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Top 20 Web Development Trends in 2023

The biggest web development trends at the moment

By Miles BrownPublished 7 months ago 9 min read

The world of web development is continually evolving as new technologies emerge and best practices change. What was considered cutting edge a few years ago may now be outdated. To stay relevant, web developers must keep up with the latest trends. This article explores some of the most important web development trends expected to continue gaining momentum in 2023 and beyond.

1. Jamstack

Jamstack architecture will continue gaining popularity in 2023. Jamstack focuses on pre-rendering content to HTML at build time rather than relying on server-side rendering. This improves performance, security, and scalability. Some popular Jamstack frameworks include Gatsby, Next.js, and Nuxt.js.

Jamstack makes use of APIs, reusable APIs, serverless functions and prebuilt markup to allow web developers to build sites and applications without web servers. The core principles of Jamstack are speed, security, savings in cost and scale. With major hosting platforms like Netlify supporting Jamstack architecture, more and more websites will embrace this approach in 2023.

2. WebAssembly

WebAssembly saw huge growth in adoption in 2022 and this trend is set to continue in 2023. WebAssembly is a binary format that allows code to be run in web browsers near-natively. This unlocks great performance for custom web application developments. WebAssembly gives developers the ability to use languages like Rust, C and C++ on the web.

Popular use cases for WebAssembly include 3D games, CAD applications, video editing, scientific simulations and machine learning applications. Major frameworks are emerging in the WebAssembly space like Blazor and Yew for building web UIs. 2023 will see increased usage of WebAssembly across many domains.

3. Progressive Web Apps

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) will gain more popularity in 2023 as they become more capable. PWAs are web apps that use modern web capabilities along with service workers and manifests to provide an app-like experience. Features like push notifications, background syncing, camera access and add to home screen allow PWAs to feel natural on mobile devices.

Improvements in JavaScript frameworks and browser support have unlocked more potential for PWAs. Developers are realizing they can support multiple platforms including desktop with one codebase using PWAs. The rise of PWAs helps teams maximize reach without having to build separate native apps.

4. Web Components

Web Components will be more widely used in 2023 as developers look for ways to build reusable UI faster. Web Components are custom HTML elements that can function independently and be shared across frameworks. Libraries like Stencil, LitElement and Fast make building Web Components easy.

Major frameworks are also embracing Web Components. React has support for creating Web Components and Vue is integrating them into its ecosystem. The ability to build a component once and use it anywhere solves a lot of code duplication challenges. 2023 will see increased Web Component usage especially for Design Systems and component libraries.

5. Web Frameworks

On the framework front, React will continue dominating in 2023 but some alternatives are gaining traction. Svelte is a compiler-based framework that outputs small and performant JavaScript. It has a gentle learning curve making it appealing to new web developers.

Alpine.js offers a minimal approach for adding behavior to HTML. With only a few kilobytes in size, it’s ideal for sprinkling interactivity without incorporating a large framework. These along with stalwarts like Vue and Angular ensure developers have options when choosing frameworks in 2023.

6. CSS Frameworks

In terms of CSS frameworks, Tailwind CSS has seen massive growth largely driven by its utility-first approach. It makes styling web apps fast without having to context switch out of HTML. However, there is some debate whether utility classes lead to messy markup.

Traditional CSS frameworks like Bootstrap continue to improve by embracing modern styling like CSS Grid and customization via Sass. Bootstrap 5 and Bulma provide классеnt options for component-based CSS frameworks in 2023.

7. Full Stack JavaScript

JavaScript will continue eating the world in 2023 by expanding its reach on the backend. Node.js usage continues growing at an incredible rate driven largely by frontend developers expanding their skillsets.

Newer platforms like Deno provide an alternative runtime to Node for building secure server-side apps. On the database front, MongoDB and other NoSQL databases that sync well with JavaScript apps will gain adoption in 2023.

8. TypeScript

TypeScript has become the preferred way for large teams to build JavaScript apps safely with static typing. Its optional type system helps catch bugs during development rather than run time. TypeScript usage will grow further in 2023 as more devs realize the benefits especially for complex frontend apps.

TypeScript also has great editor support making it ideal for large codebases. It compiles down to regular JavaScript so apps built with TypeScript can run anywhere JavaScript runs. 2023 may finally be the year TypeScript usage eclipses vanilla JavaScript across major projects.

9. WebAssembly Frameworks

As more developers embrace WebAssembly in 2023, new frameworks tailored for WASM will emerge. AssemblyScript, Blazor and Yew have already gained traction but newer entrants will arrive. Combining WebAssembly with Rust and Golang has a lot of developer momentum that will inspire new frameworks.

These frameworks will abstract away WebAssembly complexities allowing more devs to leverage its benefits. Companies relying on traditional web languages like PHP may adopt WebAssembly frameworks to boost performance and take advantage of language innovations.

10. Edge Computing

Edge computing will unlock faster web experiences by processing data closer to users in 2023. Traditionally public clouds have centralized resources far from end users. Edge computing brings compute, storage and networking closer for reduced latency.

