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You Need a Technical Co-Founder, Not Just a Programmer

The importance of a technical Co-Founder

By BaroumaPublished 7 months ago 3 min read
You Need a Technical Co-Founder, Not Just a Programmer
Photo by Austin Distel on Unsplash

Every so often, I encounter aspiring entrepreneurs who have dedicated significant time and effort to develop their business idea. They have meticulously planned their product, identified potential partners, and even engaged with potential customers, possibly following the principles of the Lean Startup methodology.

Now, they find themselves at a crucial juncture, where all their groundwork is complete, except for one vital component: the technical implementation. They recognize the importance of coding in bringing their vision to life. They believe that finding a skilled programmer is the key to transitioning their idea from concept to reality.

Despite facing financial constraints, these entrepreneurs remain optimistic. They are confident that if they could connect with a capable programmer, they could showcase their hard work. With the right collaboration, they believe a programmer could be motivated to contribute during their free time, working nights and weekends, to transform their app dream into a tangible product.

Every aspiring entrepreneur has their own reasons for believing that involving a programmer will bring their dream tantalizingly close to reality. They can almost taste the imminent success, envisioning a few weeks of coding as the final step before launching their product to the market.

When discussing this seemingly straightforward production requirement with these budding entrepreneurs, I often find myself emphasizing a crucial point: "You don't just need a programmer; you need a technical co-founder."

My reasoning behind this advice is multifaceted, a topic I might delve into later. However, the primary concern is outsourcing your core competency, which is your app. Developing a product involves intricate nuances, and entrusting this vital aspect to someone without a vested interest or long-term commitment is not only risky but also unwise.

Consider the challenges that may arise: Who will fine-tune the app when users struggle with a feature? Who will troubleshoot bugs? How will you navigate unforeseen growth-related issues on your site? Who will simplify your life by automating various tasks? These questions represent just the tip of the iceberg, underscoring the indispensable role of a dedicated technical co-founder in ensuring the success, adaptability, and long-term viability of your venture.

The issue here doesn't entirely lie with the aspiring entrepreneur; it's also a matter of how programmers handle the situation. Many programmers neglect the opportunity to correct people and insist on the term 'co-Founder.' Instead, they often respond with disdain, dismissing the so-called 'idea person' and ridiculing them in conversations with friends. In some cases, they might provide limited assistance without recognizing the seriousness of the endeavor.

If the conversation were reframed as, 'It seems like you're searching for a technical co-founder, and here's why that matters...' it would enable programmers to politely decline by saying, 'I appreciate your ambition, but I'm not interested in being a co-founder for this venture.' Moreover, they could offer valuable assistance by recommending another programmer who might be a better fit for the new venture, allowing the aspiring entrepreneur to explore potential co-founder collaborations.

This perspective holds immense value for everyone involved. The person seeking assistance becomes more informed, and the programmer gains the chance to contribute to something groundbreaking, potentially leading to significant real-world change.

Given the significance of this insight, I encourage everyone to adopt the phrase: 'I/You need a technical co-Founder' and help others grasp the importance of this concept.

Note : I could easily flip this narrative for programmers who assume establishing a company is as simple as launching an app. You need help too, so you can start seeking a co-Founder to foster the growth of your initiatives.


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