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Money Is A Scam

Psychology as to why have money (relationship)

By umer aliPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Money Is A Scam
Photo by Freddy Kearney on Unsplash

but it is a real treasure for our family.

Money Is A scam that we need to fall for?

The brave man who would risk everything for the ones that he loved.

Does he seem like he's out of place in this age of bank transactions?

In this age, it is more common for a man to walk away from his family, his home, his business.

The money is the most important thing to him.

It is all he seems to care about.

That's the way I see it.

The person who uses the money that you earn belongs in a bad place.

He doesn't have to be in the banks.

He could be a middle man.

But the man is not concerned about who you have used to make your money.

He just wants you to have his money.

The evil I can see in his heart would scare any woman.

He would use her like a whore, until she is drained of all her energy, so he can get what he really wants.

The crazy guy is not making money for you, or the world.

He's making money for himself.

Now he has you because you gave him your confidence and a little piece of your soul.

He also has your life because you gave him the ability to use you.

He is so focused on himself that he doesn't see that his addictions are taking everything from you.

I see many of you have the same situation.

I believe the evil that comes with the evil comes from our own sides.

The evil person's view of the world is distorted.

He sees it the way he wants it to be.

So, in essence, he isn't necessarily a bad guy.

He has seen the world that he thinks is acceptable.

He has seen the bad place of the world, where everyone is out to take advantage of the others and feed on their despair.

When he is confronted with a woman like you, who is a real person, with some imagination and talent, he has to use the very thing that he doesn't want in order to have you.

That's how I see it.

Are you a good person or a good person who has fallen for the bad guy?

If you are a good person, a kind and gentle woman, you won't fall for the bad guy.

Even if the bad guy uses you to take the money.

The only thing that matters to you is that you find the truth.

Not what other people think.

You will know that the evil that is in your man's heart is not the one that you want to have in your life.

reason why money is a scam: Anyone who tells you they will give you your own money back if you give it to them, is lying to you.

If that is the case, why do they still keep telling you?

they tell you they'll pay you every time they come by.

All you are doing is paying them and they never really pay you.

Is it because they never really took it and kept it?

There is a common principle in life; to pay for what you get.

It's what's called being a law - abiding citizen.

When you pay for what you get, you are legally responsible.

And it is what people call accountability.

Most people want to be accountable for what they do and they feel very upset when they do something that is dishonest.

They find it very shameful.

You are not expected to pay your friends back if they make a bad decision.

They are on their own for that.

You shouldn't expect to pay people back if you make a bad decision.

If you have a financial problem that you've been trying to solve for years, you may find the solution in therapy, in real estate, or in some other type of negotiation with a debt collector.

Be aware that the IRS will do everything within its power to collect from you.

In effect, you have to pay them first, before you start negotiating.

Don't put all your debt on one credit card.

You don't want to run into problems with that.

If you decide to make an appointment to see the bankruptcy attorney, I suggest that you also make an appointment to see a credit counselor too.

A counselor can help you to work out a plan so that you can pay off your debt.

But do not get into this process if you don't know what you're doing.

You have to research what you're doing.

There is a lot of information out there and you have to be able to make an informed decision.

Making a mistake could be a disaster.

They are the most painful, confusing and difficult decisions.

You are trying to do the right thing, but your judgment can't keep up with the fact that you are in emotional pain.

Too many people end up making an irreversible decision because they made a mistake.

This can be a personal decision to end a relationship.

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About the Creator

umer ali

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