For web development, this allows serving content from edge locations rather than distant clouds. Frameworks will emerge to simplify development of edge-enabled websites. The end result will be snappier web apps as key data can be processed on edge nodes with built-in AI acceleration.

11. Mobile Web Improvements

While native apps dominate on mobile, the mobile web will continue improving in 2023 thanks to faster networks and browser enhancements. CSS media queries and frameworks like Bootstrap make responsive sites easy to build.

Browsers keep adding features that give web apps more native functionality. As mobile devices get more powerful, web apps can offer user experiences comparable to native apps while reaching more users. More developers may decide mobile web suits their needs in 2023 vs building separate native iOS and Android apps.

12. More Embedded Devices

With Internet of Things gaining adoption, 2023 will see more web apps designed for embedded systems and devices. Screens are being added to more products from refrigerators to cameras. Servers are being replaced by serverless functions connected via web APIs.

Support for web standards continues improving on alternate browsers for smartwatches, smart TVs and cars. Web development skills will enable creating the UIs and experiences on these embedded devices of the future. More web developers may work on projects optimized for niche form factors vs just desktop and mobile.

13. Higher User Expectations

User expectations for web experiences will be higher than ever in 2023. Consumers now expect every site to be fast, visually appealing, and work flawlessly across devices. Competition is endless so poor web experiences result in high bounce rates.

Developers will need to master web performance optimizations like code splitting, caching, compression, lazy loading and prefetching. Page load times, visual stability and responsiveness will differentiate winning web experiences going forward.

14. Voice Design

With the growing popularity of voice assistants, designing for voice will be an important trend in 2023. Visual web design principles don’t apply to voice interfaces. Designing effective voice conversations complete with dialogue trees will require new skills.

Frameworks will emerge to make building Alexa skills, Google Assistant actions and voice apps easier. Testing voice interfaces brings unique challenges around intention, context and confirmation. Voice UX flaws can frustrate users quickly. Having voice design skills will give developers an edge.

15. Web Accessibility

Making web experiences accessible to everyone will gain further emphasis in 2023. WCAG standards provide guidelines for supporting disabilities like low vision, hearing loss, and motor impairments.

Tools exist to analyze accessibility issues on sites, but developer knowledge is key to address common problems like poor color contrast, missing image text alternatives, and incorrect HTML semantics. Legal risks around ADA compliance will also drive improved accessibility practices going forward.

16. Augmented Reality

WebXR opens the door for bringing augmented reality experiences to the web. Without needing to install native apps, web AR content can reach billions of users. AR will likely show up first in marketing campaigns before spreading to retail, product demos and beyond.

Frameworks like A-Frame and AR.js make building web AR content approachable for web developers. All major browsers either support or are adding support for WebXR AR experiences. The web remains the ideal platform for casual AR experiences as new use cases arise.

17. Security

Web security is more important than ever as attacks get more sophisticated. OWASP maintains a list of top web vulnerabilities that developers must remain vigilant about. These include SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), broken authentication, sensitive data exposure and security misconfiguration.

Tools like observability platforms monitor for suspicious behavior to detect attacks proactively. Making security a priority early in development with input validation, encryption and CICD security testing will be crucial in 2023. Security skills will be highly valued across all web development roles.

18. Low Code & No Code

Low code and no code platforms will continue gaining adoption in 2023 among non-technical users. These solve simple use cases like building data capture forms, automating workflows, and creating simple page layouts. They are great for business users and non-developers.

For more complex sites, these tools can still help development teams by handling tedious styling and integration tasks. Low code tools may not fully replace advanced web developers but can help accelerate UI/UX workflow and unlock productivity around business logic.

19. Web3 & Blockchain-based Sites

While still early days, building websites powered by blockchain and Web3 technologies will gain momentum in 2023. Cryptocurrency sites were just the start as industries like supply chain, healthcare, finance, and real estate look to decentralize operations.

New protocols, identities, payments, and decentralized data storage solutions will emerge to power these Web3 sites. Handling private keys, transactions, and wallets will become standard web3 developer skills. A new era of the web built on decentralization principles will start taking shape.

20. Web Development Jobs

Demand for skilled web developers will remain very high in 2023 across every industry. Specifying web frameworks is not as critical as understanding modern capabilities like web components, JS frameworks, CSS, accessibility, and performance.

With exponential growth in web endpoints from mobile to IoT, developers who can connect data flows securely on the frontend will thrive. Both startups and enterprises have insatiable demand for web development skills in the remote work era.


The web remains the most empowering application development platform with endless reach to billions of users. As devices diversify and user expectations rise, the role of web developers becomes even more crucial in 2023. Mastering this list of trends will equip any developer to build the next generation of killer web experiences.

Those looking to skill up on these key trends should check developer blogs, follow experts on social media, try online courses, and experiment on personal test projects. With web technology evolving faster each year, the learning never stops for ambitious web developers. The future of the web presents exciting opportunities for developers ready to put in the work and build leading edge experiences.


About the Creator

Miles Brown

I'm Miles Brown, a Programming & Technology professional with expertise in using various technologies for software & web development @Positiwise Software Pvt Ltd, a leading technology solution for Software Development & IT Outsourcing.

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