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The Best Treatments for Self-Quarantine Skincare Routine!

Simple steps to care for your skin at home.

By Tyler McKinseyPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Working remotely, meeting colleagues only through video chat and spending way more time at home than during the whole last decade is the new norm these days. Many don’t let this opportunity pass and go hard on skincare, rigorously trying new routines and products to come out of quarantine with a better skin. Apart from applying multiple layers of creams and serums, there are some treatments that may enhance the skin almost like a visit to aesthetician would: and Dr.Numb is sharing their best tips on how to perform these treatments properly.

The most important thing about skincare while self-quarantining is not overdo it. Doing too little and doing too much can be both harmful, so it may be better to dedicate a one or two days a week to do a facial or just a more advanced skincare routine, while just keeping it simple during other days.

One of the crucial steps is keeping the skin moisturized. As it is still spring, in many regions the heating is on, and this dry air may lead to that the skin feels tight and dry. Listen to the needs of the skin, but remember to always keep it hydrated: by drinking enough water, spraying thermal water on your face or just sticking to your regular rituals.

It is also a great time to give the skin a short break and spend the days makeup-free. Just care and hydration are enough, but if one day you feel like doing a makeup, go for it.

Apart from that, #stayinghome doesn’t mean having to forget about salon treatments and this feeling of clean, nourished and revitalized skin that one usually gets after a visit to aesthetician’s office.

Dermarolling is a simple and safe treatment that can be performed at home. To do dermarolling, one needs to use a device called dermaroller and a suitable products to get the skin clean and ready for the treatment. There are various types of dermarollers available on the market, meanwhile the main difference between them is the length and width of the needles: for home use it is usually recommended to choose smaller needles. The smaller needles just prick the skin, which helps the skincare products to absorb better and provide a stronger effect. On the other hand, larger needles are usually used by a professional, they puncture the epidermis deeper, which additionally provokes the production of collagen. Although, it is strongly recommended to choose such a variant only for in-office treatments, and choose smaller needles for at-home procedures to avoid accidental scarring.

As with every skincare treatment, the prep is the most important part of the process. In case of dermarolling, it is crucial to properly cleanse and disinfect the skin surface and the dermaroller itself in order to avoid any infection or inflammation. Use a disinfectant foam soap with a strong antiseptic formula to cleanse the skin and dermaroller before the treatment and after. Once prepped, start passing a dermaroller over the face, using back and forth motion and applying just a slight to medium pressure, except any bony areas (nose, cheekbones etc). Once finished, proceed with the regular skincare routine. It may be a great idea to apply serum and seal it with a thicker cream to achieve better results.

Another popular treatment that can be easily done at home is waxing. This centuries-old treatment is still extremely popular and remains one of the most requested treatments in the beauty salon. For some, the treatment may feel too painful, so it is recommended to use a topical numbing cream to soothe painful sensations and provide comfort. Dr.Numb Topical Numbing Cream also contains Vitamin E which moisturizes the skin and helps it heal faster.

Spending all the time at home, without enough movement and mostly looking at the screen of the laptop or phone can have negative effects on skin, too. The lack of exercise and neck movement leads to that facial muscles become less toned; the lymphatic fluids don’t get moving, which can cause more dull skin tone and swelling. Try out some simple techniques of lymphatic facial massage at home – this will bring a healthy, radiant glow back to the skin.

Staying home is also a great opportunity to try home-made treatments and masks. Apart from that you can control the ingredients and make sure no harmful chemicals go in such masks, you can also adjust them specifically to your skin needs. For example, use green tea as an ingredient is you experience red, irritated skin; coconut oil for extra dry skin; or even apply tea bags to combat itchy eyes.

Spending time at home is definitely a way to re-consider daily skincare routines, learn new techniques and test the products that have been kept at the back of the shelf for too long. Doesn’t matter which treatment to choose, staying home it´s great opportunity to come out of the self-quarantine with healthier, brighter and better skin.


About the Creator

Tyler McKinsey

Experienced Writer & Editor

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