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The internet of things


By Alain juniorPublished 3 years ago 8 min read

The internet (world wide web):

The internet is a type of wild access network that interconnects that worldwide into several sort of communication this could be data been transferred through sound, images, texts and other forms of sending communication that is the internet.

The WWW (world wide web) is some different. This is what maintain the use of web pages on the internet and it works in the three forms there is the HTTP which stand for hypertext transfer protocol and the HTTPs which stands for hypertext transfer protocol secure.

There is other sort of form in which this technology is used like the HTML and the UTP which stand for both hypertext markup language and shielded twisted pair.

This is for people and organization to be able to use an intranet and a private network of connection but also an extra-net which allow people outside of the privet connection sector to access the network with restrictions.

Internet of things:

The use of physical internet device can be access by multiple people at a time.

Some people could use it in a privet way as well. this could be done by setting a password to the physical devices the more general way in which smart devices are used by a group is to socialize the use of smart devices has become more mobile than ever before.

This means that it is easier to transport smart devices everywhere you go now than before this is now the case due to the use of 4G and 3G technology than have been used along.

This has brought about the existence of experimental interaction which is when an new sort of technology whether it will be for communication or other purpose is been experimented by an individual.

This could be a new way of sending messages this is to see all of the benefit that this will have on the general people that use similar technology and if it will improve the life of those people and it also be to see what are the cones of this new form of communication.

The internet of things could be developed further to have some help for people this could be in different forms.

One of those could be the connection of all the physical hardware to one device or one application that will make it easy for people to be able to interact with those devices as they will only need one application to do so.

This could be for most need like the user not been leaving their house and having to make all their work in one location. This could be for several factors like if they are doing a job that does not require any physical move or I they are disable.

IOT could be developed to help them in a way that they will be able to operate all those tasks without having to be moving from one place to another.

They could do one purchase or communicate with people in different location using this IOT technology.


This is the use of the internet or IOE in a way that could be to send information related to notices and alerts as examples.

IOE could be used in this way to inform someone about an event that is happening which they are not aware of and need to be aware of like an emergency incident that is happening.

One could be a smell detecting device or a heat detecting device. If the device detects a nasty smell or an increase in temperature, then it will send an alert to a person usually the person which is in charge of the place in which the event is happening.

And the device will send the notification electronically on that individual’s mobile device to alert them about and increase in heat in their house or a hazardous smell.

A more common form of this use of IOE is for security most people will purchase a device that will trigger an alarm at night if someone is trying to break into their home to steal.

This type of technology is like security surveillance cameras that will alert a special group of people if it detects any suspicious activity been done.

Home appliance:

There are many types of home appliance that could sue this technology for many different purposes and many different advantages.

One of the ways in which IOE could be utilize in a house could be for energy consumption. One example will be the devices like the heater, or the light been automatically switch off after it has finished been used.

this could be the case as some people will forget to turn on the light after leaving the room or fall asleep while the heater is still turning on.

As a result of this lots of electricity unnecessary will be wasted and the effect of it will be such as an increase in the energy bill of the individual so IOE will be utilize to save energy in a sufficient way in order to only have the necessary amount of energy to be used.

The other way in which IOE could be set up in a house will be in case the place in occupied by either elderly or disable people which could not be activity doing any household chores.

So, with the use of IOE device like a smart automatic vacuum cleaner the house if dirty could be vacuumed without the disable or elderly person having to make any physical move.


As the internet of everything could be used for a more privet environment like your house, it also could be sued for more general public environment like outside.

One previously discussed example was the security cameras set for surveillance on the streets these are IOE powered device that will track every single activity been down on the street twenty four hours.

This will enable people like the police department or people in charge of taking care of the public security to be more productive due to this new IOE technology as it will immediately send them any activity that have been occurring and deems suspicious.

Another example of this could be the use of traffic light building smart traffic light that could be sued automatically is also another innovation of this new IOE technology because to most traffic light works automatically, however it could be further improved by this like predicting an accident happening and preventing the other cars on the road to slow down or to make them avoid the accident coming by automatically changing light signal.


The way the internet of everything could be used for organization will be mostly for unlimited communication is several different types of ways.

This will mean that an organization will be able to talk to each other in perhaps secret ways if required.

This is more precise on organization that will deal with social concerns such as illicit activities been conducted the investigation of such activity been their task to be carried out could be involving the use of IOE.

One example will be to send one of the organization's member to investigate on a particular situation by interviewing and individual and while interviewing the individual on a particular subject they could be covertly recording their conversation on an IOE powered smart device that will be unnoticeable to distract all attentions.

Another way an organization could use the IOE technology is for studying and targeting client they might use this to try and study the client activity on the internet to see what they're constantly looking up for and what they could be watching.

This will give the organization a clue of what the client might be interested the most in but doing this could be every hard for the actual organization that sell product to the client.

As they will have to be following the client on the internet twenty four hour seven all the time and this will take a lot of time for the organization to do so as a result they will have to automate the product and this is when the use of IOE comes into consideration.

As they will use a smart software that will automatically track the client's activity on the internet and see what it is they are constantly looking and not looking at and with this data the software could automatically build a list of recommendation for the client that the will be interested in

The other use of IOE for an organization will be for their own productivity mostly id they are a company that will ship products and deliver them this are mostly for huge eCommerce companies.

Which means, will sell lots and lots of product over the internet.

They will be processing lots of product daily and this will make it harder for the organization to make sure that their employee have fulfill all of the order without making any mistakes.

As a result, they will also automate the whole process by using IOE machines that will be organizing all of the orders packaging and delivery either by drones to the client once they have received an order this will make it easier for the company to manage their online sales.

Global impact:

The impact of the internet of everything has been more for the basic needs if humanity and to make humans more able to access their basic need that allow them to survive like agriculture.

As the human population increases, there are need for more effective ways of farming and producing food of the population as there are some technology that have been developed to make sure that this is working out.

One of them is the automatic way of getting the growing crops to be watered this will make sure that plants are more watched over and it will also prevent the waste of this also.

As the IOE device will know exactly which amount of water will be needed and this is also beneficial as it will watch the plant all day long as a result will know when the plant need to be watered or not without the need of someone been physically present.

The other beneficial use of the internet of everything is for research since due to the internet of everything we could develop more smart devices that could operate some tasks that us human could not do, it will reassure that we will be able to discover some new discoveries that will take us a long time to understand or discover now due to the internet of everything we will be discovering more new studies in several different field faster than before because the new smart devices that we have made are more advance than we could be.

This could be in the form of developing satellite to orbit and explore space with the aim of finding new discoveries about space satellites are huge object that get launched in space to help humans make some new discoveries about other parts of the universe.


About the Creator

Alain junior

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