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Types Of Car Scratches And Repairs Explained

Show your car some love

By SatnamPublished 2 years ago 3 min read


When you drive your car, it's inevitable that at some point you'll experience a scratch. That scratch could be on the paint job, or it could be just a small chip on the surface of your vehicle. Whatever the case, scratches can be annoying and make your car look older than it really is. But don't worry! Here are different types of scratches and how they can be repaired:

Scratch Type #1: Light Surface Scratches

Light surface scratches can be buffed out using a 2-step process. Step one is to use a compound to remove the paint down to the clear coat, then follow with a polish for a glossy finish. You can do this yourself or have a professional do it for you.

A DIY kit will work fine, but there's also ready-to-use scratch repair kits available from auto parts stores that are easier to use and more effective than doing it yourself.

Scratch Type #2: Surface scratches

Surface scratches are the most common type of scratch and can usually be repaired. With a few simple tools and supplies, your car can be back to its original condition in no time. These scratches are typically caused by keys, coins, or other small objects that have come into contact with your vehicle's finish.

Surface scratches are superficial and can usually be repaired using a paintless dent repair kit. These kits feature an adhesive remover that is applied to the damaged area to dissolve it from its base coat layer, which enables you to wipe away any paint that’s left behind after polishing it out with fine grit sandpaper. Once you've sanded all of the affected area smooth (which will probably take several hours), you'll want to apply another coat of adhesive remover before applying two coats of primer over top it

Scratch Type #3: Deep scratches

Deep scratches are the most difficult to repair. Paintless dent removal is the most common way to fix deep scratches, but it's also more expensive than other methods. If you're willing to spend a little extra money, this is an excellent option for repairing deep scratches on your car.

Scratch Type #4: Paint chips/dings

While it's possible to repair paint chips on your own, they're often caused by rocks and other debris that can be difficult to work with. You may also have difficulty getting the right color match if you're attempting a DIY repair. If you want your car's paint job looking its best, it's best to leave this type of damage up to an expert—in fact, most auto shops offer free estimates for repairing paint chips and dings.

If the damage is not too severe (and therefore can't be seen from a distance), then touch-up paint might do the trick in restoring the appearance of your vehicle's finish. However, if there is extensive damage or discoloration from where the chip occurred, then touch-up will only serve as an end-around for what should really be addressed by professionals who know how to fix such problems properly. A professional technician will usually use some sort of special tool called a "paint chip repair kit" which contains all sorts of tools (such as sanding discs) needed for removing old paint before applying new coats over areas where chips occurred throughout their careers working with automobiles like yours!

You can choose how much you want to spend on car scratch repairs

When it comes to repairing scratches and dings, you have a few options. You can choose whether you want to get a new paint job or repair the existing paint. You can also choose how much you want to spend on car scratch repairs.

The cost of getting your car repaired depends on several factors, including:

  • The size of the scratch or dent
  • Where the damage is located (for example, in an area where it will be hidden by your license plate)
  • The type of vehicle you drive (older cars may not be worth as much)
  • If possible, let's take a look at some real-life situations that might arise when trying to determine if your car can keep going after receiving some damage—and what kind of repair work might be necessary for it not only to return safely home but also look good doing so!


I hope this article was helpful in understanding the different types of car scratches and repairs. It is important to know that there are ways to repair these scratches yourself, but if you don’t want to do it yourself then there are professionals who can help you out.


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