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How do you take care of greasy hair?

hair care

By Sahina BanoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
How do you take care of greasy hair?
Photo by Curology on Unsplash

A huge proportion of women all around the world have oily curls, however this group should not give up on themselves or their hairdo. It is quite beneficial to understand how to care for oily hair since they may captivate at first glance with their beauty and healthy sheen.

The simplest method to avoid wondering how to care for oily hair is to select a collection of specialist products from a reputable manufacturer with a well-known brand name. As a rule, such series feature the most diverse selection of hair care products, including greasy ones.

Three essential tips for caring for greasy hair

There are a few basic rules and many tips on how to care for oily hair in order to always be on top. What are these rules?

First rule. Oily hair is recommended to be washed on average once every 3 days, since frequent washing, alas, does not reduce its oily content. Shampoos for oily hair with extracts of nettle, sage, coltsfoot, calamus, horsetail, seaweed, shampoos containing proteins, vitamins A, C, K, zinc trace element, as well as special medicated shampoos.

Second rule. It is good to rinse dark oily hair with water and vinegar (1 tablespoon per 1 liter of water), and light - chamomile infusion (2 tablespoons per 2 liters of water) with the addition of lemon juice or citric acid.

Third rule. Care for oily hair does not include scalp massage and frequent brushing of curls. In addition, it is not recommended to blow-dry strands that are prone to oily and wear them long - all this contributes to the difficulties in leaving.

A few tips for caring for greasy hair

By Element5 Digital on Unsplash

After washing, for care, you should apply a special balm, mask or special cream, whose base is aloe vera. With their regular use, the structure of the curls improves, they become soft, elastic, easy to comb, and the fat content decreases.

When leaving, use a hairdryer as little as possible. It is best when our strands dry naturally after washing. As a last resort, direct the air towards your hair, not your head.

With increased activity of the sebaceous glands, nutrition is important. It is best to try to reduce the use of flour, sweet and fatty foods, as well as alcohol and spices to a minimum. With increased oily hair, you can also take vitamins A, B, B2, C, E.

According to experts, even stress and bad mood can affect the quality of hair. Therefore, to keep your hair beautiful and not greasy, try to be less nervous and lead an active lifestyle.

Masks for curls prone to oily

100-150g. Crumble brown bread or crusts and pour boiling water over. When the water cools down to room temperature, rub the prepared gruel into the scalp and tie it with a plastic scarf for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with water. Alas, if this is the first time you make this mask, it may seem to you that the crumbs from your head are not washed out. Then it is worth rubbing this gruel through cheesecloth folded in 4 layers. You will get a more or less homogeneous mixture. Then it will be easier.

Before washing your hair, curls can be greased with ordinary kefir or yogurt. And after 15 - 20 minutes after that, wash your hair.

If the hair is salted quickly, then from washing to washing it can be wiped with an infusion of a mixture of succession, sage, chamomile, taken in equal proportions (3 tablespoons of the mixture to 0.5 liters of boiling water), or horsetail and arnica flowers (2 tablespoons of the mixture 0.5 liters of boiling water).


About the Creator

Sahina Bano

Freelance Blogger and Content Writer. I owe a website and write for my clients.

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