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Xcentric | SEM Marketing strategy

We make sure you get a top position in search engine results page (SERP), more conversions, and ROI. Get more leads by making your business stand out from the crowd with SEM Marketing strategy.

By Xcentric servicesPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

SEM Marketing strategy is integral to your PPC campaign strategy. We collect demographic, psychographic and shopping data, including social, CRM, real-time product inventory, pricing and third party information, to build a strong audience identity. This allows us to tailor our SEM Marketing strategy search results message messaging exactly where they want them; such as on mobile devices or over social media channels as well as combined with keyword targeting. When it comes to PPC Marketing, SEM Marketing strategy is the key to success. It's a natural fit for Google AdWords or Bing Ads. We only do paid search marketing to reach the right people who are already looking at your products and services, so they can buy them while they're still on the fence.

By doing so, we simply identify where their leads come from at every stage in their sale funnel with critical data that helps decision makers make better purchasing decisions by providing them a relevant store based experience. And when there are so many marketing channels to choose from, it can be hard to decide which one will help your business grow the fastest. Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Marketing is the newest and most innovative way to advertise — but sometimes that just doesn't cut it for your small business or start-up company, especially if you need better results than what Google can offer.

SEM Marketing is vital to your PPC Marketing strategy. While organic SEO can help in getting more traffic to your website, it doesn't pay off in terms of traffic volume and conversion rates. To be precise, it can only offer you 10-15% of return on investment (ROI). Just imagine that search engine results used to take hours to load, with information about the products you were looking for being buried under dozens of irrelevant links. Nowadays we can rest assured that a dedicated team at SEM Marketing will work tirelessly towards ensuring our advertisements are developed properly. We ensure that every single step taken during the PPC Marketing process is well thought out and effective.

PPC Marketing Process

SEM Marketing increases your odds of a successful PPC campaign by entering your business into the most competitive search ad auctions on the Internet. This way, you can reach potential customers who are actively researching your product or service at exactly the moment they need it. SEM Marketing is an offshoot of PPC marketing. It includes the process of using paid search engines to attract your target audience to find you and buy your product or service through ads. The term SEM Marketing is just an addition to the Creative Marketing and it is a part of the overall PPC campaign strategy, which includes pay-per-click (PPC), SEO, and social media.

If you're interested in knowing more about it, we can also provide you with all of this information so that we can help you jumpstart your business as well as connect with potential customers. SEM Marketers know that paid search marketing is the only way to reach your customers when they're looking to buy. That's why most marketer's first choice of tactics when starting a PPC campaign is search engine optimization. I can show you how to get started with paid search marketing today so you can begin collecting leads for your business with no risk to your brand reputation and less hassle for your team. Use my expertise to find out what works best for you, whether it be social media bidding, creating unique ad copy or anything else we can do to boost your conversion rate by 50%.

We do all the seo tooling for you. All you have to do is publish high-quality content and build an audience, which should be one of the best paid social marketing initiatives for your business. This is how we’ve helped clients drive more than 4x their revenue by going from 0 to 20k followers in 2 months (plus 2x average retweets) and then run a month-long campaign that crashed Google Adwords and drove to us over 40% of our total traffic (and possibly up to 98% click-through rate on our conversion pages--can’t guarantee anything).

Online Marketing Campaign

We don't just issue some type of ad and hope for the best, we create audience segments, assign them each an advertising campaign, and see the best results. SEM (Search Engine Marketing) is the heart of any successful online marketing campaign. Consumers spend a lot of time online, and pay close attention to the search results and relevant information presented to them by online advertising campaigns.

We have built a reputation for cost-effective leads generation, where we combined accurate insights with a strong PPC Business Development Process . We've developed a keen eye for identifying advertiser's goals, competitors' strengths and weaknesses, and ways to reward customers. That's why we created a complete SEM Marketing strategy. You see, paid search marketing isn't just about delivering highly targeted ads to your ideal customers as fast as possible; it's about getting them back for all those times they've already bought your product or are ready to buy right now.

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Xcentric services

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