controlled, fat loss period of the diet to low oil and low salt, low oil is not to say, that itself is fat.

Low salt is also very important, salt will retain water. (People will look swollen), too much salt intake on fat loss will cause some impact. This is especially true in the north where the taste is heavy. Try to eat lighter.

2. superstitious diet pills

All the diet pills on the market (except professional fat loss supplements) are pseudoscience! The reason is that diet pills violate the conservation of energy, fat is energy, and no exercise consumption of your fat will go to where?

3. caffeine can improve metabolism?

And the problem with drinking coffee, drinking coffee can indeed improve metabolism, but that is the caffeine content inside, but caffeine is not the same as coffee.

You have to improve the metabolic rate of the almost invisible and additional intake of calories, the loss is not worth the gain. So don't drink it, honestly go to do cardio on the line ~

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