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The Three Legends of art

why I chose them and why I think they’re significant

By sheila akothPublished 4 months ago 4 min read
The Three Legends of art
Photo by Anna Kolosyuk on Unsplash

The Renaissance, a special time from the 14th to the 17th century, saw incredible artists shaping the world of art. Three of these special artists were Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, and Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio). They weren't just famous in their time; their art continues to be loved and admired today. I call them the legend of the art. In this journey, we will learn about these amazing artists, why they are so important, and how their art still matters.

Leonardo da Vinci: A Creative Genius

Leonardo da Vinci, born in Italy in 1452, was like a superhero of the Renaissance. People called him the "Renaissance Man" because he was good at so many things. Not only was he an amazing artist, but he was also curious about everything around him. His famous paintings like the "Mona Lisa" and "The Last Supper" are known for looking real and showing deep feelings.

What made Leonardo extra special was that he wasn't just an artist; he was also into science and inventing things. His notebooks are filled with drawings and ideas for machines, buildings, and even plans for helicopters! Leonardo da Vinci's legacy isn't just about his paintings but also about how he explored and understood the world in new ways. when Leonardo moved to the city of Milan, Leonardo started working as a sculptor a painter and an art teacher during this time Leonardo also made drawings for lots of inventions among his many ideas were drawings for buildings a bicycle an armored tank and a flying machine. but that isn't everything he did Leonardo began to study the human body to figure out how muscles and bones worked it's also said that Leonardo would follow people as they walked along the street just to make sketches of them. In the drawing that Leonardo called five grotesque heads grotesque means to be unusual but more important than that is that Leonardo thought that faces could show what people were really like and that was one thing that mesmerized me in all of Leonardo's work

Michelangelo Buonarroti: The Super Sculptor and Painter

Michelangelo, born in 1475 in Italy, was another artist who could do it all. He wasn't just good at painting; he was also a fantastic sculptor and architect. Imagine being so skilled that you could create masterpieces in different forms of art!

One of Michelangelo's famous sculptures is "David," a big and impressive statue. Another touching work is the "Pieta," which shows Mary holding Jesus. Michelangelo also worked on the Sistine Chapel ceiling, a huge painting project that took four years! His art showed the beauty of the human body and deep emotions.

Michelangelo's work wasn't just about making pretty things; it was about capturing the feelings and stories of people. His dedication to showing both the physical and spiritual sides of life made him one of the greatest artists of the Renaissance. Michelangelo's talent soon caught the eye of Lorenzo the magnificent the most important man in Florence Lorenzo was so impressed that he invited Michelangelo to live in his palace and study with a well-known sculptor it was here that Michelangelo learned how to use hammers and chisels to carve designs into stone sadly in a few years things changed in Florence Lorenzo's family had to leave their palace Michelangelo then travelled to Rome

before too long he was hired to carve a statue the statue called Pieta Pieta is an Italian word that means pity the sculpture is about a bible story in this sculpture we see Jesus being held by his mother Mary everyone is amazed at its beauty and how real the sculpture looked even today people come from all over the world to visit Rome and see pieta. sculpture was Michelangelo's favorite kind of art but he also made some very famous paintings one of his best-known paintings is on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel in the Vatican

Raphael (Raffaello Sanzio): The Artist of Harmony and Beauty

Raphael, born in Italy in 1483, was like the master of making everything look perfect and balanced. His paintings, like "The School of Athens," were known for their harmony and beauty. Raphael's art was like a mix of old ideas and new feelings, creating a perfect blend of classical and emotional elements.

Raphael began to study art with a famous artist in Perugia it didn't take long for Raphael to master painting drawing and perspective. Have you ever seen a painting that looked like you could walk right into it? perspective is what makes a painting look that way

In "The School of Athens," Raphael painted a group of smart people from different times, showing the spirit of the Renaissance. Even though he didn't live as long as the others, Raphael's influence on art spread far and wide. His paintings were like a bridge between the past and the future, making him an important part of the Renaissance story.

Leonardo da Vinci, Michelangelo Buonarroti, and Raphael were like the superheroes of the Renaissance. Their art wasn't just pretty pictures; it was a way of exploring the world, telling stories, and making people feel something special. Even today, their paintings and sculptures make us think about the beauty of life and the amazing things people can create. The Renaissance wasn't just a time in history; it was a time when art and ideas came together in a magical way. The style and Technique they both use are amazing. Their paintings continue to be admired and studied, serving as timeless masterpieces that capture the essence of human creativity and expression. Thanks to these three artists, we can still feel that magic today. and we can happily reflect the creativity we have today on them, they were way openers they started the amazing journey for us.


About the Creator

sheila akoth

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  • Novel Allen4 months ago

    Most of those geniuses were so ahead of their times. Great look back at their work.

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