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Technology’s Role in Hybrid Work | Abe Rahey

Abe Rahey on technology's role in hybrid work.

By Abe RaheyPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Hybrid work environments have become progressively more popular in recent years. Prized for their ability to facilitate flexibility and independence, hybrid work opportunities are common in all sectors of the economy. As more people turn to hybrid and remote work, technology will play an increasingly larger role. Business leaders looking to optimize technology’s role in their hybrid work environments should consider the following when making key business decisions.

Prioritize Security

Remote work has increased employee and employer reliance on digital connections. The digital world is more susceptible to attacks than traditional, in-person communications. The more sensitive data a company makes accessible via cloud software, the more at-risk they are of a compromising cyberattack. As a result, business leaders should invest heavily in software tools that bolster data safety. Users should apply this technology to both internal operations, like data storage and employee communications, like email. In particular, business leaders should employ best practices against ransomware attacks.

Focus on Technology that Streamlines Operations

A hybrid work environment includes both in-person and remote work. Certain technology tools can help workers better navigate the challenges of jumping from one world to another. For example, retail operations employing a hybrid work schedule can utilize tools like a planogram software to conduct work remotely, then work to apply the planogram during in-person operations. Each industry has its own answer to hybrid work problems – rest assured that your solution is out there.

Find Communication Tools that Work

Communication is one of the greatest hurdles of the hybrid work environment. The inability to gather all employees in a single space can make for stilted communication. In some cases, it can lead to misunderstandings, which can have larger implications for a business. It is therefore essential that businesses prioritize communication tools that work for their businesses. Meeting software is not a one-size-fits-all solution, so consider trying out several options before making a decision.

Keep an Eye Out for Emerging Tech

Increasingly, businesses are providing workers with work-from-home and remote options. This will inevitably lead to new innovations in hybrid work technology. While business leaders may be satisfied with the tools they currently use, better solutions may become available. Consider keeping track of new and emerging technologies that can streamline hybrid work, like altered reality and artificial intelligence applications.


About Abe Rahey

Technology has always played a big part of Abe Rahey's life. As a teenager, Abe quickly learned that the video games he played with his friends would open a door to a more in-depth role-- not as a player, but as a developer. Even though Abe didn't have knowledge of any programming languages, he wrote down ideas for game after game using natural language until he had the ability to learn code.

When first learning to code, Abe quickly picked up the procedural languages of Java, BASIC, and C, and it quickly snowballed into Abe creating his own games and even running his own server. Before he had even graduated from high school, the 3D Portal Network that Abe had created had been purchased by GameSpy, a browsing platform that is incredibly popular today. Abe worked with the company in a management position for almost a decade, helping them transition to IGN Entertainment and then Fox Interactive.

After high school, Abe Rahey received his Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science from the University of Arizona. His experience in the jobs that he held after college attracted Google's attention, leading him to move from Phoenix, Arizona, to Mountain View, California to take up the role of Senior Director of Engineering. He's held the position for over 14 years. Throughout his tenure at Google, he gained experience in a number of different things, such as Product and Enterprise Infrastructure. He prides himself on being a fair, logical, and diplomatic leader. To learn more about Abe Rahey, be sure to visit his websites!

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About the Creator

Abe Rahey

Abe Rahey is a talented entrepreneur and digital engineer with a long-standing career at Google. Follow along to read his posts on technology, and visit AbeRahey.com to learn more about his footprint in the industry.

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