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The Cosplay Enthusiast's Guide: Conquering Anime Conventions

Embracing Your Cosplay Journey and Celebrating the Community

By SparklingEmberDancerPublished 10 months ago 8 min read

Cosplay, the art of dressing up as a beloved character from anime, manga, or other forms of media, has become an integral part of the anime convention culture. It allows fans to express their passion, creativity, and fandom while immersing themselves in a community of like-minded individuals.

To help you embark on your cosplay journey, we have gathered essential information and recommendations, drawing inspiration from AniMinneapolis. The family-friendly anime convention has become one of the leading anime conventions in Minneapolis, offering a fantastic mix awesome anime and nerdy fandom that local anime enthusiasts look forward to every summer. Next year, an epic three-day celebration of anime, music and video games is set to take place from May 24-26 with an impressive lineup of events, dealers, and artists on the roster.

As such, among the most anticipated activities at AniMinneapolis are their cosplay contests. Offering participants to not only dress up as their favorite characters but to also have the chance to take home some prizes in the process, it’s one event you definitely don’t want to miss!

So, whether you're eager to craft intricate costumes, perfect your makeup skills, strike impressive poses, or simply connect with fellow enthusiasts, this guide will serve as your roadmap to success. Get ready to take the anime convention scene by storm and become the ultimate cosplay enthusiast!

Preparing for Success

Before diving into the world of anime conventions, it's essential to conduct thorough research to ensure you have a successful and enjoyable experience. The convention website is always an invaluable resource that provides comprehensive details about what fans can expect when attending. Explore the dedicated section for the event you plan to take part in. Take advantage of the wealth of information available, including dates, location, ticketing, and more.

Familiarize yourself with the convention schedule, including panel discussions, workshops, screenings, autograph sessions, and special guest appearances. Make note of any events or activities that align with your interests and cosplay plans. By planning your time in advance, you can maximize your convention experience.

Each convention has its own set of cosplay policies and guidelines to ensure a safe and respectful environment for all attendees. Review the rules and regulations regarding cosplay costumes, props, behavior, and any specific requirements unique to the convention. Adhering to these guidelines will help you avoid any unwanted surprises during the event.

For instance, while props are allowed at AniMinneapolis’ cosplay contests, there are specific guidelines that cosplayers are expected to adhere to. For instance, weapons that look realistic or are too big may not be allowed inside the venue. Swords are often allowed, provided they are made of wood or plastic and that they are sheathed the whole time. Cosplayers must also be able to move around in their costume and with their props. Large pros are usually allowed as long as they’re not going to cause you to accidentally knock over anybody you come across.

Choosing the Perfect Cosplay

Selecting the right cosplay is a crucial step in your convention preparation. Consider the following factors to ensure you choose a character and costume that align with your personal interests and skill level:

  • Select a character based on personal interest and skill level: Choose a character from an anime, manga, or any other media that resonates with you personally. Selecting a character you genuinely love will enhance your enjoyment throughout the convention. Additionally, assess your cosplay skills and choose a character whose costume aligns with your current abilities or presents a reasonable challenge to help you grow as a cosplayer.
  • Consider practicality, comfort, and mobility in costume choice: Keep in mind the practicality of your chosen cosplay. Consider factors such as the weather conditions, the convention venue, and the level of physical activity involved. Opt for a costume that allows freedom of movement, comfort, and easy maintenance throughout the convention day. This will ensure you can fully enjoy all activities without being hindered by an impractical or uncomfortable outfit.
  • Tips for creating or purchasing high-quality cosplay costumes: Whether you decide to create your cosplay costume from scratch or purchase one, aim for high-quality craftsmanship. If creating your costume, research tutorials, patterns, and materials relevant to your character's outfit. Pay attention to details and accuracy while ensuring durability. If purchasing, read reviews, check the reputation of the seller, and verify the quality of the product before making a decision.

Top Cosplay Inspirations for First-Time Cosplayers

Embarking on your first cosplay journey can be an exciting and memorable experience. If you're a first-time cosplayer seeking inspiration for your debut, consider the following popular cosplay options that are beginner-friendly and widely recognized within the anime and pop culture community:

Classic Anime Characters:

  • Naruto Uzumaki (Naruto): Embrace the energetic ninja spirit of Naruto with his iconic orange jumpsuit and headband.
  • Sailor Moon (Sailor Moon): Pay homage to the beloved magical girl with her sailor-inspired school uniform and distinctive tiara.

Studio Ghibli Characters:

  • Kiki (Kiki's Delivery Service): Capture the charm of the young witch Kiki with her simple black dress, red bow, and broomstick.
  • Howl (Howl's Moving Castle): Embody the enigmatic wizard Howl with his dashing suits or his iconic bird-like appearance.

Disney Characters:

• Ariel (The Little Mermaid): Dive into the magical world of Disney with Ariel's mermaid tail, seashell bra, and flowing red hair.

• Elsa (Frozen): Let it go and channel your inner ice queen with Elsa's elegant blue dress and icy accessories.

