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Useful Life Saving Facts

Life Saving Facts

By Alecia HarriottPublished 11 days ago 6 min read
Useful Life Saving Facts
Photo by Peter Conlan on Unsplash

picture by Peter Conlan on UnsplashIn

Let us embark on a journey through the chronicles of survival, where each tale is a testament to the courageous human spirit, mind and the power of preparedness. Amidst the racket of the chaos, a symphony of wisdom plays, guiding us through the treacherous terrain of life's most harrowing challenges.

Surviving a tornado

Surviving a tornado requires not only quick thinking but also a keen eye for the subtle signs of impending danger. As the winds howl and the skies darken, seek refuge in the sturdy confines of a concrete shelter or basement. But if such sanctuary eludes you, fear not, for even the humble bathroom can serve as a bastion against the tempest's fury. Clamber into the tub, shielded by the fortress of pipes and framing, and brace yourself for the onslaught. And remember, amidst the chaos, focus your gaze on a stationary object, for it may just be the beacon that guides you to safety.

Surviving an abduction

The specter of abduction looms large, casting a shadow of fear upon the unsuspecting because nothing in this world could prepare us for a sudden abduction. But in the face of such adversity, defiance is our greatest weapon. Fight back with every fiber of your being, screaming and shouting until your voice echoes through the darkness. And should capture seem inevitable, get rid of anything in your hands, leaving behind a trail of breadcrumbs for the vigilant eye of justice to follow. Drop as many personal items as possible but not your cellphone because this provide for a vital piece of evidence. Always be in survival mode and not give up hope of escape. If all your efforts fail your last resort is to try an established a friendly rapport with your abductor so they will think they can trust you or start viewing you as a real person instead of just an object. This might just give you the time you needed to stay alive long enough to escape or be rescued.

Extinguishing an oil fire.

Oil fires are very prevalent in homes. There are times when the air fryer may light up or the vegetable oil used for cooking suddenly goes up in flames and our first reaction is to pour water over it which is wrong. This only make the fire a whole worse as particles of water in the pan evaporates causing the flames to intensify and grow rapidly in size. The flames of an oil fire dance with deadly allure, threatening to consume all in their path. But fear not, for in the crucible of crisis, knowledge is our greatest ally. Resist the urge to douse the fire with water, for such folly only serves to fan the flames of destruction. The correct course of action according to firefighters, is to keep calm, turn off the heat source, smothering the burning pan with something like a metal lid or damp cloth this will certainly will cut off the fire's supply of oxygen. Starving the fire to death. If the fire is small enough, you may try dumbing salt or baking soda on it as this causes carbon dioxide to reproduce and kill the flames, but it's gonna take a significant amount to put it out completely.

Scuba diving sickness

Many scuba divers and many water lovers experience seasickness which is caused by the rocking motion of a boat or choppy waters. Here are a few tips to keep in mind when nausea strikes while scuba diving. Beneath the waves, a silent killer lies in wait, ready to ensnare the unwary in its suffocating embrace of scuba diving lovers. But fear not, for amidst the depths, a beacon of hope shines bright. Should nausea threaten to overwhelm you, surrender not to despair, but instead, let your gear be your salvation, channeling your body's exodus from the bottomless pit of the ocean. Maybe your first reaction is to remove your gears from your mouth since our bodies' natural reaction to vomiting is to gasp suddenly for air but any quick intake of water could be fatal drowning. But experts suggests that you should vomit directly into your gear which is equipped to handle it which has a one-way valve system which will force it out of the regulator the same as your exhaled breath. It might not sound too pleasant but the best thing to do is hold onto your gear and vomit away.

Surviving a Tornado

In the shadow of a towering wave, the sands of time slip through our fingers like grains of sand. You are looking out on the beach turquoise water, enjoying the breathtaking beauty when suddenly you see massive wave start swelling and looming towards you. Your first instinct is to run for your life. Tsunamis are some of the most devastating natural disasters many countries faces. When the ocean recedes, revealing a barren expanse of sand, heed its silent warning and flee to higher ground, for in its retreat lies the promise of survival. Don't stop to pick up shells, run for higher grounds and sound an alarm.

Toxic Potatoes

Almost every home across the world consumes potato everyday. But did you know that potatoes can be toxic? The humble potatoes, once a staple of sustenance, may harbor a hidden danger within its verdant flesh. Beware the green hue, for it conceals a toxic secret, capable of wreaking havoc upon the unsuspecting palate. Not every potatoes are created equally. Did you know that potatoes may be toxic? Yes! Those with an unusually green hue. Potatoes are root food which means they grow under soil but there are times potatoes are exposed to sunlight for lengthy periods. The exposure to sunlight encourages the production of chlorophyll in potatoes which aids photosynthesis but excess chlorophyll, which causes greening is very dangerous and toxic. Green potatoes could contain a toxic compound called solanine which is created to protect vegetables from insects, bacteria and animals. But when ingested, solanine may damage cell membranes and breaks down certain neurotransmitters which can cause headaches, nausea, vomiting and in extreme cases neurological disorders and even paralysis when consumed in large portion. Next time you purchase potatoes check for the green hue. If it looks odd and tastes bitter, throw it away.

As the wheels of fate grind relentlessly onward, we find ourselves standing upon the precipice of destiny. But fear not, for in the crucible of crisis, we find the strength to endure. Armed with the knowledge of survival, we stand ready to face whatever challenges may come our way, for in the darkest hour, there shines a beacon of hope, guiding us through the storm to the shores of safety.

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About the Creator

Alecia Harriott

I am excited to share my passion for history, storytelling and poetry with readers around the globe and look forward to continuing my journey as a writer, one word at a time.

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