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Oshua when you start to feel things, you grow, and the Buddha nature only happens through feeling.

The body's mind

By danielkmay jhPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Q: in your daily conversation, you talk about awareness-total awareness, uninterrupted awareness, and so on. You also say that it cannot be achieved by the mind or by repeating a thought, it can only be felt, but how can one feel it unless he can achieve it. What is that feeling? that feeling is a harbinger of achievement, but what is it? how to imagine or project what hasn't happened yet? how does it happen by excluding the mind? what is the whole process? how can it be done?

Osho OSHO:

When I say that awareness cannot be achieved by the mind, I mean: you can't achieve it by thinking about it, you can think about it all the time, but you will always go in circles, when I say it cannot be achieved by the mind. I mean, it can't be achieved by thinking, you have to practice it, you have to do it, it can only be achieved by doing, not by thinking, this is the first thing. So don't keep thinking about what awareness is, how to achieve it, or what the result will be; don't keep thinking, start doing it.

It is difficult to walk consciously when you are walking in the street. You will always forget, but don't be afraid. Every time you think about it again, stay alert, be fully alert every step you take, you know, stay with that step and don't let your mind move anywhere else. When eating, eat, chew knowingly, no matter what you are doing, do not do it mechanically, that is different. When I say: it can only be felt, its meaning is: for example, I can raise my hand mechanically, but I can also raise my hand with complete vigilance, my mind realizes that my hand is raised. Do it, try it, do it mechanically, then do it consciously, you will feel that change, and that quality will change immediately.

Walk with vigilance, then your walk will be different, a different elegance will be shown in your walk, and you will move more slowly and gracefully. If you walk mechanically-just because you know how to walk and don't need to be alert, then that walk is ugly and there is no elegance in it. Do whatever you are doing with awareness, and then feel the difference. When I say "feel", I mean "watch", do it mechanically, then do it with awareness, feel the difference, and you will be able to feel the difference.

For example, if you come to eat with awareness, then you cannot eat more than your body needs. People keep coming to me, and they say, "put us on a diet." I have been gaining weight and my body has been accumulating. Put us on a diet. I told them, "Don't think about dieting, just think about 'consciousness'. Through a hunger strike, nothing will happen. You can't do it. One day you do it, and the next day you give up. You can't go on. Instead, you have to eat knowingly. "

That quality will change. If you eat with awareness, you will chew more; with unconscious, mechanical habits, you will only continue to fill your stomach, you are not chewing at all, you are just filling your stomach, then there is no happiness, because there is no happiness, so you need more food to get that happiness; no taste, so you need more food.

Just be alert and see what happens. If you are alert, you will chew more, you will feel that taste more, you will feel happy eating, and it will take more time. If you take half an hour to eat, then if you eat the same amount of food with awareness, you will need an hour and a half-three times as long. In half an hour, you will only be able to eat 1/3, and you will feel more satisfied, and you will enjoy the meal more. When the body enjoys it, it will tell you when to stop. When the body does not enjoy at all, it never says when to stop, so you go on, then the body becomes dull, and you will never hear what the body is saying.

If you are not there when you are eating, that will cause problems. The mind will be there, and then every step will slow down, and the body itself will say, "No!" "when the body says that, that's the right time. If you are aware, you will not violate the order of the body, you will stop, so let your body speak. The body is talking every moment, but you are not listening. Be alert, and then you'll hear it.

When I said, "feel it." "I know it's difficult. You don't know how to feel awareness. I'm not saying you can feel the enlightenment of OM right now, but one has to start. You may not get the whole ocean, but one drop, just one drop of sea water, can give you that smell, and that taste is the same. If you become aware even for a moment, you have already tasted the Buddha nature, it is short-lived, just a glance, but then you will know more, and this will never happen to you through thinking. it only happens through feeling.

The focus is on feeling, and the focus is on "living" experience. Thoughts are fake, you can always think about love and create theories, and you can even get a doctorate with a thesis on love or what love is, without being in love. You may not know what love is, you may never feel it; you can increase in knowledge, but do not grow in any aspect of your existence, and these are two different levels. You can always increase your knowledge, and your head will continue to grow bigger and bigger, but you will maintain the same small self.

Then nothing is really growing, only accumulating, when you start to feel things, you grow, your existence grows, one has to start somewhere, then start! There will be mistakes, that's for sure. You will continue to forget that it is natural, but don't feel frustrated, don't put aside your efforts and say, "I can't do it." "you can do it! There is the same possibility in OM exists in you, you are the seed, you do not lack anything at all, you are just a different arrangement, you are just a chaotic whole, everything has, you can become an OM, but your quality needs a recombination.

At present you are confused, because there is no arrangement, and when you begin to be aware, that arrangement will occur, as long as through your awareness, things will begin to line up, and your current confusion will become a symphony.

OM is the source and the first heart.

OM is balance and harmony.

OM is complete or complete.

OM is self-heart and nature.

OM is Jesus. Sex is Buddha.

OM is a symphony.

OM is neither two nor one

OM is the harmony of opposites.

Extracted from the Mysteries of Wisdom. This book is also known as the second of 10 Tan Cui Classics.


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danielkmay jh

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