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The man who couldn't be contained in a prison

By Jack MutindaPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Photo by Marco Chilese on Unsplash

In the year 1936, deep within the confines of the notorious Amori Prison in Japan, Yoshi Shiratori found himself imprisoned for a crime he vehemently insisted he did not commit. The weight of his wrongful accusation bore heavily upon him as he paced back and forth within his desolate cell, a place devoid of warmth and compassion. Determined to regain his freedom and escape the relentless mistreatment he endured daily, Shiratori embarked upon a journey of cleverness and patience, seeking a way to break free from his confines.

Shiratori's first step towards freedom involved meticulously observing the routines of the prison guards. He understood that a single misstep could spell disaster, so he committed himself to memorizing every minute detail of their movements. After months of careful study, a breakthrough emerged. He discovered a 15-minute gap in the guards' patrol from 5:30 a.m. to 5:45 a.m., a brief window of opportunity for his escape.

However, a new challenge presented itself. How would he pick the lock of his cell? Shiratori refused to be deterred by such a minor inconvenience. He noticed that the prisoners were provided with metal support rings on their bathing buckets. Realizing their potential, he smuggled one of these rings back to his cell, transforming it into a makeshift wire. With this unconventional tool in hand, he patiently awaited the perfect moment to put his plan into action.

When the clock struck 5:30 a.m. and the coast was finally clear, Shiratori's heart raced as he attempted to pick the lock. The coldness of his trembling hands and the fear of being caught added to the difficulty. After a few tense minutes, the lock finally yielded, and he kicked open his cell door, embarking on his path to freedom. The guards, returning at 5:45 a.m., were none the wiser. To them, everything appeared normal, with Shiratori seemingly sound asleep in his bed. Unbeknownst to them, he had strategically placed pieces of floorboard beneath his blanket to deceive them, buying himself precious time. It wasn't until the next morning that the truth would be discovered, but by then, Shiratori was long gone.

Little did Shiratori know that his escape from Amori Prison was merely the beginning of his extraordinary tale, earning him the moniker of the legendary Prison Break Magician. Just three days after his initial escape, he was recaptured while attempting to pilfer supplies from a hospital. The consequences were severe, as he received a life sentence for his audacious escape attempt. His hopes of reuniting with his beloved wife and daughter were dashed, rendering all his months of careful planning seemingly futile.

In 1942, Shiratori's prison ordeal took an even harsher turn when he was transferred to the dreaded Akita Prison. The conditions there were even more brutal than before, with guards eager to make an example out of him. Alongside grueling manual labor, he was subjected to sleeping on the unforgiving concrete floor during bone-chilling winters. When he wasn't toiling away, he was confined to solitary cells for extended periods, ensuring he never had a chance to hatch another escape plan.

Within these specially designed isolation cells, known for thwarting even the most cunning escape artists, Shiratori found himself in a dire predicament. The small confines boasted high ceilings and smooth copper walls, rendering any attempts to climb or exploit weaknesses seemingly impossible. To compound his misery, he was constantly handcuffed and subjected to mistreatment by the guards.

However, amidst the bleakness, one guard named Kobayashi extended a glimmer of compassion and concern towards Shiratori. Though small in gesture, his periodic check-ins provided a much-needed respite from the desolation Shiratori faced. Kobayashi's actions brought a semblance of solace within the confines of this dreadful place.

On a stormy night in June 15th, around midnight, the guards peered into Shiratori's solitary cell, only to find it empty. All that remained were the discarded handcuffs. How had he managed to escape this time? Shiratori possessed a deep understanding of the tricks to elude restraints, rendering them ineffective. With his hands freed, he defied the seemingly insurmountable copper walls by pressing his palms and soles of his feet against them, deftly ascending the unscalable surface. Though the ceiling window appeared sealed, Shiratori noticed the gradual decay of the wooden framing surrounding it. Night after night, when the guards were not watching, he painstakingly loosened the rotting frame until it finally gave way. Choosing a stormy night for his escape ensured his footsteps would be masked by the tempestuous weather.

Three months later, Shiratori found himself captured once again, this time while attempting to steal from a farmer's field. The authorities were relentless, eager to prevent a third escape. They incarcerated him in the notorious Abashiri Prison, situated in the unforgiving northern region of the country, where heavy snowfall deterred prisoners from attempting to flee. Initial conditions were dire, as he was thrust into an open cell, exposed to the extreme cold while still clad in his summer prison uniform. The guards amplified their torment, worsening his situation. In a fit of anger, Shiratori even broke his handcuffs before their eyes, but this act only invited further retribution. He found himself locked in a cell, restrained by heavy iron shackles on his wrists and ankles, necessitating the intervention of a blacksmith for release.

Shiratori, undeterred, vowed to escape once more, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds. Every day during meal deliveries, he carefully dripped miso soup on his iron shackles and the food slot on his cell door. This gradual erosion weakened the metal, eventually enabling him to slip out of his restraints. Although the opening remained too small for a person to pass through, Shiratori resolved to dislocate his own shoulder, allowing him to slip through the narrow gap. Once again, he had attained his freedom, becoming the first person to escape from Abashiri Prison.

For a year, Shiratori eluded capture, living in hiding and defying the authorities. However, his freedom was short-lived. One day, while sitting on a park bench, a fellow park-goer unknowingly sat next to him, unaware of his true identity. Touched by the stranger's kindness, Shiratori felt compelled to reveal himself. He was promptly arrested yet again, but this time, the court reevaluated his case, revoking the harsh conditions of his sentence. Consequently, he was transferred to the more comfortable Fuchu Prison in Tokyo, where he eventually gained his release due to exemplary behavior.

The tale of Yoshi Shiratori, the legendary Prison Break Magician, serves as a testament to the indomitable human spirit in the face of seemingly insurmountable obstacles. His tenacity, resourcefulness, and unwavering determination allowed him to defy the confines of imprisonment time and time again. Despite enduring immense hardships, Shiratori's story serves as a reminder that the human spirit can transcend even the most oppressive circumstances, ultimately seeking and achieving freedom.


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    JMWritten by Jack Mutinda

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