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Top 10 reasons why Google Adsense isn't approved

Reasons for rejection after applying for Google Adsense

By Bikash PaulPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
top 10 reasons why Google Adsense isn't approved

Adsense approval was a simple matter for the first 3-4 years after google Adsense was first officially launched in June 2003. But it has become increasingly difficult since then. In the beginning, anyone can also get approval with a blog copied to him, but now it is not possible to get approval even for good quality blogs due to various rules. However, those who are blogging in full compliance with all the rules of Google Adsense will be able to approve very easily.

Nowadays there are a lot of good bloggers who are frustrated at not being able to apply for Google Adsense again and again. Some people are trying and failing and many are not able to accept failure at all. I'm going to tell you 10 main reasons for those who apply repeatedly and don't get Adsense. these will definitely help you to correct the mistakes in your blog. and if you follow them, I believe you'll get Google Adsense.

01. Because of the age of the blog.

Your blog/website must be at least 3 months old before applying for Google Adsense. In particular, it is not possible to apply until the age of 3 months of the blog from anywhere in Asia. So you should apply for AdSense after the blog is 3 months old. Then you can get it. Google AdSense approved

02. If there is not enough content.

Content is the vitality of running a blog. The better the content of your blog, the more visitors you will get. You must have at least 20/25 good quality unique posts before applying to Google Adsense. There should be at least 5 posts in each section of the blog. Because the Adsense authority will check if there is enough content on the blog to check your blog before approving it. if there's content, I guess you won't have a problem.

03. you can't have low-quality content.

Blog doesn't just need enough content. if you apply for AdSense thinking that there is enough content through any kind of writing published in the blog, nothing will be allowed. If you think that in the future you will make money online using Google Adsense on your blog before you start blogging, then you must start writing about topics that are valuable to readers of all kinds, including search engines.

When your blog has good quality content, the blog will be acceptable to everyone. This will make it easier to get google AdSense. Google Adsense is approved.

04. must be unique content. top 10 reasons why Google Adsense isn't approved

One of the most common and important things about blogging and getting google Adsense is the unicic content. No one wants to be able to understand the internal meaning of this issue. It is not clear to many what is unique content?

Most people think that if they don't use content copied from someone else's blog, it becomes unique content. But yes, of course, you should not copy your blog posts from other blogs. Unique content means the content doesn't match anyone else's. Now you can say that since I haven't copied anyone's content, then it's unique content. You will try to make your content unique.

05. use of inappropriate content. Google AdSense approved

There is some content that is beyond the use of blogger policy. Using it can harm ordinary people. No matter how much traffic you get using such content, Blog AdSense will not be allowed. If you write any content, Adsense will not be approved as given below. Google AdSense is not allowed

  • advertisement of deadly weapons.
  • conflicting content.
  • Attracting alcohol products.
  • third-party video sharing blog.
  • hacking or cracking tips.
  • Pornography/Adult Content.
  • the promotion of the spread of various drug products.

06. the reason for not having enough traffic. Google AdSense approved

Google Adsense will not be allowed if there is not enough traffic to your blog. when there is enough organic traffic on the blog, AdSense will be easily approved. Because Google wants to give an Adsense account to someone whose blog they can benefit from showing ads to visitors. Traffic will automatically increase when you share good quality unique content with good SEO.

But one thing to keep in mind is that through any kind of paid traffic you will not be able to make any profit by increasing the number of visitors. Adsense will easily allow you when you only get enough visitors from the google search engine without any kind of social media. Google Adsense is approved.

07. because the blog design is not good.

When you start a business, you must first decorate your shop or place of business well, then put the equipment needed for business in the shop. The blog is just like that. If your blog is not well designed and there is not enough space to place google AdSense code, AdSense will not be approved at all.

Because if you can't clearly display the ads to the audience by putting the ads in the required place on your blog, they won't be of any use. Therefore, the design of the blog for the use of AdSense advertising must be responsive, transparent, and appropriate. top 10 reasons why Google Adsense isn't approved

08. due to not using the domain of the top level.

Especially nowadays domain is a very important component for google AdSense approval. Most new bloggers apply for google Adsense using a sub-domain (blogspot.com or wordpress.com) without using any good domains on their blogs. As a result, google rejected their application outright.

However, there was a time when it was possible to easily endorse Adsense with sub-domains, but recently this issue has become quite difficult. So to make matters easier, it's best to buy good custom domains before you start blogging. You can buy good quality domains from namechip companies.

09. Privacy Policy and Terms of Service Information Are Not Available:-

Any blog must have a number of important pages such as Contact Us, Privacy Policy, and About Us pages. Because through this, AdSense can learn about your blog and make sure that you are the owner of the blog. A few years ago, the Google AdSense team made it a rule that every blog must have a privacy policy page. Of course, it's best to keep the rest of the pages.

10. due to the use of other advertisements.

if you use any kind of ads on blogs, you must remove them when applying for Google Adsense. because if you see any kind of ads while reviewing your blog, the Google Adsense team won't approve of AdSense. moreover, it will be covered under the AdSense policy.

there are other reasons why Google Adsense is not available:

There are many other reasons why Google Adsense is not approved. which can't be discussed in detail right now. so I'll summarize things below. Google AdSense not allowed

  • If the applicant is not 18 years of age.
  • If you don't follow the Adsense policy properly.
  • When has the Adsense account been banned?
  • If the language of the blog's content is not supported.
  • Outside of the Children's Privacy Protection Act.
  • If the navigation of the blog is not easily understood.
  • If not the real owner of the blog.
  • If the site is infected with malware.
  • If the blog is linked to the horrible site.

I guess you understand that if you do this, you won't get google AdSense approval. So if you want to get google AdSense approval, start working by following the right rules and move on. Those who have previously failed to approve by applying to google Adsense will be able to easily know where you went wrong if you read the tips above. On the other hand, those who have not applied to Adsense now can easily endorse AdSense for the first time by following these tips. top 10 lists of google Adsense not approved

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About the Creator

Bikash Paul

Bikash Paul is a writer, who provides you valuable stories which give you value and knowledge about digital marketing and other topics.

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