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TXT’s Blue Hour Review

The pop of good vibes we need in 2020

By SamPublished 4 years ago 4 min read

A few months after ETERNITY’s release, TXT is already back and blessing us with their latest EP. Blue Hour is another short one at five songs long, but it seems this format works very well for them. The small selection of songs always pack a punch, and Blue Hour is no different. Overall, I’d say this album feels a lot lighter and refreshing than ETERNITY. It’s more upbeat, and I think we could all use some upbeat music right about now. Let’s dive in, shall we?


While I’m finding it hard to pick a favorite out of this bunch, “Ghosting” is most likely the one. It’s no secret that TXT’s concepts and song titles revolve around magic, fairytales, and otherworldly type things. “Ghosting” fits right in to their theme. They use the experience of being a ghost to describe what it’s like being lost and alone.

I said this EP is lighter, but at the same time TXT still tackles that loneliness and isolation people have felt during the COVID outbreak head on in this opening song. TXT’s style has always been vibrant, and it’s nice to hear them use their energy in a song like this. You can connect to what they’re saying, but not feel completely depressed when you think about that isolation. “Ghosting” has a unique sound, particularly in the vocals. They have a breathy and far away quality, and not in a bad way. It’s ghost-like, which is of course what they’re going for. The floaty sound to this song is such a good way to start the EP; It immediately brings you in to TXT’s style and puts you in an energized mood for the songs to follow.

Blue Hour

Retro is having quite a moment, both in the K-pop world and the music industry in general. “Blue Hour” fits in so nicely. It’s so much fun, has tons of energy, and one of the catchiest beats out there. The pre-chorus will take you away from the moment you hear it. The disco vibe from this one fits in so perfectly with TXT’s energy. The song has a bright music video, energetic choreography, and it’s totally a sibling to BTS’s “Dynamite”.

“Blue Hour” is the title track of this EP, so it’s no surprise it’s such a power punch of fun and joy, something TXT’s songs are known for. This song is all about imagination and cheerfulness. The lyrics are colorful and playful, and they’ll get stuck in your head fast. The music video captures the mood of the song so well. There’s tons of things to look at, many outfit changes, fun CGI elements, and you’ll want to re-watch it for sure. Lucky for you, I’ve got it right down below for your enjoyment.

We Lost the Summer

We really did lose Summer 2020, didn’t we? TXT makes the blow hurt a little less with this song. Lyrically, this song is sad but beautiful. TXT is a group of teenagers, and this song sounds like what their age group in particular is experiencing as a result of the COVID pandemic. They miss friends, the outdoors, and all the memories that could’ve been made.

What I love so much about this song is that although the subject is sad, TXT doesn’t let that weigh down their creative style. This song, while it’s not as high energy as the others, has a bright almost tropical vibe. It gives a taste of what we missed and feels like it’s giving back a summer jam that we should be listening to on the beach. I like the optimistic beat to “We Lost the Summer” it’s a good way to both acknowledge how sad we’ve been feeling but still letting us vibe with an awesome song. I can also see this song being good to show friends, or listen to together as a way to connect while everyone’s apart right now.


TXT brings up the energy right away with this one. At the start of “Wishlist” you can just tell the beat is building to an exciting explosion, and when you get to the chorus, you still won’t be ready for how this song lights up. “Wishlist” actually reminds me of One Direction, to be honest. It’s just as catchy and so much fun to listen to. My only complaint is that this isn’t longer.

I like how “Wishlist” follows “We Lost the Summer”. “Wishlist” is about giving to your friends and loved ones. It’s a nice follow up talking about generosity and excitement to do things for others. TXT’s albums always seem to have a very intentional order like this, and you can see the care they put into their work. “Wishlist” is a great pick-me-up, and it fits perfectly towards the end of the EP.

Way Home

The best way to describe “Way Home” is that it’s a great way to coast at the end of the album. It’s still upbeat, but a little slower and quieter than some of the others on the EP. I like how this one describes a journey, and leaves you with the hope of finding your way back home to your friends. It still has the moments of loneliness that the rest of the songs talk about, but this time there’s an extra note of hope that you’ll be able to hear from people again. We won’t be alone forever.

I love this little note of optimism in this album. It’s the tone that TXT is good at, and one that I imagine they’ll keep as part of their brand in the future.

It’s always great to have hopeful music in your life, and TXT continues to deliver some really bright stuff to the music industry with every new release. This is the perfect listen for the world right now, so don’t be shy, check out Blue Hour!

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