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Top 5 YouTube Channels for Deep Learning & Data Science

One of the best places to learn.

By Pircalabu StefanPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Each human being has his own style of learning new things, which is ingrained deep into their subconscious mind. Those learning styles are falling into 4 categories: visual, auditory, reading/writing, and kinesthetic (doing).

While some people enjoy learning by reading books, papers, and articles… others better learn from video explanations. I am also into video explanations since my brain is much more relaxed and synthesizes information much easier that way. Of course, I also read a lot, since I’m an amateur speed reader.

Reading, however, is much more stressful, when it comes to maths and other complex subjects such as deep learning and data science. That’s why, in this article, I will showcase the best YouTube channels I learned from (and I am still learning) ever since I started my deep learning and data science journey. As a bonus, at the end of the article, I will give you the very first course I finished on machine learning and deep learning. This is the absolute best course you can do if you are a beginner and want to get an overview of these domains.

Let’s get into it!

Data School official logo

#5 Data School

Kevin Markham is the founder of Data School. His channel is an awesome place to learn about data science. He is offering in-depth tutorials about a variety of topics related to data science and machine learning, in a simple and intuitive way.

Of course, the programming language he is using is Python… because it’s the greatest programming language of all time! He covers all of the major data science and machine learning packages, such as Pandas, Scikit-Learn, NumPy, matplotlib, and many others.

He teaches anything related to data science, from analyzing data sets, to cleaning them using Python and to training various Machine Learning algorithms to solve different problems.

If you are into a combination of hands-on and theoretical data science, Data School is the place for you!

Deep Learning AI wallpaper

#4 deeplearning.ai

The official deeplearning.ai channel explains a lot of different topics around data science and deep learning. Some of those lectures are though by the famous Andrew NG — who, as always, tells you not to worry if you don’t understand the maths.

The content from this channel is mostly presented by Andrew Ng, with the help of some of his students.

He explains a lot of complicated topics around deep learning in a simple and intuitive manner, without diving too deep into the complex mathematics of it. He keeps the maths to an absolute minimum unless you want to dive deeper on your own.

This channel is mostly focused on the theoretical aspect of deep learning, teaching you the most important concepts. However, it’s not such a good hands-on place to learn from. But I do have the last 2 channels on this list which are the best hands-on deep learning tutorials on the web.


#3 3Blue1Brown

Speaking of mathematics, if you want a place to learn complex mathematical concepts in a simple way, the official 3Blue1Brown YouTube channel is the place for you. While Andrew Ng tells you not to worry about math, you will, after some time, need to worry about the math behind deep learning and data science. You can’t escape it forever!

This channel is the absolute best place on YouTube, to learn about complex mathematical concepts. The explanations inside these video tutorials made me actually think I am quite good at math. I understood even the topics that always eluded me, like differential equations.

If you want to learn more math, even if you are a beginner or an expert, this channel will not disappoint you!

Sentdex in one of his videos

#2 Sentdex

Sentdex is one of my long-time favorites when it comes to Python in general. He covers a broad range of subjects from robotics, finance, data analysis, web development, game development, and, of course, deep learning.

He is a very hands-on type of guy when it comes to coding and usually teaches how to implement anything step by step. If you want to code along while learning and also have fun, Sentdex is the guy for you.

He’s been around Youtube for a very long time and now has almost 1.2 million subscribers. He is a great guy to learn from and he also keeps in touch with the newest innovations around deep learning and other areas.

This guy is always full of energy (maybe he should donate some of that energy to me — I’m a potato) and ready to tackle any problem coming his way. Give his channel a try if you haven’t already!

#1 Deeplizard

As much as I love Sentdex’s channel, I have to place deeplizard’s channel in the #1 spot. This channel covers everything about deep learning in a visual, creative, and simple way, that makes everything easy to understand — for both beginners and experts.

It covers both theoretical and hands-on content in the area of deep learning. There are playlists that teach the theory behind every aspect of deep learning, from beginner tutorials to very advanced topics and neural models.

She also has a lot of hands-on coding tutorials which will teach you how to implement the theoretical things you have just learned in a simple and intuitive way.

I found this channel a long time after I started watching sentex, but due to the graphical presentation, simple and intuitive explanation, and beautiful, calm voice, I was hooked on deeplizard’s tutorials ever since.

You should definitely give this channel a look if you are into deep learning.


I hope you enjoyed my list of channels. I have used all of them in my journey of learning data science and deep learning, and they were all of the great help. I suggest you subscribe to each of them and keep learning from all. The content is great and so are the teachers — and their channels will always have a special place in my heart.

Hopefully, they will soon have a place near your heart also.

Now, as promised, I will give you the link to the first-ever course I’ve completed in machine learning. The Machine Learning A-Z course from Udemy gave me the first ever glimpse into this area of machine learning. Ever since, I’ve been hooked, especially on deep learning.

I hope it will also make you “enjoy machine learning” (you will see why I quoted that as you watch the course).

As always, happy learning and stay safe!

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About the Creator

Pircalabu Stefan

I love writing about life and technology. Really passionate about all technological advances and Artificial Intelligence!

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