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The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Blockchain Technology

Blockchain technology is set to be revolutionized by artificial intelligence

By Joe HarkinsPublished 2 years ago 6 min read
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Blockchain Technology
Photo by Possessed Photography on Unsplash

As artificial intelligence (AI) continues to progress, it will inevitably start to intersect with other fields, especially blockchain technology. Blockchain technology is all about decentralization, eliminating the middleman, and making information more easily accessible; these are all core aspects of AI, so it’s natural that the two fields would eventually collide. But what does this mean for both fields? How will artificial intelligence influence blockchain technology, and how will blockchain technology affect AI development? Let’s take a look at what the future holds!

What is Artificial Intelligence on BlockChain

It is proposed that AI will become a disruptive technology for blockchain since it enables computer programmers to embed logic and decision-making capabilities into any blockchain application. There are some good use cases for applying artificial intelligence to blockchains, including prediction markets, digital rights management, computer vision and image analysis systems. However, there is also danger in trying to marry two very different technologies. When used properly though, integrating AI into a blockchain framework could unlock new applications and use cases that weren’t possible before. Not only can AI improve existing applications within blockchain networks, but it may also lead to entirely new forms of distributed computing services being built on top of these platforms in ways that we can’t even predict yet.

Advantages of AI over Human Researchers

We’ve just begun to harness artificial intelligence for research. For example, AI can monitor thousands of news stories, extract key themes and identify trends in a matter of minutes that would take human researchers weeks to do—and at little cost to boot. Much more powerful and useful is when AI is applied in real-time to provide insight into customer issues or fraud detection. The power, speed and accuracy with which AI can detect patterns would be hugely beneficial if applied to address customer complaints (before they escalate) or detect fraud by monitoring billions of transactions across a multitude of channels. And that’s just a small part of what it will be able to do in the future. AI will also have a significant impact on customer service in other ways. Imagine AI answering your call after you’ve dialed your bank or credit card company—or, better yet, doing so before you dial. It can read your voice mail and reply to questions via text messages or email with suggested answers. This way customers get accurate information immediately instead of having to wait days for a response from an understaffed call center employee who may not even know how to answer their question correctly anyway. When it comes to banking, AI can help prevent costly fraud as well as account takeover attacks.

Disadvantages of AI over Human Researchers

There are many advantages AI has over human researchers, but it also comes with some disadvantages. The amount of data that AI can consume and analyze at once is immense. It can take days for a human to research every aspect necessary to complete one task. By using AI in blockchain technology, more tasks could be completed at a faster rate than ever before, with less errors and imperfections along the way. However, artificial intelligence can lack creativity and emotions that humans have; if an AI was controlling every transaction made on a blockchain network then it would make perfect sense for everyone who used it (as long as everyone kept their access keys). Due to its lack of emotion or mercy, however, people may not feel comfortable trusting their money or identity to an unemotional machine.

Future Outlook for AI in Blockchain

While many are under the impression that artificial intelligence and blockchain are completely separate entities, it’s important to note that both rely heavily on big data analysis. They can be used in tandem with one another to provide a better overall experience for users. For example, AI can analyze transaction patterns and suggest methods for optimizing smart contracts, as well as detect fraud before transactions even go through. Because AI is adaptive and flexible by nature, it allows for customization in a way that blockchain technology alone cannot achieve; it may be able to help develop blockchain applications aimed at very specific industries. It is worth noting, however, that there will likely always be certain limitations with regards to AI in blockchain; there may come a point when algorithms simply cannot keep up with exponential growth or ever-changing user behaviors.

How AI will Change the Way we Manage our Digital Assets

It’s no secret that artificial intelligence is set to change many industries, especially when it comes to big data. One area where AI can have a big impact is with our digital assets. In fact, we already see banks, financial service providers and even governments leveraging big data and machine learning for things like fraud detection and identity theft protection. While cryptocurrency investors still need to protect their digital assets in ways that are similar to how traditional finance works—keeping your assets secure from hackers and identity thieves—artificial intelligence has huge potential in helping us manage our assets more effectively.

Trends of Artificial Intelligence

We’re all familiar with artificial intelligence by now. It’s a burgeoning technology that has captured our imaginations. But what are its trends? Where is it going next? These are some questions we should be asking ourselves, as AI continues to impact our daily lives in new and exciting ways. AI will continue to affect every industry imaginable. In fact, there are many industries where AI is already having an impact. Take healthcare for example: AI can help doctors diagnose patients more quickly and accurately than ever before. And in business—AI can help us predict patterns faster than ever before. Let’s take a look at how AI affects blockchain technology specifically...

AI helps track data across numerous platforms and devices—meaning that you don’t have to spend time uploading or exporting your information from one system to another just so you can make sense of it. AI helps identify issues early on, meaning that you get notified when something looks off without spending time actually looking through your data manually. And AI even helps solve problems in real-time—meaning that you never need to wait hours or days for an issue you know about to get solved (or for someone else to notice!). This has major benefits when it comes to blockchain technology, which relies heavily on maintaining records securely and reliably 24/7! If something goes wrong with any part of your infrastructure while relying on AI, chances are high that other parts will pick up immediately!


Last year, we saw AI systems move from science fiction to pop culture. One of those AI projects is DeepMind, an artificial intelligence system that became really good at a computer game called Go by studying human players and learning from their patterns. DeepMind could play Go better than any human being in history. The emergence of AI in gaming is not only a testament to how much these systems can learn, but also an example of what’s possible for neural networks and machine learning in today’s world. As IBM Watson continues to grow and become more intelligent, there are many exciting possibilities that could be made possible through blockchain technology working with artificial intelligence systems.

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About the Creator

Joe Harkins

Hey, I'm a freelance writer and like to create some stories and blog as well.

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