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What was the first gadget to be invented?

What do you think was the first gadget that was invented?

By Aymeric DelaplacePublished 12 months ago β€’ 3 min read
What was the first gadget to be invented?
Photo by Ivan Didenko on Unsplash

The first gadget was the gadget, invented by Artie Fartz in 1947. This was when gadgets were first invented, since then many different types of gadgets have been invented. Some unmentioned ones include the computer robot from 1985 and the car iPad from 2007.


The first gadgets were probably the simplest, such as the hand axe. The first gadget to be invented was the hand axe. It was used by early humans and Neanderthals about 2 million years ago, and it was found in many cultures around the world. The hand axe is a sharpened stone or bone that was attached to a handle.

It was a very simple invention, but it allowed humans to hunt more effectively and also made it easier for them to defend themselves against predators. Many other inventions followed this one over time, such as the bow and arrow, which were developed in central Asia between 10,000 and 20,000 years ago.

This allowed humans to kill animals more easily from a distance than they could if they had only their bare hands or spears at their disposal. Clapper Another very early gadget was the clapper. This is a device that makes a loud noise when activated by pulling on one end of its rope-like handle (or by pushing down on an attached lever).

It’s thought that this device may have been used for signaling purposes, as well as for entertainment purposes such as calling people together for religious ceremonies or celebrations of all kinds.

Smart phone

The first gadget to be invented was the smart phone. The smart phone is a combination of many other gadgets that have been created over the years. It has many different functions like a computer, camera and iPod all in one device. The first device that could be considered a smart phone was the IBM Simon Personal Communicator which was released in 1992 and cost $899 at the time.

The Simon had limited functionality compared to today's smartphones, but it included a calendar, address book, calculator and email client. In 1999 Apple released their first smartphone called the Rokr E1 which ran on their OS 6 operating system. This phone was not very popular due to its poor battery life and lack of apps available on iTunes at the time.

Electric toothbrush

The electric toothbrush is one of the most recent inventions, but it was not the first gadget to be invented. The first gadget was the wheel. It was invented by the Sumerians and later on by the Egyptians. The first gadget to be patented was a steam car in 1790 by Richard Trevithick.

Electric toothbrushes were first invented in 1962 by Dr. George F. Goodsell and his wife, Alice Thallon Goodsell. They were inspired by dental hygiene trends from Europe and Asia, where people had been using electric toothbrushing devices for years before they were introduced into American homes.


The toaster, which allows people to toast bread, was invented in 1893 by Charles Strite. Strite was a resident of Rockford, Illinois who had just graduated from the local high school. During his senior year, he had been hired by a local company called the National Manufacturing Company as an apprentice machinist.

In 1892, he was promoted to foreman of their machine shop. In 1893, he invented the first commercially successful pop-up toaster and received a patent for it on November 7th of that year. Strite's invention consisted of two pieces of metal that were connected at one end and open at the other end with a handle attached to them.

The metal pieces were connected on one side by hinges so that they could be folded together like an accordion when not in use. On the other side, there was a barbed wire heating coil that could be raised up or down depending on whether you wanted your bread browned lightly or very darkly.

There was also an electric heating element in the handle itself so that you didn't have to wait for your toast to cool down before trying to pick it up with your fingers and thereby burn yourself .

To Sum Up

For a long time, historians thought the first gadget to be made was the wheel. Obviously this has been proven false. The earliest gadget we know of was created by an African man in 8000 B.C., but it wasn't actually anything truly revolutionary. He had discovered how to make a fire without striking two rocks together, also known as "cold fire." While it may not have been much work for us today, this discovery completely revolutionized our ancestors.

They could finally keep warm at night and avoid predators that were closely surrounding them by day. This small discovery would lay the foundation of what was to come in later years in the pursuit of advancement in mankind.


About the Creator

Aymeric Delaplace

πŸ’¬ Hello, I'm Aymeric πŸ“±. πŸ‘‹ I write about apps, software and businesses for kids for publications like TechCrunch 🌟. πŸ€”Have a question? DM me on Twitter or e-mail my email address. πŸ‘ˆβ€οΈ

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