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Bollywood films are flop now

By Nimna BalasuriyaPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Bollywood, the Hindi-language film industry based in Mumbai, India, has been a dominant cultural force in the country for more than a century. However, in recent years, the industry has seen a decline in the success of its films at the box office. In addition, streaming giants Netflix and Amazon have not been able to capture the attention of Indian movie fans as they might have hoped. This article will explore the reasons behind the decline in Bollywood's success and why Netflix and Amazon have not been able to grow in India's movie market.

Bollywood's Decline in Success

One of the main reasons for the decline in Bollywood's success is the lack of originality in its films. Many of the recent releases have been formulaic and predictable, relying on tired tropes and clichés to attract audiences. The stories are often predictable and unoriginal, with little innovation or creativity. This has led to a sense of fatigue among audiences, who are looking for something new and exciting.

Another factor contributing to Bollywood's decline in success is the increasing competition from Hollywood films. As India becomes more integrated into the global economy, Hollywood films are becoming more popular among Indian audiences. Hollywood films offer a level of technical sophistication and storytelling that Bollywood is struggling to match.

Moreover, the rise of social media has given audiences access to more information and opinions about films, which has made it harder for Bollywood to market mediocre films. People are quick to share their opinions on social media, and this can have a significant impact on a film's success or failure.

Lastly, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the film industry worldwide, including Bollywood. The closure of theaters and restrictions on gatherings have severely impacted the box office revenues of Bollywood films. With no clear end in sight for the pandemic, it is uncertain when theaters will return to normal operation.

Netflix and Amazon's Struggle in the Indian Movie Market

While Netflix and Amazon have been successful in many countries around the world, they have struggled to capture the attention of Indian movie fans. One of the main reasons for this is the fact that Indians are extremely passionate about their films, and many prefer to watch them in theaters. This has made it difficult for streaming platforms to attract Indian audiences.

Another factor contributing to the struggle of Netflix and Amazon in the Indian movie market is the language barrier. While many Indians speak English, the majority of the population speaks one of the many regional languages of India. As a result, Netflix and Amazon have had to invest heavily in dubbing and subtitling content to make it accessible to Indian audiences.

Additionally, the content offered by Netflix and Amazon has not always resonated with Indian audiences. Many Indian films are centered around family and relationships, and feature song-and-dance sequences that are integral to the story. Netflix and Amazon have not always been able to offer content that meets these specific cultural preferences.

Moreover, the pricing of these streaming platforms has also been an issue. While they are affordable by global standards, they are still relatively expensive for the average Indian consumer. This has made it difficult for these platforms to attract a large number of subscribers in India.


In conclusion, the decline in the success of Bollywood films and the struggles of Netflix and Amazon in the Indian movie market can be attributed to a variety of factors. Bollywood's lack of originality and increasing competition from Hollywood films have impacted the industry's success. The rise of social media has made it more difficult for Bollywood to market mediocre films. The COVID-19 pandemic has also had a significant impact on the box office revenues of Bollywood films.

On the other hand, Netflix and Amazon have struggled to capture the attention of Indian audiences due to the preference for watching films in theaters and the language barrier. The content offered by these platforms has not always resonated with Indian audiences, and

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Nimna Balasuriya

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