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Teach you how to properly slim down

The majority of energy intake comes from the chemical energy contained in food

By KrukovskyPublished 2 years ago 12 min read
Teach you how to properly slim down
Photo by Heather Ford on Unsplash

Principles of energy metabolism

In all physiological states, the majority of energy intake comes from the chemical energy contained in food.

The energy consumed includes the energy contained in feces, urine, and digestive tract gases, the energy consumed for special thermogenesis, maintenance of basic life activities, and production and external work.

1. Energy balance

Energy balance does not require that each person's energy intake be balanced every day, but that the average values of energy consumed and consumed by adults be equal within 5-7 days.

The energy consumed in the body must be compensated by food intake from outside, so that the energy consumed and the energy taken in by the body tend to be equal, which is called energy balance in nutrition.

2. Intake

Then the intake is generally in the form of eating and drinking and then absorbed through the digestive system to provide energy for the body.

That is, how much you eat does not mean how much you ingest, because not all food will be absorbed by the body.

For example, if I ate a 200 kcal piece of cake today, but I only absorbed 150 kcal, then I can only say that I took in 150 kcal.

3. Consumption

Consumption is divided into two parts: basal metabolism, and daily activity consumption. Basal metabolism refers to the minimum energy needs of the body for all organs that sustain life.

Daily activity consumption refers to the energy needed by the body in daily activities, such as exercise, work, housework, etc.

Total daily consumption = basal metabolism + daily activity consumption, that is to say, if we want to increase consumption, one is to increase basal metabolism, and the other is to increase daily activity consumption.

4. Intake and consumption

When the intake > consumption over some time, then you will gain weight; vice versa, you will lose weight.

This is the reason we usually talk about weight loss, so make sure that intake < consumption.

Take you to know about weight loss

Weight loss is also divided into two types, one is weight loss and the other is fat loss.

Weight loss refers to the loss of weight through any method, such as drugs, dieting, surgery, sweating, and so on.

This type of weight loss is usually the kind of method used by big fat people whose lives have been affected.

Most of the people in our group are not suitable to take this type of weight loss method, so why not? Let's look at the effects of these weight loss methods.

1. drug weight loss

Drug weight loss is usually divided into four types.

1. drugs that act on the central nervous system to affect appetite

2. Drugs that act on the gastrointestinal system to reduce food absorption

3. Drugs that promote fat consumption and increase thermogenesis

4. Hormonal drugs

Long-term use of diet drugs can cause loss of appetite, nausea, and diarrhea, which can lead to malnutrition, anemia, fractures, gastrointestinal disorders, imbalance of water and electrolyte balance, impaired liver function, etc. The accumulation of drugs in the body can also aggravate the primary disease.

Secondly, diet pills must be taken for a long time, and can not be interrupted, if the long-term discontinuation of easy to rebound, or even gain weight.

2. Dieting

This is the most common, the intake is much smaller than the consumption, resulting in an energy deficit, trying to consume fat to fill the deficit.

The actual effect is: at the beginning of the lean body weight (in addition to fat weight, usually refers to muscle, bone mass, etc.) a lot of loss, fat consumption is less or unchanged, at this time, the performance of weight loss significantly, little change in body shape.

Then comes the plateau period, due to the loss of lean body weight, basal metabolism decreases, resulting in a decrease in overall consumption, the need to eat less to lose a little weight.

Our body is and is very smart, if we give up dieting at this stage and resume normal eating, the body will think it is experiencing a famine and will absorb more nutrients from food and accumulate in the body as fat, thus it will be fatter than before the diet.

This is why many people repeatedly lose weight and gain it back.

If you continue to insist, the fat and lean body weight are consumed, the whole person will become thin and bony, and the probability of various diseases such as fractures and anemia will greatly increase.

Not only that, but dieting will also bring a series of physiological problems, dieting can lead to gastrointestinal digestive disorders, but also be accompanied by a series of side effects of nutritional deficiencies.

