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Laser Resurfacing for Acne Scars: Restoring Smooth and Clear Skin

Laser Skin Rejuvenation Treatement for Acne Scars

By Kevin DrakePublished 11 months ago 5 min read

Acne is one of the most common skin conditions that affect millions of people all over the world. It is characterised by small, raised, pus-filled, painful eruptions caused by the oil, grime, and dead cells trapped below the hair follicles. Acne can happen at any point in life, but periods of hormonal fluctuations like puberty, pregnancy, and the menstrual cycle are the most common times you are prone to an acne breakout. Acne leaves behind pits and scars that give you an uneven skin tone. Living with these scars can be very frustrating as they cause a major dent in your self-esteem and confidence. Thankfully, advancements in the field of dermatology have thrown up a lot of options like Laser Resurfacing in Bangalore, which offer you hope for restoring smooth, clear, even-toned skin.

Laser resurfacing, also called ablative laser resurfacing, is a procedure that uses a wand-like laser instrument to peel off the upper layer of your skin to reveal fresh, youthful skin. It is also referred to as laser peeling. It is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure. The targeted laser beams used in laser resurfacing address your acne scars and other skin concerns like pigmentation, wrinkles, fine lines, and sagging.

What Are Acne Scars?

Acne scars are the result of acne breakouts. When the inflammation (pain, redness, and swelling) due to acne is severe, the body tries to heal itself by producing collagen fibres. When this process of collagen fibres is not smooth, it leads to the formation of acne scars.

Acne scars can be of two types-

Atrophic Scars- These are characterised by indentations and depressions on the surface of your skin. They are commonly known as ice-pick scars.

Hypertrophic Scars-These scars are formed due to excess collagen formation. They appear as raised bumps.

Both types of scars are often deemed ugly-looking and can cause much distress.

How Does Laser Resurfacing For Acne Scars Work?’

Laser resurfacing uses laser beams to treat acne scars. These beams are targeted to remove the damaged outer layer of the skin. They also stimulate the production of healthy cells. The heat from the laser beams also remodels the collagen, which helps to smoothen the appearance of the scars.

The laser used for resurfacing is of 2 types- carbon dioxide (CO2) and erbium lasers. CO2 lasers are used for cases where the scarring due to acne is very severe. Erbium lasers are used for milder cases of acne scars.

Your dermatologist will choose the laser best suited to you after clinically evaluating your scars and skin type.

The Ideal Candidate For Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing is the treatment of choice for treating acne scars. It can also be used if you suffer from any of the following conditions-

● Chickenpox scars

● Birthmarks

● Age Spots

● Sun damaged skin

● Fine lines and wrinkles

● Enlarged oil glands on the nose

Laser resurfacing for acne is not recommended if you suffer from active acne and have a dark skin tone, deep wrinkles, and sagging skin.

Preparing For The Procedure

Laser resurfacing is a quick, minimally invasive procedure that is done at the dermatologist’s clinic. A few things must be taken care of before you walk in for the procedure.

● Avoid stepping out into harsh sunlight and getting tanned for 4 weeks before the procedure.

● Use broad-spectrum sunscreen regularly for 4 weeks before the procedure.

● Avoid getting peeling facials like chemical peels, dermabrasion, etc, from 4 weeks before the laser resurfacing procedure.

● Medications like antibiotics (doxycycline and minocycline) that cause photosensitivity (a condition where the skin becomes sensitive to sunlight) must be avoided 72 hours before the procedure.

● Inform your doctor if you have a history of herpes and shingles. You will be prescribed antiviral medicines 2 days before and 3 days after the procedure.

● You will be prescribed a topical retinoid cream to be applied on the skin for 4 weeks before the procedure. This helps to prepare your skin for laser resurfacing.

● You will be advised to quit smoking a few weeks before the procedure.

The Procedure

Laser resurfacing takes about 30 minutes to 2 hours, depending on the extent of the damage to your skin. Your dermatologist will first administer a topical anaesthetic to numb you to the pain. Next, the laser energy is delivered to the targeted areas with a handheld device. You may experience a warm, tingling sensation during the procedure. But the discomfort is very minimal. Once the procedure is over, you will have red, irritated skin, similar to a sunburn. A non-stick dressing will be applied to the treated area, and you will be sent home the same day.

Post-Procedural Care

Once the procedure is done, do not wash your face for the first 24 hours. You can apply a cold compress to your face to reduce swelling and discomfort. Post 24 hours, you will be advised to wash your face 3 to 4 times a day, preferably with normal saline or diluted vinegar. You may develop blisters that itch. Do not scratch or burst the blisters as this can lead to scarring. After every wash, an ointment like Vaseline or a heavy moisturising cream should be applied to the face. This helps to prevent the formation of scabs.

Healing takes about 1 week to 21 days, depending on the type of laser used and the extent of the area treated.

Once the area has healed, you can start using oil-free makeup. Apply sunscreen regularly and avoid prolonged exposure to harsh sunlight. For 6 weeks after the procedure, do not get any harsh facial, as chemical peeling. Also, avoid medications and creams that may cause skin irritation. Avoid activities that cause flushing of the skin. Avoid smoking till you heal completely, as tobacco has the power to hinder the recovery process.

Benefits And Risks Of Laser Resurfacing

Laser resurfacing offers several benefits if you seek to improve your appearance by getting rid of acne scars.

Non-invasive- Unlike other treatment methods, this procedure is non-invasive. This means there are no incisions, bleeding, or sutures. The downtime is very minimal too.

Scar reduction by natural methods- This procedure stimulates the skin to produce collagen and promotes the growth of healthy, new skin cells. This helps to get rid of the scars left behind by acne.

Minimal side-effects- Laser resurfacing has very few side effects as compared to other forms of scar treatment. The minor discomfort, swelling, and redness usually subside within two days.

Long-lasting results- With the right amount of skincare, the results of laser resurfacing can be seen for several years after the procedure.

As with all procedures, laser resurfacing also has some potential risks. Talk to your dermatologist about the risks in detail, as this will help you make an informed decision.

Milia- These small, white, non-itchy bumps may crop up on the treated area.

Pigmentation Errors- You may develop hyperpigmentation (dark skin colour) in the areas treated with laser resurfacing.

Reactivation of Herpes infection- You may develop a herpes simplex cold sore (infection of the skin caused by the herpes virus), especially if the laser resurfacing has been done around your mouth. This can be prevented by taking antiviral medicines before and after the procedure.

Bacterial infections- There are chances that the healing skin may get infected and would require antibiotics.

Excessive swelling- Though some swelling is expected post the procedure, sometimes the swelling may be severe enough to warrant oral steroids.

Laser Skin rejuvenation treatment at Kosmoderma Skin, Hair and Body Clinics by expert dermatologists can significantly remove scars and improve the appearance of your skin. Smooth, clear skin with an even tone can greatly boost self-confidence. With proper care, the effects of laser resurfacing can last for a long time. Consult our expert dermatologist at Kosmoderma and achieve your dream of smooth and clear skin through laser resurfacing.


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