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Tutorial on Flask JWT Authentication

Here’s a step-by-step guide to implement Flask JWT Authentication with an example. Clone the flask-jwt authentication github repo and play around with the code

By Rachael GreyPublished 3 years ago 3 min read

In the Flask JWT authentication guide, we co-created a demo application. Learn more about the Flask structure, REST API, and token authentication. If this is your initial experience executing ib Flask token authentication, don't agonize! After finishing this lesson, it will surely solve your difficulties, and you will no longer be a beginner. To make this tutorial easier, I divided it into several parts.

What is a JSON web token?

JSON Web Tokens (JWT) are a short and secure way of transferring data between two individuals using JSON objects. The JSON Web token consists of three parts:

  • Payload
  • Header
  • Signature

JSON utilizes two diverse formation models to transfer data. -serialized data and deserialized data.

What is the Flask structure?

Flask is a Python-based microframework applied to develop the rest of the API. Micro-framework does not mean that your complete web application must match into a particular Python code file, and Flask is not without functionality. The Flask structure should be kept manageable although extensible. It allows developers to attach expansions for database combination, authentication, session management, and any other back-end methods according to their choices.

A step-by-step guide to implementing Flask JWT authentication:

Let's begin with implementing Flask JWT authentication. This is my system configuration and Flask JWT example for better understanding: Ubuntu 20.04 OSPostmanPython 3.8+

Use virtualenv to configure the virtual environment, guaranteeing that any combinations used in the project will not conflict with packages on the system. It is also recommended to evade infecting the operating system by connecting all software packages straight into the operating system. We will use the virtualenv command to establish a new practice environment in our project. We need the pip command to continue. If pip is not installed on your system, use the following command to install pip on your system.

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

After installing the pip command on the operation, administer the resulting command to establish virtualenv.

pip install virtualenv

mkdir myflaskproject

Transform your modern operation directory to myflaskproject:

cd myflaskproject

Use the virtualenv tool to create a current implicit background in the myflaskproject directory:

virtualenv venv

After successfully formulating the implicit background with the irtualenv tool, use the resulting code to activate the virtual environment:

Install the package using pip

Now, it's time to install the packages required by this project to use the Python REST API authentication token and other combinations required by this API project (such as -flaskpyjwtflask-sqlalchemydatetimeuuid generated). An effective method is to create a request .txt record and archive all the packages it contains. If necessary, you can also hold the package version.






Instantly use this data to fit all the combinations listed in pip.

pip install -r requirements.txt

  • Database setup
  • For simplicity, we will apply SQLite in this project. Use the resulting code to install SQLite.

    sudo apt-get update

    sudo apt-get install sqlite3

    The user table stores enrolled users. We will also save the receipt so that only recorded users can access the book list. The book table stores data regarding books, such as book titles, book authors, book editions, and book information published by recorded users.

    Later, use the Flask-JWT authentication guide to create user tables and workbooks. Use the following code to create tables for the two tables:

    from app import db


    The "login_user" function generates tokens, allowing only certified users to obtain and manage many API developments in the "Books" table. Just paste the resulting code after the database pattern of the two tables.

    def token_required(f):


    def decorator(*args, **kwargs):

    token = None

    if 'x-access-tokens' in request.headers:

    token = request.headers['x-access-tokens']

    if not token:

    return jsonify({'message': 'a valid token is missing'})


    data = jwt.decode(token, app.config['SECRET_KEY'], algorithms=["HS256"])

    current_user = Users.query.filter_by(public_id=data['public_id']).first()


    return jsonify({'message': 'token is invalid'})

    return f(current_user, *args, **kwargs)

    return decorator

    To conclude, this tutorial was about implementing Flask-JWT authentication. If you want to receive more knowledge about Python, please visit the Python tutorial and use the code. If you are looking for token-based authentication using Flask, please contact a world-class development company immediately and hire a Python developer to protect the Flask REST API with a JSON Web Token.


    About the Creator

    Rachael Grey

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