Long-term dieting can lead to dry skin, muscle relaxation, hair loss, slow reaction, memory loss, decreased immunity, gallstones, anorexia nervosa, over-eating disorders, nutritional disorders and other complications, and even menstrual disorders and even menopause in women.

3. Surgical weight loss

Usually liposuction surgery or digestive tract modification surgery.

This kind of method is risky, high cost, and accompanied by side effects and complications, except for the degree of obesity life-threatening or life can not take care of themselves and other special circumstances, generally do not consider surgery to lose weight.

4. sweating weight loss

Sweating weight loss is usually said to reduce water, through a lot of sweating, in a short period is quick weight loss, once the hydration, the weight will soon be restored.

So don't think, wow I'm sweating a lot today, I should be burning a lot of fat. Most of what you burn is water.

5. fat loss and weight loss

Then we need to use the method of fat loss weight loss, which refers to the control of diet and scientific exercise, to lose a lot of fat.

Controlled diet means a reasonable intake of various nutrients, not high-fat, high-calorie food, not what people think, I eat less can.

Scientific exercise means periodic, safe, and reasonable exercise, rather than a large number of exercises at once. Therefore, it is a long-term process that needs to be maintained.

Not that I can lose weight today on a whim by running a dozen or twenty laps around the playground.

Through the above two conditions, the intake is approximately equal to about 80% of consumption, thus losing a lot of fat rather than lean body weight.

Knock on the blackboard!!! Here we note that the intake is approximately equal to 80% of the consumption, not that the greater the difference is better.

Common obesity problems

So what are the common causes of obesity? We can look at the causes, and then the right remedy.

Genetic body type

Irregular diet

Excessive and (or) unbalanced intake

Lack of exercise

Lack of sleep

Medication factors

Mental stress


Endocrine disorders

1. Genetic body type problem

There are three types of human body types, endodermal, mesodermal, and ectodermal. The classification is based on the degree of development of body fat, muscle and bone.

Endodermal people have more subcutaneous fat, large, thick, and short bones, and large joint cross-sections, and will look fatter overall, while ectodermal people are naturally thinner, with long, thin bones and small joint cross-sections.

But this is not a reason to be fat, because endoblastic people can also be slimmed down through scientific exercise and a reasonable diet.

2. Irregular diet

This is a common problem of modern people. When a person wakes up early for some time continuously, even if they want to lazy bed, they will wake up earlier, this is the role of the biological clock.

Similarly, our digestive system will also have a biological clock, every day to the time to eat will secrete digestive juices to digest food, and not eat at this time, no food after the secretion of digestive juices to neutralize, which will damage the gastrointestinal mucosa and other problems, leading to a variety of digestive tract diseases.

At the same time, an irregular diet will also disrupt the body's hormone secretion, resulting in appetite rise or fall, as well as bone density decline and poor bowel movement, and other problems, and ultimately will cause obesity.

3. Excessive intake and (or) unbalanced

Intake of too much need not elaborate, the three major nutrients in the human body are interchangeable, when the intake is too much and not consumed, part of the nutrients will be excreted, and the other part will be converted into fat accumulation in the body.

But do not presume that fat will be converted into sugar or protein, in the vast majority of cases, this will not happen.

An unbalanced diet will also lead to obesity, especially the large intake of trans fats, which not only difficult to consume but also cause cardiovascular disease, etc.

4. Lack of exercise

Fat loss is inseparable from the consumption being greater than the intake, the lack of exercise is often less muscle content, and the basal metabolism is not high.

At this time also do not exercise, then the consumption will be even lower. If the intake remains unchanged, it is strange that it does not change fat miles.

The next lack of sleep, drugs, stress can be attributed to endocrine disruption, which stems from the body's hormonal regulation.

5. edema

One is excessive sodium intake or too little water intake, which can cause the sodium concentration in the body to rise and cause water retention, which is, frankly speaking, eating too much salt or drinking too little water.

