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Episode 3: new friend

Ben and the white cat explore the garden together, share happy moments and gradually build a beautiful friendship.

By Lương TrầnPublished 16 days ago 4 min read

Ben and the white cat, after much effort and patience, became close friends. Their friendship grows and deepens. With each passing day, Ben and the cat find new joys in playing and exploring together. However, they are constantly looking for new adventures to enrich their lives.

One beautiful spring morning, when the bright yellow sunlight shone down on the garden, Ben woke up and immediately ran into the yard to find the cat. The cat is sitting on a chair, licking his silky white fur. Ben ran closer, wagging his tail happily. The cat raised its head and looked at Ben with friendly eyes. They decided to start the day by exploring the garden again.

Mr. Hai's garden is not too large, but there are many trees and flowers, creating a green and peaceful space. Ben and the cat started from the corner of the garden near the fence, where there were dense bushes. They crawl into the bushes, smell and look for traces of small animals. Ben discovered a small rabbit hiding in the bushes. It barked softly, signaling the cat to come and see. The cat came closer and looked at the rabbit curiously. They both felt excited when they saw the rabbit jump out of the bushes and run away.

After leaving the bushes, Ben and the cat approached the area near the fish pond. This is one of their favorite places in the garden. The fish pond is small but has a lot of fish swimming around. Ben and the cat lay down on the edge of the pond, attentively observing the colorful fish swimming. Ben occasionally playfully put his foot in the water, scaring the fish and swimming away. The cat sat quietly, observing and enjoying the peaceful space.

After a while, Ben decided to teach the cat to play a game that he loved very much: fetch the ball. Ben ran into the house and brought out a small red ball. He used his nose to push the ball in front of the cat, then backed away, signaling the cat to play with him. The cat hesitated a bit, but then reached out to play with the ball. Ben picked up the ball with his mouth and ran around the yard, the cat chasing after him, trying to catch the ball. The two played together happily, laughter and barking echoed throughout the garden.

When tired from playing, Ben and the cat lie down to rest under the shade of a tree. Together they watched the clouds drift lazily in the sky. The cat rested his head on Ben, feeling very happy and safe. Ben gently licked the cat's head, as a gesture of intimacy and love. They enjoy peaceful and warm moments together.

In the afternoon, Mr. Hai came out of the house and saw Ben and the cat resting under the shade of a tree. He smiled and walked closer, carrying a plate of delicious food. Mr. Hai placed the plate of food in front of Ben and the cat, patted their heads and said: "You guys had a fun day today, right? This is your reward.”

Ben and the cat jumped up, ran closer to the plate of food and began to enjoy it. They eat deliciously, sharing food with each other in a friendly way. After eating, they lay down again under the shade of the tree, feeling full and satisfied.

In the evening, as the sun gradually set, Ben and the cat decided to explore the garden one more time before the end of the day. They run around the garden, looking for new things. Ben spots a glowing insect flying around. It barked, signaling the cat to come see. The cat jumped up, trying to catch the insect, but it flew too fast. Ben and the cat chased the insect together, creating a fun and colorful scene under the sunset.

When it was completely dark, Ben and the cat returned home. They lay down on the front porch, watching the sparkling stars in the sky. The cat leaned his head against Ben, meowing softly, as if to say thank you for a wonderful day. Ben wagged his tail, feeling happy to have such a wonderful friend like a cat.

Mr. Hai walked out and saw that peaceful scene, he felt very happy. He knew that Ben and the cat had become close friends and would always be together, sharing the joys and adventures of life.

Ben and the cat's lives have become much richer since they became friends. Every day that passes is a happy and meaningful day. They are not only friends but also a source of encouragement and joy in life. Ben and the cat found harmony and understanding through games, explorations, and peaceful moments together. Their friendship does not stop at this small garden, but also spreads everywhere they go.

Ben and the cat have proven that, despite their different species, they can still build a beautiful and respectful friendship. Through initial trials and difficulties, they learned to trust and love each other. Ben and the cat's friendship will continue to grow and bring more joy and happiness into their lives.

With this friendship, Ben and the cat will continue to explore and create beautiful memories, while inspiring those around them about the power of friendship and patience.

to be continued...


About the Creator

Lương Trần


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