Marvel or DC Superheroes:

• Spider-Man: Swing into action as the friendly neighborhood hero with Spider-Man's iconic red and blue suit.

• Wonder Woman: Embrace the strength and grace of the Amazonian warrior with Wonder Woman's powerful armor and Lasso of Truth.

Gaming Icons:

  • Link (The Legend of Zelda): Bring the hero of Hyrule to life with his iconic green tunic, hat, and Master Sword.
  • Lara Croft (Tomb Raider): Portray the adventurous archaeologist with her distinctive tank top, cargo pants, and dual pistols.

Pop Culture Icons:

  • Marty McFly (Back to the Future): Step into the time-traveling shoes of Marty McFly with his iconic '80s-inspired outfit and hoverboard.
  • Eleven (Stranger Things): Tap into the '80s nostalgia with Eleven's distinctive pink dress, jacket, and her signature buzzcut hairstyle.

Remember, the key to a successful cosplay is choosing a character that resonates with you personally and matches your skill level. Don't be afraid to put your own creative spin on the character's design or incorporate elements that reflect your unique style.

Crafting Props and Accessories

Props and accessories play a crucial role in bringing your cosplay to life. Here are some considerations when crafting or selecting props and accessories for your cosplay:

Research and learn various techniques for prop construction, such as foamsmithing, 3D printing, or woodworking, depending on your chosen prop. Select appropriate materials that balance durability, weight, and ease of use. Experiment with different techniques to achieve the desired look while maintaining functionality.

The art of prop making involves more than just construction. Proper painting techniques, weathering effects, and detailing can greatly enhance the authenticity of your props. Experiment with painting techniques, such as airbrushing or hand-painting, and explore weathering methods to give your props a realistic and worn appearance.

Safety should always be a priority when crafting or handling props. Ensure your props do not pose any risks to yourself or others. Be aware of the convention's rules regarding prop dimensions, materials, and any other safety guidelines. Compliance with these rules will help maintain a safe environment for everyone at the convention.

Leveling Up Cosplay Skills

Cosplay is not just about wearing a costume—it's an opportunity to truly embody a character and showcase your creativity. In this section, we will explore ways to level up your cosplay skills and take your cosplaying to the next level.

Makeup and Wig Styling

To make your cosplay look even more realistic, learn the basics of cosplay makeup, including foundation, contouring, and highlighting techniques. Research character-specific makeup styles, such as exaggerated anime eyes, intricate fantasy designs, or realistic special effects makeup. Experiment with different makeup products, textures, and colors to accurately portray your chosen character.

When choosing and styling a wig, start by selecting a wig that matches the character's hairstyle and color. Look for high-quality synthetic or human hair wigs for durability and natural appearance. Use wig styling tools such as heat-resistant styling products, wig combs, and pins to achieve the desired look. Explore various wig styling techniques, including cutting, teasing, and shaping, to create accurate and visually striking hairstyles.

To help you manage your makeup and wig during the convention, carry a small makeup kit with touch-up essentials like blotting paper, powder, lipstick, and makeup brushes for on-the-go touch-ups. Keep a wig styling kit handy, including a wig brush, hair spray, and bobby pins, to fix any wig mishaps during the convention. Take breaks to refresh your makeup and adjust your wig if needed to maintain your cosplay's appearance throughout the day.

Poses and Character Portrayal

Part of excellent cosplaying is embodying the character. Take the time to study the character's personality and mannerisms to accurately portray their body language and facial expressions. Practice different poses and stances that capture the essence of the character, whether it's a powerful superhero pose or a cute and playful stance. Experiment with facial expressions to convey the emotions and traits associated with the character.

Put your unique spin on the character by incorporating your personal style or interpretation, while still staying true to the character's core characteristics. Experiment with subtle variations in poses or expressions to add depth and individuality to your portrayal. Strike a balance between capturing the essence of the character and showcasing your own creativity and personality.

Tips for Interacting with Convention Attendees and Photographers

Be approachable and friendly when interacting with fellow convention attendees and photographers who want to take your picture. Practice posing techniques that highlight your costume's details and make you stand out in photographs. Respect personal boundaries and consent when posing for photos, and be mindful of the convention's guidelines for photo-taking and etiquette.

By focusing on improving your makeup and wig styling, mastering character poses and expressions, and exploring the dynamics of group cosplays, you'll enhance your overall cosplay experience and captivate others with your creativity and attention to detail. Remember to practice, have fun, and continue to grow as a cosplayer.

Amidst the preparations, skill-building, and excitement of cosplaying, it's essential to remember the primary reason for engaging in this creative endeavor: to have fun! Cosplay is a celebration of your love for a character or fandom. Remember to embrace the sheer joy and excitement that comes with bringing a beloved character to life. Let your passion shine through your cosplay and enjoy the process of embodying your favorite characters.


About the Creator


I'm a passionate writer with an insatiable curiosity for life's unpredictable adventures. I find joy in capturing and sharing the random and often amusing moments that unfold in my own life.

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