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Treats Rudeness Politely

How To Deal With Rude People

By Adekola DamilarePublished 13 days ago 6 min read

In almost every social situation, whether it's work, family or out and about with people, you are likely to be confronted by rude behavior. Thinking about how to respond appropriately to disrespectful behavior, no matter who it is, is important.

With an attitude, it's easy to respond to these people, especially if it's someone you're unlikely to see again. But you can end the interaction more easily if you stop, think, and answer correctly. We've got some smart ways of dealing with rude people, so you don't become one!

🔸 To choose the right approach, please give yourself some time. Think about what the outcome will be and whether or not this is worth discussing.

A good rule of thumb when dealing with a rude person is if it's someone close to you, talk it out and work it out. If it's someone you don't get to see very often, especially someone you won't be seeing again, the situation doesn't need to be distinguished. Instead, treat them as kindly as you can, and move on.

🔸 If someone says something rude to you, make direct eye contact, don't look away, which can give the impression that you've accepted their behavior. Look into their eyes and hold your gaze when they are talking to you. It shows you're confident in your attitude and won't allow them to treat you rudely.

🔸 People usually look for a reaction when they're rude or nasty to you. What's the better way to give it back than to do the opposite of what they want.

Smiling not only annoys the other person when they're being rude to you, but it also tricks your brain into thinking you're happy, making you feel better. Smiling not only shows the rude person that their words can't hurt you, but it also shows that you don't care what they say or think.

🔸 Stay Calm When dealing with a rude person, the quickest way to lose control of the situation is to lose your temper. You're indirectly defending the actions of another person when you succumb to your anger. It will only make the situation worse if you raise your voice, point a finger or speak rudely to someone who is disrespectful.

They're also destroying your own control, too. Don't try to talk with the person, use a deep, quiet and monotone voice. Before you speak, let the other person catch their breath. You get a chance to be calm and think things through.

🔸 Don't react, just answer, One of the benefits of being calm is that you can react positively rather than negatively. Instead of losing control and trying to recover from what you say or do, staying calm, in control, and thinking and acting from a position of strength will help you live a better life.

Look for a way to solve the problem. Putting yourself in the shoes of someone you're a little rude to is one way of making sure you're "reacting" and not "reacting". Because they're comfortable expressing themselves, empathy can often solve the problem. Actually, you're not in agreement with them, you're fully aware of their position.

🔸 Consider the other person's point of see after you confront an inconsiderate individual, it's easy to fault yourself. You're going to believe there is something out of place about you that might give rise to such a response, possibly some dislikable qualities.

You wish to be beyond any doubt, that when individuals are discourteous to you, their behavior likely has nothing to do with you! Maybe it's because they've got a few issues with their claim, and that's why they're so crotchety to you. If you're familiar with the person, and you know he's not a terrible person, think of it as situational.

In view of the situation, it is necessary to take a quick look at their side of the argument. Doesn't it seem likely that their point is also significant? On the other hand, it may be a bigger problem for the two of you to work on if you know this inconsiderate individual well and they often seem to behave in a fair way every day.

🔸 Approach the issue Head-on on the off chance that you discover yourself regularly avoiding inconsiderate behavior from a specific individual, calmly inquire if you've done something to disturbed or annoy them. It's usually a critical discussion, highlighting your eagerness to listen to the other side.

In some cases, people do not realise that they are disrespectful and your honesty may assist them in reassessing their behaviour. You'll also find out that you have misconstrued the circumstances.

🔸 Be objective and take a look at the rudeness. I mean, when someone's been rude to you. What did they say or do? Is that what they meant? You'll see that most of the rudeness is irrelevant, and you can simply ignore it.

In the rare case that there is logic behind the rude behavior, staying objective will allow you to address the root cause of the problem instead of the rudeness that hides it.

🔸 It can be stressful to find common ground with rude people, and it may take a bit of effort not to get personal. In order to get something out of the conversation, try to find common ground. Don't take it personally if you still hear a rude remark.

There are some things you shouldn't be upset about. You can decide when to be silent, when to speak, or when to leave it alone, depending on the interaction. Determine the situation and draw up a suitable response. It's easier said than done.

So you'll gain strength and help yourself get through this by deciding what to do in a couple of seconds. Ask yourself, 'How am I going to make the most of this conversation?'

🔸 Develop a mature perspective, an easy way to deal with rude behavior is to resort to the old saying, "Kill with kindness." You're not in control of other people's bad words and actions, but you're in control of how you respond to them. It's a bit of practice, but try not to be rude and answer politely.

Remember, a lot of people are rude because they're frustrated, angry, and stressed. It's not their personal circumstances that justify rudeness, but understanding where they come from may prevent them from upsetting you or causing you to react rudely.

🔸 Use humor to break the ice and make it funny. The best way to surprise a rude person is to respond with humor. You'll be expected to behave in a kind way by people who are aggressive toward you, and when you use humor or jokes it is inevitable that resentment will arise.

To break the ice and make the other person feel comfortable, use humor!

🔸 Say, "It's true!" No, I don't think you have to agree. Use it for a quick cut in the conversation. It is a statement that we have no cause for further arguments. When you acknowledge this, the other person will nod and be satisfied or unhappy when they realize that what you've just said won't make them talk about it anymore.

🔸 Don't try forcing change, some people are rude just because they act that way all the time. It can be difficult to change rudeness once it becomes an habit, even if you really want to behave better. Don't take the habit of rudeness personally. It is a difficult pattern to break. If the other person wants to be rude, you can be polite.

In fact, attempts to force behavior change often end up making it worse instead of better. Accepting that their rudeness is not your fault, and letting them solve the matter on their own may be a good option.

🔸 Before it gets bad, stop the conversation. You're supposed to be thinking about your personal dignity. If you feel like you're about to throw a tantrum, remove yourself from the conversation. Just say, "This conversation's over."

Don't let the rude person make you regret your words later. People who are rude tend to do that intentionally and enjoyed it. Don't let them be lulled into complacency!

🔸 Walk away You ultimately have no control over someone else's rudeness, so it's helpful to walk away without commenting, especially if you're feeling upset or angry. This will help avoid conflicts if the rude person is a friend or family member, you may need to distance yourself from them or cut off contact altogether, especially if their behavior is negatively impacting your life.

For example, if the rudeness is offensive or involves verbal or emotional abuse such as insult, belittling and trying to control you.

It can be difficult to master the art of dealing with bad people, but there's a way to learn how to talk positively and effectively. You will be better able to deal with the rude people you're likely to encounter on a daily basis by following these guidelines.

There's never going to be a world without rude people, but there's a world where we can respond with kindness and admiration.

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Adekola Damilare

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  • Fagbenro Adesola11 days ago

    Keep it moving

  • Fagbenro Adesola11 days ago


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