The other is a problem with venous reflux. For example, if you sit for too long, your calves will easily become edematous.

The first kind can be restored by adjusting the diet, while the second kind is recommended to seek medical advice and following the physician's guidance.

Talking about carbohydrates

After figuring out what weight loss is, let's tell you about what we usually eat.

Nutrients are chemical components of food that provide energy to the body, constitute the organism and tissue repair, and have physiological regulatory functions. All kinds of substances that can maintain human health as well as provide the growth, development, and labor required are called nutrients.

The essential nutrients for the human body are proteins, lipids, sugars, vitamins, water and inorganic salts (minerals), and dietary fiber (cellulose) in seven categories.

Let's start with sugars, also known as carbohydrates, which are a class of compounds composed of three elements: carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen.

1. The role of sugar

1. Provide energy

2. Constitutes an important substance for the body

3. Participate in the metabolism of nutrients

4. Detoxification and hepatoprotective effect

5. increase the feeling of stomach fullness

Some people will look for shortcuts in terms of eating, what I do not eat food on the food can not. Then look at the role of carbohydrates above will know that this is not possible.

Carbohydrates are one of the body's important sources of energy, the supply of 60%-65% of the total caloric energy supply is appropriate, the minimum should not be less than 55%, the maximum does not exceed 70%. 2.

2. Glycemic index (GI)

Next, an important concept, glycemic index, also known as food glycemic index (the GI value), is the ratio of the area under the 2h plasma glucose tolerance curve after consuming 50g of food containing carbohydrates and 50g of glucose, respectively.

Simply put, the higher the GI food, the faster the blood sugar rises when eaten, the faster it is digested, and the faster you get hungry. On the contrary, foods with a low GI have a slow rise in blood sugar and slow diges,in and are not easily hungry.

So what is the use of GI? Research has shown that by controlling the GI in your diet, you can regulate your body's glycogen reserves and exercise more effectively.

Low GI foods can be used for people who need to lose weight because of their long residence time in the gastrointestinal tract, slow-release, i.e., slow digestion, long-lasting satiety, and lack of easy hunger. The small increase in blood sugar after ingestion makes it suitable for diabetics. High GI food is beneficial for recovery after training, but not suitable as usual food for weight loss personnel because of its fast digestion and complete absorption after entering the gastrointestinal tract, suitable for digestive tract patients, but easy to be hungry.

As an example, Ming needs to lose fat and exercise every day in the afternoon. Then he eats a little low GI food for breakfast, a little medium GI food for lunch, a little high GI food after training, and a low GI food for dinner.

Many factors influence the GI value, including the structure of starch in the food, the size of the particles and the state of the fiber that wraps the starch, etc., the type and content of non-starch polysaccharides within the food, as well as the content and type of protein in the food, and the cooking method of the food.

For example, if rice is cooked into porridge, then the GI value will also become higher. The GI value of most foods can be found online, so I won't go into them all here.

Then we are recommended to eat low GI foods such as beans, coarse grains, oats, whole wheat bread, etc. Refined rice and noodles are relatively high GI value.

Then some students will ask, my family usually eats rice how to do it? We can mix little beans in the rice, such as green beans, red beans, etc. depending on personal preference. This way the GI will become lower.

Q & A

Q1: Through the above two conditions, the intake is approximately equal to about 80% of the consumption, so as to lose a lot of fat instead of lean body weight... This does not quite understand...

A1: It means that we lose weight to lose fat, and not to reduce muscle, bone density, etc., so I often say, do not just look at the weight

Q2: How to control the intake is equal to 80% of consumption?

A2: Consumption is basal metabolism + daily activity, 370 + 21.6 (body weight kg) * (1 - body fat rate) = basal metabolism (kcal)

Q3: What if I eat a lot of high-GI stuff? Good food is high GI

A3: It's not that you can't eat high GI foods for fat loss, but mainly low GI ones.

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