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What are Social Media Blues

And why are they causing depression and anxiety

By CHAMP TAHA OFFICIALPublished about a year ago 3 min read
What are Social Media Blues
Photo by Fernando @cferdophotography on Unsplash

Hello Friends, How u doing?

Are social media sites really making Gen–Z depressed? This question will be well tackled in this article. Social media has been a necessity in the new generation’s lives. From sharing our personal experiences to staying connected with friends and family, social media has given us the power to connect with people across the globe. However, with its many benefits, social media has also been linked to negative effects on mental health, particularly depression.

Before delving into the relationship between social media and depression, it is essential to understand what depression is. Depression is a mental health disorder characterized by a persistent feeling of sadness, loss of interest, and lack of energy, and on the extreme can lead to devastating suicidal thoughts

There has been great concern about the effect of social media on young brains. Research indicates that teenagers who use excessive social media have a high chance of falling into anxiety and depression. One of the basic social media that can lead to depression is the constant comparison it fosters. Social media platforms such as Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook are designed in such a way that they only show the best moments of our lives. We only share those highlights which create an unrealistic image of perfection. This, in many cases, leads to self-doubt which can inflame depression. This phenomenon is also referred to as: “The Social Media Blues”. Social media blues is a phenomenon when you receive a happy image from your friends and start feeling empty and feel like falling into an endless pit of despair and inferiority. We most often forget that we are comparing ourselves with an illusion. People often compare their physical appearance and attributes, achievements, and social lives with the perfect-looking lives of others. This many a time leads to individuals taking unhealthy decisions just so they can be up to the mark with the ongoing trends. For example, they may feel the pressure of buying expensive clothes or traveling to an exotic location to fit in with the trend and to show an upper hand to their peers. This can lead to financial stress and lack of fulfillment as individuals prioritize external validation over their own values and needs

Another research has shown that young brains that spend more time on social media, generally have lower self-esteem and higher levels of anxiety. They are more likely to compare themselves to others and feel that they are not measuring up to the HIGHLY SET standards of society. This is another leading cause of low self-worth among individuals. Furthermore, social media has been reported to be an important source of stress for individuals. With the constant bombardment of information and notifications, it can be really challenging for many individuals to quit this fantasy world.

Another leading cause of depression can be bullying and social media can really prove to be the breeding ground for cyberbullying, which can be devastating to mental health, especially for those individuals who are not mature enough to counter bullying. Cyberbullying can take many forms, including harassment, intimidation, and humiliation. It can lead to feelings of helplessness, hopelessness, and even suicidal thoughts. It can also result in long-term psychological damage which in turn exacerbates depression and anxiety.

Another way social media can contribute to depression is by affecting the sleep cycle. Many people use social media before bed to help them fall asleep. However, this can be counter-productive, as the blue light emitted by electronic devices can interfere with the production of a hormone that regulates sleep, named melatonin. It can cause disturbed mental health and sleep patterns


Is social media really making us depressed? The answer is not quite straightforward. While there are certain proofs in favor of the idea that social media is a major factor in rising depression and other mental health problems, there are also plenty of counterarguments. Conclusively, the impact of social media on our lives depends entirely on how we use it

If we use social media in a balanced way, it can be a source of inspiration, motivation, etc. Contrarily. If we become addicted to, or use social media and compare ourselves, we are just inviting numerous disorders such as depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, and so on

The key to a healthy, depression-free life is to use everything in a balanced way and to keep track of our social media usage. We should set boundaries on the content we consume so that it may allow us to enjoy the true beauty of our life. Keep in mind, “there exists a world outside your mobile phones” so stay focused Kings and Queens, and don’t let excessive social media usage ruin your daily life and your mental health


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