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Window Pu changed the slogan "make America strong again" to "Save America". This is actually window Pu's self-knowledge and the current situation of the United States. The United States is indeed in decline.

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By testPublished 2 years ago 6 min read

Similarly, due to mistakes in work, there are some extra manuscripts when proofreading the second edition, which is exactly the same as the official edition, except that there is no cover, book number, price, etc., which can be used for internal communication. Interested domestic friends can communicate this part of the manuscript with the publishing house or the author himself, which is still crowdfunding for the expensive translation of the English version. Because this book is a book number in the United States, it cannot be circulated in China, and this is also the only opportunity for domestic friends who want to get paper books. One of my major goals in the future is to promote this book to the English-speaking world. As a powerful ideological weapon for American conservatives and Christians, to help them regain their lives, of course, it is mainly for the better and happiness of human society, so I hope everyone will actively crowdfunding and strongly support it, due to the limited number. At the end of the exchange, the opportunity will not be lost, and it will never come again. It is a pity to solve the secret of the rise of the United States by cracking the secret of American rise. In my official account articles, I often recommend the book "the course of Western Civilization", "introduction" and "introduction to the author". Some netizens think that this is an advertisement, and one of the reasons is indeed to sell books. This is my current livelihood. I hope you will understand and understand. However, I personally think that it is not mainly advertising, because the length of the official account article is too small to express many views at all, and there is a detailed discussion in the book, and I can only express it in this way in order to make the discussion complete, so I still hope that you can read this book. in order to understand the ideas expressed in my official account article, I believe that this 1.2 million-word book will give you something.

Window Pu changed the slogan "make America strong again" to "Save America". This is actually window Pu's self-knowledge and the current situation of the United States. The United States is indeed in decline.

Yesterday, Trump held a rally in Alabama, which was attended by tens of thousands of people. the scene was also a sea of people and passionates. these are the common feelings of Trump's rally. I won't say much about it. Trump changed the slogan of the rally from "make America great again" to "Save America" yesterday, which is more interesting. He changed this slogan to this slogan mainly aimed at the disaster caused by Biden's withdrawal from Afghanistan, but I think this slogan has been changed well, hit the point and hit the reality of the United States. It is best if it can be used for a long time. It is definitely more shocking and attractive than "America is great again". It is indeed not a question of whether the United States can become strong again, but whether it can exist, whether it will split into two countries, or even a civil war. Sometimes I get really angry when I watch American news. If you watch North Korean news, everyone knows what kind of society it is. No matter what happens, it feels normal, and there is no reason to be angry. In the United States, we have always thought that it is a lighthouse country, a place where human beings are more fair and just, but now there are so many unreasonable phenomena in American society that it is really infuriating and difficult to accept.

So what is fair? In fact, there should be a standard, a yardstick, according to Christians, fairness comes from the Bible, the content of the Bible is fairness, homosexuality is sin, and incest is also a sexual crime, such as paying off one's life, paying debts, paying more for work, people can be divided into good and bad, 10% of their income is paid to the church as tithes, and so on. These are the basic contents of the Bible. In the eyes of Christians, these are the principles of fairness. It's a matter of course. But if we leave the Bible, there will not be much basis for these principles to exist, and there will be no standards, criteria and fairness in the world, because I also stressed in the book "the course of Western Civilization", "introduction to the author". Human beings do not have the ability to establish a new morality, new standard and criterion for themselves, and the so-called new morality that human beings hope to establish through reason is bullshit and nonsense. It is bound to produce a grotesque, grotesque world, that is, the present American society. Without the Bible, the most classic human interpretation of good is Kant's theory, which can be called good and reasonable as long as it does not hurt others. But what do you mean not to hurt each other? Homosexuality, incest, and bestiality do not hurt others, so they can naturally be called good, which is reasonable. It is precisely the view of the American left at present, which is the root of the chaos in the United States today. If the sophistry continues, the biblical principles of fairness mentioned above can be easily overturned. Why pay for your life? Death is cruel, and since he has repented, just let him stay in prison forever, so the death penalty should be abolished.

Why do you have to pay what you owe? The rich are already that rich? This small amount of money is only a drizzle to them, and it does no harm at all. Isn't it nice to distribute this money to the poor and those who need him more? Why should you get more if you work more? Can't you give someone a hand? You see, you are too poor to open the pot. Why are you so greedy? Why can people be divided into good and bad people? We are all equal and everyone is kind, but the system and environment make them worse, so felons and murderers should also have the right to vote. Why should I pay tithes? is this not the exploitation of ordinary believers by the church? Because our human reason is limited, it is impossible to know where we come from, where the moral law in our hearts comes from, where the Bible comes from, so human reason is powerless in the face of these infinite moral problems, so we talk nonsense, so we overturn all the contents of the Bible, all the ancient moral standards, and enter a new world of doing whatever we want, and this is also the American society today. Since the contents of the Bible can be easily overturned by rational nonsense, not to mention the law, the law is made by people and can not stand scrutiny. As long as there is a law, there are loopholes and loopholes to be exploited, that is, a half-joke and half-fact theory circulated in the legal circles in the United States, as long as you have the money to fight the lawsuit all the time, it is all right, because the law must have loopholes. Any rebuttal of an appeal can take years, so the lawsuit may not be over until you die of old age.

Perhaps it is very difficult for everyone to understand what I mean at the moment. You only need to look at Lai Mou-Xing to know that in order to stay in Canada, he took advantage of the loopholes in Canadian law to fight a lawsuit for more than a decade, and it is said that he promised that his life would not be in danger when he came back. It was only then that the Canadian judge closed the case, otherwise the case might still be in progress. Many people in the Simpson case say that it is a victory of the law, but I think it is a complete failure of the law. It is obvious that people were killed. Who killed them? It is Simpson, and the evidence is conclusive, and the only loophole is improper procedure when the police collect evidence. It is for this reason that Simpson escapes criminal responsibility, but forgets the basic principles of the law for the sake of the so-called procedural justice. Fairness, justice, what is the use of procedural justice? What is the use of the law? In the end, the law can only become an accomplice to ev


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