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There is a "negative energy food", so you eat while thin

What is negative energy food?

By Fester HammerPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
There is a "negative energy food", so you eat while thin
Photo by CA Creative on Unsplash

Anyone who has lost weight should know that "energy (calories)" is the key factor that determines whether we gain weight or not. You don't have to be afraid to eat more, as long as the energy you consume > the energy you take in.

So, some interesting claims make us take a chance at the "hard work" of losing weight, such as the magical "negative calorie foods". These include apples, celery, kale, papaya and lettuce, and 21 other foods, said to eat not only will not give the body increased energy reserves but will consume energy, the more you eat, the thinner. Is this true?

Does negative energy food really exist?

01. what is negative energy food?

Negative energy food, do not misunderstand! Think of negative energy food means that the caloric value of these foods is negative Oh! It refers to food that requires more energy to digest (the thermal effect of the food) than it can provide on its own.

One of the basic functions of food is to provide the body with the energy it needs daily. But at the same time, we eat these foods in the process of chewing, swallowing, digestion, and other actions required to consume energy. In theory, if the energy consumed to digest a certain food > the energy contained in the food itself, then this food is "negative energy food".

For example, 100 grams of a certain food can provide about 50 calories, but it takes 80 calories to digest the food, and as a result, the food produces -20 calories. This is called "negative energy food".

The theory is beautiful! But does this food exist in reality? Is digesting it greater than the calories contained in the food itself?

02. Is there a negative food?

The calories of the food itself are easy to understand, but how to calculate the calories consumed? First of all, we need to understand the concept of the "thermic effect of food".

The thermic effect of food (TEF) refers to the phenomenon that the human body needs to consume extra energy during the process of food intake due to physiological activities such as digestion, absorption, and metabolic transformation of nutrients in food, which causes an increase in body temperature and energy consumption, which is the thermal effect of food.

Usually, the level of the thermal effect of food is related to the nutrient content of food, eating volume, and eating frequency. The thermal effect of protein food is the highest, accounting for 30% to 40% of the energy of the food itself; the thermal effect of carbohydrate food is 5% to 6%; the thermal effect of fatty food is 4% to 5%. The caloric effect of mixed foods in general is only about 10% of its calories!

For example, if you consume 1,000 calories of food, then digesting these foods generally only consumes 100-400 calories of energy. There is no way that the heat effect is greater than the calories of the food itself!

Therefore, "negative energy food" does not exist.

03. What are the foods that control calories?

Although there is no such thing as "negative energy foods", there are some foods that help control calories after eating them. The so-called "negative energy foods" are mostly low-calorie, high-fiber foods.

Eating these foods, on the one hand, easy to produce a sense of satiety, to avoid eating a lot of food, from the source to control the calorie intake; secondly, high-fiber foods can regulate blood sugar fluctuations; finally, conducive to intestinal peristalsis, regulate the endocrine system.

04. attention! Knock on the blackboard!

For people who need to control their weight, on the one hand, to control energy intake, but also to ensure the intake of other nutrients. If you eat only vegetables and fruits for a long time, it will easily lead to protein malnutrition and energy deficiency, especially for children and adolescents during growth and development will have a more serious impact.

We do not have to care whether the food has "negative calories", as long as we pay attention to eating enough fresh fruits and vegetables, pay attention to eat natural whole grains, mixed beans and nuts, control oil, sugar, and refined white starch food, you can effectively prevent obesity.

Don't believe the unscientific rumors about weight loss, they just catch your little mind trying to be lazy. There is no such thing as sitting still to lose weight, so if you want to lose weight, you have to combine diet and exercise science.

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About the Creator

Fester Hammer

We soon believe what we desire.

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