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Why don't you want to be seen on Google? Make sure your SEO is compliant.

Is your website ranking on Google high enough? Are you sure your potential customers are finding you quickly enough?

By Martin OrangePublished 4 years ago • 2 min read
Why don't you want to be seen on Google? Make sure your SEO is compliant.
Photo by 🇨🇭 Claudio Schwarz | @purzlbaum on Unsplash

We can safely say, today most of us use Google whenever we want to find a quick answer or a solution for whatever is on our minds. We type in our query, click search, and there's our answer. Or is there? If Google offered it, the answer is probably yes.

But what makes a website trustworthy, or not at providing adequate answers? What does Google care about, and what can you do? This is where the search engine optimization, or SEO, steps in.

The purpose of on-site SEO is to reshape your website so that it would rank higher, so people would visit it, find just the answer they need and have the best user experience possible. In other words, the aim is to make your website more visible among thousands of others out there.

If someone, for example, searches for affordable vacation locations, the goal of SEO is to ensure the site with the best possible answer is listed first. Through SEO, you can learn about what your visitors want. For both Google and SEO, the user is in the centre of attention. In SEO, you can focus on finding the measurement tools that Google uses to measure the quality and usefulness of your page, or you can simply focus on creating a page with useful content that ads value for your visitor.

Google measures how well a page meets the needs of the user through user experience, through the ranking algorithm and things like click-through rate. The data that Google can easily measure, such as the length of your content, if your title is memorable, the formatting you use, if you offer a straightforward answer, etc., is very important.

Having quality links, and having external links to your webpage might help your page as well, as a form of off-site SEO. However, the most important thing is having a good reputation, especially when it comes to YMYL or “Your Money or Your Life” websites. A good example would be a website that offers medical advice. If your website happens to be in this category, then it should have a high-level E-A-T or “Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness”, since human health and potentially lives are at stake.

So how do you establish a good reputation? The answer is through quality content, adequate research, and by being a credible organization or establishment. Providing a certificate of some kind, or proof of a degree wouldn’t hurt either.

The bottom line is if you have no reputation, Google is not going to trust you as much to provide your website as a search result. To avoid this situation, you have to assure you’re not a fake. If you’re creating a website about the best cake recipes, then start baking and trying them. Make an effort to be involved in what you’re writing about and get some actual experience.

Last but not least is to introduce your website, and create an “About us” page because Google wants to know who you are and where your information is coming from.

Google wants you to rank higher and show your content to the ones looking for exatcly what you are offering. So, why aren't you grabing the opportunity? Google SEO is a part of digital marketing and you need to include it into your marketing strategy right away. :)

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About the Creator

Martin Orange

Martin is a marketing expert with a lot of will to share his knowledge with others, help them realize that digital marketing is a neccessity in the business world at the moment.


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