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By evidencePublished 11 months ago 7 min read
Photo by Crook & Marker on Unsplash

in the next few minutes what you're

about to learn just might shock you

might scary but it might also forever

change your life and how you interact

with girls in this world that we live in

there are rules that we must follow

break some of these rules and you will

end up in a cold dark place that serves

terrible food these are laws and they

are the visible rules but there is a

second set of rules which aren't quite

as obvious breaking the second set of

rules won't put you behind bars and in

fact it might actually help you to

overcome one of the biggest problems

that many guys struggle with which is

talking to girls this hidden set of

rules exists everywhere in society

because it was created by society to

truly understand how this works it is

important to note the two main forms of

communication used by humans the first

option is called indirect communication

and it's the primary form of

communication used by girls but also by

most people in society the entire

purpose of indirect communication is

simply to say something without actually

saying it and it's basically used as a

safeguard to prevent someone from coming

off as rude while indirect communication

can actually be incredibly useful in

certain situations in many cases it can

do much more harm than good especially

if you're a guy think about the last

time that you got turned down for

something maybe it was a girl you liked

and when you asked her out she said

something like you're cute but I'm not

interested most of the time she won't

actually say sorry I'm not attracted to

you physically but that's probably the

real reason why she said no and she

basically said no without actually

saying to fully understand how we should

proceed we must first understand the

origins of both types of communication

in direct communication traditionally is

a feminine form of communication and it

is the default setting for most girls

now direct communication is the total

opposite and up until the last few

decades it was the primary form of

communication used by guys today however

indirect communication is gradually

becoming the default setting for many

guys and this is where problems can

arise when talking to girls and even

other guys so many dudes get it wrong

think about it like this imagine you're

in a restaurant and the waitress asks

you if you're ready to order

many guys will say yes

can I have the chicken alfredo please

and later they act surprised when the

waitress isn't attracted to them

remember how you say something or the

tone of voice that you use is even more

important than what you actually say

when the guy says can I have the chicken

alfredo he does it in a way that makes

him sound as if he's asking the waitress

permission to having now imagine once

again the waitress asks what would you

like to eat today and instead of asking

if you can have the chicken alfredo you

say yes I'll take the chicken alfredo

using both the tone of your voice and

the actual words you're not asking

permission you're basically telling her

that you're going to take the chicken

alfredo whether she likes it or not it

is important to remember that attraction

is an impulse so girls and guys have

zero control when you speak directly and

powerfully you are pressing that little

attraction button that is inside most

girls think about the guy who plays in

Thor in the Avengers movies and how he

speaks in those movies most of the time

he is very direct in his communication

especially with the ladies and he acts

as if everything that he says is

important in the simple act of simply

believing that every word that you have

to say is important actually makes it

import this is the complete opposite of

the way girls talk and it is the most

attractive way that you can speak around

girls but the benefits of powerful

direct communication are not just with

girls speaking directly and powerfully

will gain your respect from other men

especially from those who primarily

communicate indirectly for example

imagine you're in the movie theater with

a girl and she says BRR it's cold in

here chances are she's indirectly

hinting at you to let her wear your

jacket remember direct communication is

masculine like a warrior an indirect

communication is feminine and the more

feminine a man appears the less

attraction most girls will feel towards

him except for girls who are more

masculine since girls are from an

evolutionary standpoint more vulnerable

than guys they tend to avoid conflict

which is the driving force behind their

indirect communication now it's possible

to flirt with girls using indirect

communication but the majority of the

interaction should be using direct

straightforward communication the funny

thing is girls actually want guys to

talk to them like this but they expect

that most guy

and this is a huge advantage for the

guys who do it right

direct communication is one of the main

traits of a dominant male and it is one

of the most important things for showing

confidence and assertiveness the key

when speaking directly with not just

girls but also guys this would be

optimistic with whatever it is you're

saying in other words the tone of your

voice should sound as if you're a

hundred percent confident that the other

person is going to comply or agree with

what you said by simply having positive

expectations from the start in a given

situation is more likely to end in your

favor and the same is true for negative

expectations a great example of direct

communication is I want you to go to the

dance with me tonight instead of will

you go to the dance with me

asking a girl out and directly is cute

in a Disney movie but it's not the

optimal choice for real life all that

you have to do to begin speaking in a

direct attractive way and start any

sentence where you're asking for

something with the letter I and use more

statements than questions when you state

something to somebody as if it's a fact

it shows that you have confidence and

courage because you are standing up for

something that could be met with

disapproval by everyone around you so

many guys in today's society speak

indirectly because of an invisible rule

that says it's the polite thing to do

but the truth is that oftentimes the

most polite way to speak or handle the

situation is also the most unattractive

way for a man to do so

talking is something that we spend most

of our time doing so the sooner you can

start talking more like a warrior

the sooner girls and guys will start to

see you as one if you spent most of your

life speaking indirectly and non

powerfully then yeah it's going to feel

weird when you get out there and start

practicing it much the same way a bike

felt totally foreign the first time you

tried to write it but feeling

uncomfortable is good because it's the

only time that you're actually growing

as a person when you see a big movie in

the theater you only see the finished

product what you don't see is the

repetition and the countless takes that

were required for the finished product

girls don't care if you used to be a shy

insecure guy in the past in the same way

that you would still be attracted to a

girl who used to be incredibly

overweight as long as she's at a healthy

attractive weight now all that matters

is who you are now and

who you can grow to become and if you're

into business making money or success be

sure to check out my second channel

business secrets the link is in the

description and with that said you guys

are awesome and as always until next

time thanks

how to

About the Creator



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