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What Is The Easiest Musical Instrument To Learn When You're Over 50?

you're never too old

By Kevin RoachePublished 3 years ago 8 min read

Learning is a constant process and is even more helpful when you are older. Older adults should find new things to learn to keep your brain active and healthy. Learning a musical instrument is one of the obvious things you can learn during retirement. With more time on your hands, you have a unique chance to learn the device you always wanted to learn.

However, due to failing vision, dexterity problems, and other age-related health issues, learning an instrument may seem too daunting. In this article, we'll take a closer look at some of the fantastic health benefits that come with learning a musical instrument. Then we will suggest five easy instruments for older adults to learn.


Amazing Health Benefits of Learning to Play a Musical Instrument

Aside from giving a feeling of accomplishment, learning to play a musical instrument has many physical and mental benefits. From better breathing to sharper mental alertness, there are many reasons why you ought to consider learning to play an instrument.

Physical Benefits

Music in itself can keep you calm, affecting our emotions, lowering heart rate and blood pressure. Learning to play an instrument takes these benefits a step further by allowing you to create calming music. Learning how to make music focuses your mind on a positive activity and away from your worries. This, in turn, can alleviate stress and reduce blood pressure.

Improved hearing

According to studies, musicians can pick out specific voices and sounds in a noisy environment. This is because playing music can drastically improve your hearing. It refines your hearing skills and teaches you to isolate different sounds as they occur. As you age, the hearing may become problematic, so playing music may very well be a strategy to combat this decline.

Improved Posture

Many music instruments require a specific posture to be played correctly. Getting into the habit of maintaining good position can have numerous benefits on your health. After a while, you will find that your posture has improved. Good posture can reduce neck and back pain, both of which are common among elderly adults.

Increased physical activity

Whether you are playing the piano, guitar, or a wind instrument, your arm and back muscles will be at work to hold the instrument. The more challenging or physically demanding the instrument, the more calories you will burn. For example, playing drums is cardio exercise.

Improved breathing

Activities related to playing an instrument such as blowing or singing, require a deep breath from the diaphragm. Practicing deep breathing does wonder to strengthen the lungs and respiratory system. According to research, playing the harmonica can help prevent pulmonary disease. Since lung-related conditions are among the leading problems among the older generation, learning a wind instrument can have many benefits.


Mental Benefits

The act of learning anything new has always been known to be good for the brain, and the same goes with learning a new instrument. Playing an instrument is likened to doing a brain workout that can improve performance, memory, and general mental health. There is even evidence that music can help a stroke patient recover and slow the onset of dementia.

Improved coordination

Depending on the instrument you decide to learn, you will need to develop coordination skills between your hands, fingers, and feet while maintaining rhythm. On top of this, you will need to be conscious of playing the right tones, all of which can be a challenge. With practice, however, your motor skills will improve drastically. Better coordination means a lower risk of falling and better overall balance.

Improved Focus

Concentration is necessary when it comes to learning any instrument. With all the parts of your brain concentrating on learning this new skill, you will develop better concentration in daily life. The ability to focus on one activity at a time for extended periods will benefit you in facing life's challenges.

Better Organization skills

Learning a musical instrument requires a lot of time and sticking to a schedule. Learning to follow a consistent routine teaches discipline and time management, which are valuable life skills. With better time management, you will be able to organize your life in a way that utilizes your time instead of wasting it.

There are also numerous emotional benefits to learning a musical instrument, including a unique feeling of self-achievement. There is nothing like being able to play your favorite song all by yourself. Reaching such a milestone gives a huge sense of self-confidence which is essential, especially among older adults.

Learning a musical instrument also gives you a chance to be creative and express yourself through your music. Using music as an outlet for negative emotions can help you remain mentally and emotionally healthy despite the stress you feel daily.

Your social life will also improve once you master a musical instrument. From being a great conversation starter, icebreaker, or means to meet new people, there is no end to the social benefits you will get from learning an instrument.


5 Easy Musical Instruments to Learn

Now that you are convinced about all the fantastic benefits that come with learning a musical instrument let's tackle some of the most accessible instruments to learn in old age.

1. The Guitar

There are different options available from acoustic, classical to electric guitars. Aside from being reasonably straightforward to learn, the guitar is also very versatile. You will start by master chords and scales which can be mastered in a few months. After this, you can learn additional skills at your own pace.

Learning to play the guitar will challenge your memory and improve your attention span. Since playing the guitar requires multi-tasking, you will learn multiple skills at the same time, including coordinating with your hands, reading notes, keeping time, and many more.

Playing the guitar will also do wonders for your social life, giving you more opportunities to hang out with friends.

2. The Piano

The piano is known to be a classical musical instrument that many try to master. Although you probably won’t be able to be the next Mozart, learning a piano is still a good option. With all the keys and notes in front of you, all you need is a little memorization, and you can start practicing.

You can easily find a piano instructor to guide you through the process. If you prefer to learn by yourself, there are also manuals and video tutorials available on the internet. Since the piano produces classical music, playing it can reduce stress and anxiety, helping you relax.

3. The Harmonica

For all you country music and blues lovers, the harmonic is an excellent instrument to learn. It is portable so you can get it out of your pocket and practice wherever you go. Learning to play the harmonica will involve learning different breathing techniques which can increase your lung power and capacity.

Another benefit of playing the harmonica is that it can help those who experience facial paralysis. Since you will always be using your facial muscles, conditions such as stroke and Parkinson’s disease can be prevented.

4. The Ukulele

Aside from being portable and inexpensive, the ukulele is considered to be one of the most natural instruments for anyone to learn. Unlike the guitar which has six strings, the ukulele only has four strings that are made from a soft material. Also, you won't need to learn how to pick with a ukulele which will make things much more comfortable.

As well as being affordable and light, the chords are easy to play and memorize. It will only take you a few short weeks to learn them. Once you have mastered the Ukulele, you can decide to advance to learning the guitar.

5. The Drums

Who says drums are only for the young? Even the young at heart, aspiring rock stars can learn to play the drums. The beauty of the drums is it lets you express your inner voice as loud as you want to be. Although the drums are not complicated to learn, you will still need some tutorials to produce good beats.

Learning to play the drums is also an excellent way to stay physically active. The act of beating those drums is a good cardio workout, and since you will use both your arms and legs, you will break a sweat every time you sit down to play.



Learning a musical instrument during your retirement years is one of the wisest decisions you may make. Not only will you enjoy physical, mental, and emotional benefits, but you will use your time in a creative way. Being able to express yourself will give you a boost in self-confidence and alleviate stress and anxiety. On top of that, you will get to meet new people and keep your social life alive.

You can learn any instrument at your own pace and with a little bit of patience, become an expert in no time. Whether you decide to learn the piano, ukulele, harmonica, drums or guitar, you will be glad you did. Enjoy your golden years by learning a new skill today!


About the Creator

Kevin Roache

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