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The TikTok -USA Tug-of-War

The battle of the media Giants!!!

By Charlotte MerryPublished 2 months ago 3 min read
The TikTok -USA Tug-of-War
Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

As the year drew to an end, the US Congress passed a bill that forbade TikTok from federal government devices, which was the first step against the social media giant. This resolution, which was made with national security predilections in mind, has put fears about TikTok's data privacy violations, and its potential for spreading disinformation due to its relations to China, into focus.

The process of regulating or banning TikTok outright in the US has been very wriggly, filled with all the legal complications and politicking. Having been issued by President Trump on the 20th of 2020, the executive order for the acquisition of TikTok by an American owned company was struck down in the courts and unpacked by President Biden. Biden team, instead, pursued a security audit of Chinese-owned apps, including TikTok, aiming to put in place stronger data privacy policies rather than explicitly prohibiting the app.

As a strategic shift the government has chosen the Chamber act as the first bill that will empower the Department of Commerce to ban TikTok and other foreign based applications. This is in its entirety, a broader approach on the issue of TikTok’s security concerns without passing the Red line that is a clear violation of the First Amendment rights.

In harmony with federal policies, many states have executed separate bans on TikTok for state workers' phones, carrying the same national security concerns. With the case-sending Montana move to file a motion to prohibit TikTok statewide, the immediate move was blocked by a federal judge due to the possible First Amendment violation. The test-case is expected to be tried in 2024, and will be crucial in determining the extent to which the government can regulate social media networks.

The responsiveness of TikTok to the legislative and legal challenges has been notable as it has been prominent in terms of ensuring data privacy security and providing a safe online platform. Whether it is the app’s addiction factor or its data security and content moderation policies, these issues have come to light during some congressional hearings and debates in society. In spite of the political and legal disputes, TikTok remains a central element of the digital culture in U.S., and its users crosses many demographics, what showcases a going-on between national safeties and the digital culture.

By the year 2024, the case of TikTok functions as a criterion in assessing future international relations' situations in the digital ecosystem. The results of laws such as the Commonwealth Approach to this issue, as well as the ongoing litigations at state level will have immense implication for how governments will be regulating foreign technology companies. The TikTok Tug-of-war has more than just a policy debate, it represents the wider effort in ensuring that national security is not jeopardized while at the same time protecting freedom of expression.

As a summary, TikTok issue is about the relationship between a technology, law and politics in the USA. With the policymakers, legal professionals and the public all trying to make sense of these controversies, these decisions made today will fundamentally affect digital landscape for years to come, resulting in the importance of cybersecurity, international relations, and the digital rights in a rapidly advancing connected world.

The debacle between TikTok and national security issues epitomize the constant battle between national security and technological advancement. By government's TikTok frown TikTok icon in federal government devices, together with the state-level ban policies, government has become a war of interest. Efforts like Guard Act can be viewed as a projection of how digital sovereignty matters are seen and protected afresh. The new trend seems to suggest a shift towards legislation remedies. Although this stigma is portrayed in the mainstream media, there are cultural aspects of TikTok that will be incorporating into the modern culture, as well as, the struggles of promoting the platform.

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Charlotte Merry

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