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a storyteller through music

By mysoundMusicPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

Yira is a musical storyteller, using the power and grace of her melodies to speak directly to the heart in a way that words never could.

Born in Seoul, South Korea, coming from a musical family, Yira began working in the K-Pop industry at an early age. However, her true love was always instrumental music. She branched out on her own, relocating to Las Vegas where she could write the type of music she wanted.

She released her first single in 2017, followed by several increasingly complex and touching compositions. These songs tell stories using notes instead of words, capturing the hidden beauty of the world using nothing but a lone piano.

Oh My Little Bird, released in 2020, is one example her use of notes instead of words, composed for her newborn niece. Although is was written with this newborn baby in mind, it is also for children and adults who need to be calm or meditate. It's bright, warm and a very hopeful mood piece. Easy to listen.

Take a few minutes to get to know Yira through mySoundMusic's Q and A series.

How long have you been creating music?

About 3 years

What drew you to the music industry?

Basically, my whole family is in music industry in Korea. When my sister was struggling with her music career, I want to help her and that was the moment I decided to be musician.

Who are you inspired by?

My Mom, who is music teacher and musician for over 40 years.

Please explain your creative process

Normally, I try to write daily notes, but it’s more focus on “my mood’ (like journaling with my feelings), and when I feel I need to go further more, then I write music with the daily notes. For me, remembering my memories with feelings is important.

Is there a hidden meaning in any of your music?

For me, music is “Great Stories Without Words”. Sometime, I write lyrics too. But I prefer music with out words.

What is the best song you ever released and why?

Personally, I think Winter Story is my best song. However, Oh my Little Bird is becoming the best so far.

What is your favorite song(s) to perform? Or if not performing, what song do fans seem to favor?

So far, Winter Story is my favorite to perform.

Do you think you could get any better as a artist/band? If so, how would you achieve that? OR Have you seen growth in yourself/ band from beginning to now? If, so how? And what spurred that growth?

It’s hard to tell, cause “meaning of better, achieve or growth” could be different for anybody. However, I think I am trying to be better as an Artist, that’s for sure. And I enjoy the moments of trying. So I believe I can be better someday? I’m too optimistic??

What is your favorite part about this line of work? Your least favorite? Why?

I have to say it’s promotion. With my experience, most of my fans like to hear my music Live. So Finding people who likes my music on online is very hard for me.

Have you ever dealt with performance anxiety?

I had performance anxiety, It was very hard. But its over now.

What advice would you have for someone wanting to follow in your footsteps?

It’s very very long journey. So, if you don't have patients, don't start.

How do you feel the Internet has impacted the music business & your music?

Yes, it’s impacted the music business and music very much.

If you could go open a show for any artist who would it be?

That should be Yirum who is also composer and pianist. I admire him very much and his music is amazing.

Who would you have open for your show?

Well, I don't know. Any musician who wants to have opportunity, I will help them.

Love this answer. Musicians helping fellow musicians

Please discuss how you interact with and respond to fans

I had small live concerts and performances with the fans. But it was more like “person to person” relationship with local and community. That's why I want to go promotion with social media so It can be expand.


What is one message you would give to your fans?

Thank you for your support. I am trying to tell my stories with my music, but it could be your story too. So Keep listening my works. Thank you!!

What is your favorite/best outlet to connect with your fans Instagram, Spotify, FB, Twitter, iTunes? How would you want them to follow?

I think Instagram and Spotify is best for me.

Did I forget to ask something? Something you would like to say, that I didn’t address?



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