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Street Art: The voice of the Unheard

Urban art culture

By BhumikaPublished 12 months ago 3 min read


Street art is a powerful tool used by artists to communicate their thoughts and ideas. It is considered one of the most important art forms in contemporary society. Street art has become a platform for artists to express their views on various social and political issues. Through their art, they voice their opinions and bring attention to significant issues that often go unheard. This blog post aims to explore how street art has become a voice for the unheard by looking at its political and social commentary.

Political Art

Political art has been an essential part of street art since its inception. Artists have used their work to criticize the government's policies, highlight social issues, and raise awareness of neglected communities' struggles. Political street art can take many forms, including murals, posters, stickers, and graffiti. Here are some examples of political street art.


Murals are perhaps the most popular form of political street art. They are large-scale paintings created on the walls of buildings. Murals can address a wide range of political issues, such as police brutality, racial inequality, and poverty. In many cities, murals depicting political figures or slogans have defined the character of certain neighborhoods.


Posters are also a popular form of political street art. They are smaller and easier to reproduce than murals, which means that they can be distributed in larger quantities. Posters are often displayed on walls, in public spaces, and on bulletin boards. They can be used to protest against a particular issue, promote a political candidate, or raise awareness of a specific campaign.


Graffiti is often seen as the most controversial form of street art. Graffiti artists use spray paint to create messages or images in public spaces. Graffiti is often seen as vandalism, but it can also be used to express political views. Graffiti artists often use their work to protest against government policies, social injustice, or corrupt officials.

Social Commentary

Social commentary is another fundamental aspect of street art. Social commentary street art is used to highlight social issues such as gender inequality, environmental degradation, and poverty. Here are some examples of social commentary on street art.

Gender Inequality

Street art has been used to draw attention to gender inequality, which is an issue that many people often overlook. Street artists have created murals and posters that depict women's empowerment and highlight the issues that women face in society. Street artists have used their work to promote gender equality and encourage people to reflect on their gender assumptions.

Environmental Degradation

Environmental degradation is one of the critical issues that our society faces today. Street artists have used their work to raise awareness of the harm caused to the environment by human activities. They have created murals and posters that depict the beauty of nature and the consequences of pollution and climate change. Street artists aim to encourage people to take action to protect the environment.


Poverty is a social issue that affects people worldwide. Street artists have used their work to highlight the struggles of those who live in poverty. They have created murals and posters that depict the hardships of the urban poor, such as homelessness and hunger. Street artists aim to raise awareness of the issue and encourage people to take action to alleviate poverty.


Street art has become a vital tool for artists to express their opinions on political and social issues. Street artists use their work to voice the unheard and bring attention to neglected communities' struggles. Street art takes many forms, including murals, posters, and graffiti. Political street art can criticize the government's policies, highlight social issues, and raise awareness of neglected communities' struggles. Social commentary street art is used to draw attention to issues such as gender inequality, environmental degradation, and poverty. Through their work, street artists aim to encourage people to take action, bring about positive change, and make the world a better place.


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