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When My Lover Is Gone Forever

Love letters

By Brothernation EdwardsPublished about a year ago 4 min read

Have love ever got so lost in your head. I never really understood love or maybe I just got afraid. I was never the popular kid I didn’t qualify of being the weird kid I was just there to be honest. To tell you what I mean the beginning is best. My friend gabrielle was the new girl in town I was four years old while she was six years old. When I first saw her i’m telling you I fell head over heels for her. I was riding my bike when I first saw her me being stupid I didn’t see the poll in front of me I ran into and I got a bloody nose. Luckily gabrielle saw it she asked me if I was ok she had the sweetest voice but on the other hand I had blood all over my new shirt I know my mom is going to be mad. Gabrielle walked me to my house and everything was fine my mom made sure I was ok. I told gabrielle thank you and she said you are a bit clumsy and she laughed I felt a little embarrassed but she kissed my nose so I felt better now. Time passed I am in the 10th grade and gabrielle is a senior. Every time I see her in the halls or in my class it’s like a angel all the guys like her and how could you not she was perfect. I have stuttering problem so I get nervous talking in front of people. I’m class one day I had to present my story and oh boy it didn’t go so good. I stutter bad I stutter if someone was tazing me that’s how bad it was. Everyone laughed I left the class embarrassed, ashamed and so unwanted. Gabrielle was looking for me and she told me don’t listen to those losers I bet your story was perfect. She knew how to cheer me up we hung out after school going to her house prank calling people she had a huge swimming pool it was amazing. With gabrielle it felt like paradise sometimes we would lock eyes I know she was saying with her eyes are you gonna tell me but I can’t find the words to tell her how I feel. She invited me to her 18th birthday party and I had to go all out for her I make good money from my music and I believe this a chance to tell her how I feel finally. I bought her this diamond bracelet I told myself tonight is your night and oh boy what a night it was. I showed up at her house and she saw me and I saw her so we walked tours each other and we started talking and I told her there was something I wanted to tell you and she said there is something I wanna tell you.

I told her you go first she said I want you to meet my boyfriend Daniel. Boyfriend when I heard boyfriend I thought it was a nightmare so I said Boyfriend and he’s Daniel the captain of the football team you know cliché pretty girl and the jock. She said what did you wanna tell me I thought to myself do it tell her how you feel just let go and let her know and I said Happy Birthday and I gave her the present and the whole party watched her with someone I knew she had to be happy. School is almost over and i’ve been working on my album making sure it sounds phenomenal while I was doing that for months I had to watch gabrielle and daniel in class flirt with each other kiss all I could think about it was what if I told her just what if. One day though one crucial day would change the both of our lives forever.

Gabrielle and Daniel got into fight and gabrielle wasn’t just a pretty girl she was tough and she didn’t take no shit from nobody but the internet and social media it can be your worst enemy. Daniel showed the whole world including the school Gabrielle’s nudes everyone was talking about it. People at school shamed her she felt lost embarrassed, ashamed and unwanted. I wanted to be there for her but i couldn’t find her but I knew this won’t stop her she will get right back up and move on. My album had came out and it did great it did huge numbers I was so happy I tried texting gabrielle about it but no answer. In class all of sudden gabrielle called

me crying all she kept saying she was sorry and I didn’t understand what she was sorry for her so i said calmed down everything will be fine just talked me I told her I’ll come over and we can eat ice cream watch a movie and hangout like old times she said ok. School was over I rushed to flower to the flower store to get her some flowers and I went to her house I knocked on the door but the door opened like if it wasn’t locked. I called out gabrielle gabrielle i heard upstairs in the bathroom but what I saw will forever be the moment my soul left. She had she had blood and cuts on her arm she was bleeding out crying to me I told her i’m gonna get you some help I called the cops I stutter cause i was in shock but I calmed down and I told them they said they are on the way. When I saw the scars on her arms i saw scars of girl hurt her soul as been destroyed the scars were lonely in the dark and in that moment I told what I always wanted to tell her I told her I love you and you know what to my surprise she told me she loved me too she always loved me. In that moment the girl of my dreams the girl one day I would have loved to marry was now the girl that died in my arms and now all I can say is My Lover Is Gone Forever.

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About the Creator

Brothernation Edwards

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