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2020 Anthem - Life of the Girl in the Big City

By: Mithrra Rastgoftar

By Mithrra RastgoftarPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
For the beloved Mac Miller ♥️

On September 7, 2018, the world lost an artist without any warning. Whether you did not know him, or he was your everything, the tragedy of losing yet another young musician was devastating. The music of an artist who passes sounds so different than it did when they were alive. Music from the voice of the dead is beautiful. After he passed, I had to listen to his music again, with a totally different understanding. Some people call that reading between the lines.

In 2020, Mac Miller’s team laid out many of his songs that were to be released had he still been with us today. The somber tone that his latest album, Circles, shows a truthful melancholic message of life that we all resonate with. Mac Miller’s struggle with mental illness and addiction harmonizes with soft and gentle melodies. My favourite element to this album is that though it is very sad, there is always this string of hope Mac Miller tells us to hold on to. His music exalts a perfect Ying-Yang energy and a comforting message to all that what goes up must always come down! I could stay in that energy forever!

The song that I chose from his album, Everybody, encompasses Mac Millers truest vision of life and frankly, it’s beautiful. On Friday the 13th of March, I packed my things, left my hometown, and moved to the big city. With no plans in mind, and only my true love and my pet rabbit close at hand, we ran away together. It was just days before the Coronavirus lockdown began and I had no idea what I was in for! As soon as my love and I moved into our brand new apartment, right next to Whyte Avenue (a famous avenue in Edmonton, Alberta), everything shut down. The place we moved to, with excitement to explore, turned into a place we weren’t allowed to be. Both of us had quit our jobs in our hometown and had no idea what to do in the big city. Eventually, we both found a job in the same Walmart. It was a seasonal position for extra hands during the pandemic. Although we were happy that we could see each other work, there were a lot of troubles we faced. I have no license and I had to take two busses and the train to work when he was using the car. I still remember those mornings, when I would press play and allow Mac Miller’s voice to walk me to work; the same way it did when he was still alive, but this time with a much warmer, melancholy sound to protect my heart from the tragic views of the beautiful city. Mac Miller was there for me when I would spend time talking to the homeless people at the bus stops, when I was so tired in the early morning, when I was so tired late at night.

Even though my boyfriend and I struggled with alcohol addiction during those times, we worked so hard and it felt like the only one who understood the pain of living and not knowing why was Mac Miller. I cannot express enough how depressed my love and I felt, but it was our love and optimism that kept us going as long as we did! Surely enough, Whyte Ave slowly started to open up and the sun came back around, every time it rained and you can’t forget about the rainbows ⛅️ 🏳️‍🌈. If you also want to listen to music that perfectly describes this year for the homeless men, the single moms, the star crossed lovers, the youth, the old, I highly recommend Mac Miller.

“Saw a blind man standing on the corner, baby

Yeah, he couldn’t hardly tie his shoes

Yeah, harmonica and guitar strapped around his neck

But he sure could, he sure could play the blues.”

Please, if you’re reading this, please remember that pain can be made beautiful. If you’re struggling with mental illness, addiction, prejudice, or any other kinds of trials, you are not alone in your feelings. Even if your pain is different, everybody feels it.

song reviews

About the Creator

Mithrra Rastgoftar

Forest in my mind and vivid daydreams

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